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Everything posted by Waterboatman

  1. I think as this letter was an instruction, or better a request. It really required the solicitors to agree to it, I think if this had not been so late in the day, that they would have declined. Laddo I think you can confirm this. Its a sorry mess created by good intentions, the solicitors should simply have declined, as their client was no more, they fudged. Mistake. Has the term 'power of attorney' been mentioned? No one can act as your effective guardian without this. Laddo check this, I am not a legal bod. My legal connections are 'extinct'.
  2. Eustace have you ever been part of a machine, such as a motorcycle or perhaps another being such as riding a horse? I find that myself, my consciousness includes, extends over and includes that which I am part of. I now spend a lot of time in a wheelchair, it has in effect become an extension of myself. Once something becomes hard wired in the base brain, it is part of self. When eyes and visual information are lacking, the self looks for its boundaries, we grow that is normal, so self looks where do I extend to now? I am very short with words, we are different types. Yet differing types can be useful to each other. An old phrase yet good, "opposites attract".
  3. Mihaela solicitors are expensive and should be used sparingly, for legal work only. Paying your bills is not something you should have asked them to do. Your medical appointments are harder to get and more important than going to an 'Autism Working Group'. It is already too late to solve what has already been done, your solicitors will happily charge you until you have nothing left. That is how they are. Granted when you have nothing left and are on the point of becoming homeless, the 'state' system will become interested, just try to make sure you run out just after 'April'. At the moment councils are very low on funds. You really are a desperate person, getting further into a desperate mess, it hurts to know there is nothing I can do to help you.
  4. Eustace in answer to your original post. 1. Floating, drifting, self is just an image, maybe it extends into the surroundings. 2. Thoughts need not be in spoken language, colours, images, taste, smell, touch, emotions, pain. I know no real way of translating these, I get 'what sort of pain'? I can answer in 'programming language'. Shnoing I quite often get a strange look or comment, a toddler exclaiming to her mother "what is that", her father an odd look at me, my response, I take no notice and cary on as if nothing had been said. I never have been a conformist.
  5. 書き込み Kakikomi Translation, "writing". I had a great aunt who was half japanese. Text curtsy of Googles translate, only other languages I know are programming ones!
  6. Hum. I used to watch television, yet not no longer, I gave up a few years ago. It irritated me to such an amount that I could not watch it without being drunk. I am not without drinking alcohol yet I do not watch television. I would rather read a book, or just watch the outside, the sky. There is so little viewable TV, that I would think the TV licence is a simple attempt at fraud, an organisation relying on this fraudulent income should perhaps produce something of merit rather than the fake commercial rubbish that they now put out! Or at least the last time I saw it, daytime TV, dentists etc show it, if there is no one about I switch it off.
  7. Laddo if someone else fills out the form for you, and signs, it should help with your case. But you are still likely to go through ATOS, I do not think a diagnoses for 'AS' is enough, especially as you have been able to work. If your condition is deteriorating enough for a good medical reason why you can not work, then you may pass. Thats really between you and your doctors. A huge amount of good luck is needed as well, with whoever actually looks at your case at ATOS. I got a NZ doctor, relieved I think to be able to pass someone through. It will also help if you have someone with you for support.
  8. Pari how long ago did you start claiming ESA? Also I assume your claim is backed up by a complete medical history. I know I am being a bit nosey. All new claims unless the medical stuff is compelling will go through ATOS. I was seen a year after claiming, now they are not trawling through existing claimants. The time lag between claiming and being seen will be shorter.
  9. Bad news. ESA involves ATOS, much dreaded as they are paid to find reasons why someone could work and so can not claim ESA. You have to be a total wreck and more or less house bound by your condition, and face a genuine doctor who has some knowledge of your condition, to have any hope of passing. Max time on ESA without facing ATOS should be no more than three months. The reception desk had boxes of hanks for the tearful refused. Most people. Benefits stopped and your doctor is ordered not to give you any more sick notes. If you pass ATOS and remain on ESA, either 'support group' or 'working group', 'working group' is for seriously ill/disabled who could work and have to do a scaled down version of what you currently do on JSA. As remaining on ESA involves being paid more money, its unlikely that you will get past ATOS. Wether you should even start on this path is doubtful, I do not know you, so can say no more.
  10. As said before, social skills are uppermost. Academic qualifications smooth the way. ASD's can be very difficult to be around, I am intelligent, high functioning and while young employable. Where possible social skills should be taught in preference to anything else first for any that may be considered lacking.
  11. As an old gentle being, if you know of bullying, stop it, one way or another. Its not good for either!
  12. Being able to function with the 'norms', just to be able too. I have to get on with those around me. SO DO YOU. No pretence, without support where are you?
  13. I am not a doctor. Yet. Your topic title is ####### ###### For a start all white's are hybrids already. The populations move. Its only the 'demented' who insist on genetical pure 'white' populations or cultures exist. 'England' has been repopulated several times. By Germanic tribes! and others.
  14. Mihaela, like myself you are complicated, too complicated for the basic support system. I am now, ("Support Group", ESA), and yet as I do fit the basic model, problems, falling between supported models. So confused operators struggle or discard silently. No point making load noises about this, its a basic human failing. Give them a bit of space and try again, gently, like talking to a child. If you know that, you can not this, PM me and I will do this for you. I am switching my PM on.
  15. Trekster, no ill feelings. Granted a somewhat annoyed at the time. Me a great big 'irish wolf hound' of a man, fierce yet gentle. (Depends on your hound). And theres me stuck in a wheelchair, well almost. X
  16. Even at 50+ if there was really a cure, I would go for it. Come on really, if you are a high functioning, would you rather be rid of the problems? Asperics are intelligent despite their defect ASD, not because of it.
  17. Frustration. Eat, Drink, Sleep. Best solutions to any problem. Do not annoy others around you, the sanatorium used to scare me. It could come back! We only live with the support or sufferance from others. DO NOT FORGET THAT.
  18. Gentle reminder you are wondering off topic. Bullying is a twin focused problem. First there has to be a victim, someone who can not escape, or will not escape. Next there has to be a person who will take advantage. It is also a problem of non observance. This is a reality of our existence, throughout time those who can not justify their existence perish.
  19. Going through the mill again. I expect a quite a few a few of you have experienced, have gone through a similar process. Fresh diagnoses, no progress, a clinician, a consultant doctor no less, puzzled, struggling. The ASD aspergic spectrum throws up individuals like myself, puzzling, how could we such powerful intellects function, work in a real environment for decades? Answer with tolerance from others. I am angry at the moment, no pain, NO POLITICS.
  20. Loneliness is a prime driver in the stronger. He may have spotted you were lonely, and so mustered the strength to approach. Be gentle. However strong they may appear, be gentle. Lions are just playful kittens, just larger and a lot stronger.
  21. Eat, drink, smoke something illegal, calm down. Try if you can, when you think you can, talk to someone who will listen. Whatever my faults, I listen. I have on more than one occasion, listened.
  22. If there was really a cure without destroying myself, I would sell everything I have to get it. I am a high functioning who has worked for much of my life. If as I now think this defect is due to a small error in our genetics, and this could be spotted long before birth. Then without doubt it should be prevented. I mean Abortion. Really along with Downs this is a disaster for all concerned. I know many sufferers are delusional due to extent of this fault, no one with this fault can live life without tolerance from others. Economic reality, means its tough for youngsters who are sufficiently normal and full functioning, with really good university degrees. How really do you expect the world to treat defective youth? Its not just ASD, there are a few other defects roaming about. ASD well named, Aspergers too the bin. The problems associated with this fault are heavily and painfully shown in the extreme examples, classic Autism. "Higher End Autistics" show similar related problems to a lesser degree.
  23. I am one of the generation that went through school with corporal punishment as an option, I only remember being smacked as a five year old as I did not feel anything other than a gentle pat. The option to smack plus other sensible options were used only as needed, granted I went to a good Army school in West Germany, and on later to a reasonable sized fairly good junior in the UK. I knew of no bullying of any kind during my stay at the school in Germany, small children can be exasperating, yet the teachers were of a calibre to cope without fuss. I really do not think there was any bullying of any significance in the junior school either, I had my legs pinched by the person next to me, others said move somewhere else, my neighbour was affable otherwise so I stayed put. The secondary school was just a lot bigger, it was still dominated by a proper Grammar School ethos, and was yet to decline. The cane was a little used threat. First year, I knew the toughs personally, good blokes, never gave me any cause for worry, we are such a different generation! Second year a different streamed class, some trouble, yet I actually became friends with one of them. Once puberty hit and I started to get big, thats me very long free flowing hair down to the middle of my back and Jesus boots, nothing just very few friends. Most bullying is due to the vulnerability of the victim. If a dispute breaks out between two, one is armed with only a feather duster, and the other is not allowed to touch or restrain in any way, but only has a thermal nuclear weapon. Sounds slightly silly, a child being naughty in a way perhaps that it needs a quick shock to stop it, yet your not allowed to do anything. So the child is later goes through the medical system?? Is that not as daft as using a thermal nuclear weapon against someone with a feather duster?? There are many ways to prevent bullying. One is, do not make neatly packaged helpless victims, and care nothing for what happens, saying it the schools job to do that. Keep schools small enough so that its easy to spot something wrong, and have a simple consistent discipline. Keep politics out of everything, all the fluffy liberal nonsense thats being going on over recent generations, is one of the main causes of the current mess. It will take a generation or two to fix things, that is something for parents of the upcoming generation to sought out, it really is not a subject for those who are not and will never be involved in bringing up children. Thats it from me, I will not make another post on this topic.
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