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Everything posted by CarolJ

  1. Helllo all, tis me - Yes ASM is back in da house - did someone mention vaccination???????? Sorry have not posted in a while but both my computers died a death one with nasty virus and memory problems on the other! (Mind you if they offered vaccination for my computer I would have to think twice - -perhaps get the virus done separately LOL) - I'll stick with my new Norton Antivurs thanks - pity could not give it to my kids!) Well, lets just hope this is the start of things to come and that autism rates start to drop. I am glad that mercury was taken out of DPTs, you do have to specifically ask for it in the UK but it is avaialble, be prepared for an argument though, as to why you think your child should have it, but it is available. I just wish that the UK kept central register for ASDs. I have had the report from my local Children's Disability Register, ASDs have mushroomed (and those are just the ones on the Disability Register! - there are manyothers who are not registered). There are 85 on the register in my immediate area. They are in clusters! - Perhaps it could be they are attending a local surgery? Who knows, by the way I have been emailing Professor Jean Golding, Bristol university who has been commissioned to do a study on autism with a database of 14,000 children that were born in the 90s. I appealed to her to look into the subject of vaccination and carry out clinical trials on children who have reportedly regressed or developed atypical autism, she was really nice but she she said it was to be an epidimological (statistical) study of the existing database trying to ascertain any patterns. I just hope that patterns emerge (god forgive me for the poor children affected) but questions are raised which prompt further clinical studies to try and ascertain the causes of autism -whatever it is! Many doctors/professionals on the British Medical Journal agree there is an environmental influence which is causing the rising number of autism (1 in 86) but nnoone yet knows what it is. My argument is why arent adults developing autism then, surely if it was something environmental adults would be developing problems (perhaps not as severely as chlldren) but there would be certain susceptible adults who would show effects - it has to be something that is done only to children, of course heavy vaccination schedules do spring to mind! One day the truth will be revealed in themeantime I am going on a demonstration on 26th at Royal Courts of Justice and a Safety Talk on MMR locally on 21st - I have many questions to put to the Immunoligist - I have visiions of being arrested but hey, publicity for any causes is a good thing! We need to find out what it is "environmentally" is causing mushrooming cases of atypical or regressive autism which results in a child who is developing as expected to suddenly regress and become severely autistic, loose ability to speak or understand verbal language with associated bowel problems - will stop here as repeatign myself! Have been going through video footage and photographs of scottie when he was a baby. I have got him talking, pointing, responding to verbal instructions, interracting socially and giving loads of eye contact to myself as I was holding the camera and interracting with his sister, god love him there were no signs - I looked to see any but could not. I have had other mums look at the tape and they have agreed that their NT kids were doing the same thing at that age. I have video tape taken after when scottie was 17 months old and he is displaying signs, peripheral vision, hand flapping, no eye contact and you can see a few faint rashy spots on him from the rash that he developed. He also for the camera, bless him, decides to take a dump mid stride, this was then he had developed the dirroeah which doctors told me was toddler dirroeah), start of his gut problems you can also see a bump on his head where he kept falling over, his balance seemed to have been affected. Of course this is not proof, it is proof that my son very quickly became autistic it is a record of a child becoming autistic, as I have said before the only event that seemed to precipitate the change was MMR. But this is the story of my ittle boy, there are many others who tell a very similar story. Hopefully one day the answers will come to light and we can all rest easier with decisions we need to make as responsible parents. Will climb down off soap box now, as its looking a bit ricketety and looks as if it could collapse any minute - causing major earthquakes with after effects causing sunami sized tidals waves around the world! Opps, at least it would take my mind off the vaccination issue! Shutting up!
  2. CarolJ

    The Batcave

    Just to add to this ASM wonders how young Duane faired? Obviouis teacher's pet? Did he do well? The educator educates bright young minds as well as parental minds. Dealing with parents that you just want to say, "No wonder he's a little so and so, look at you!". ASM has met parents who believe their children are sweet little angels , butter would not melt and say, keep away from Reece, he's a bad influence, but in reality it is their little angel who is the instigator and little , some parents are blind and need a reality check not to mention a slap! How do you keep your cool Jester. RESPECT! ASM
  3. CarolJ

    The Batcave

    says ASM mama bear! Ahhh sweet revenge, ASM notices empty jar of "rabbit leavings" on kitchen side and smells the dusty mothball aroma of the hobbity educator alias The Jester! Serves him right smiles ASM to herself, she turns to walk out of the bat-kitchentte but steps on a spilled can of Tesco's own larger, ASM loses her footing (legs flailing around like a scene from Bambi on Ice) and skids headfirst into the batfridge, her head bounces off the side of the refridgerdare, denting it in the process (the fridge) unconscious she slips to the floor into the pool of cheap larger! Now picture the scene, anyone walking in would just assume that ASM has just had a bit too much laying there with an empty can beside her, snoring in a pool of spilled larger! Do you see see how easy it is to form the wrong impression of someone! Poor ASM, her status as a serious grimefighter and reputation could be damaged if someone discovers her in this compromised position! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  4. Hey I forgot to mention there is a website called Autism Induced Allergy which has lots of info for g/f c/f diet. http://www.autismmedical.com/ Good luck all, lets just hope food manufactuerers start to introduce more gluten free food, I have seen sections in supermarket for the food but it was a very limited range. Take care
  5. Hiya all, I have decided to bite the bullet so to speak. I spoke to Paul Shattock today. I was lucky enough that he picked the phone up when I called the Univ. of Sunderland and I asked him a few questions. Anyway, as Scott is getting progessively worse, I always hoped he would start talking but aside from waiting for the results of the blood tests and MRI scan which i strongly suspect will not tell me very much although they are supposedly testing for food intolerences I am going to apply to the Univ. of Sunderland. Emma too is slipping further and futher behind and she suffers constipation whereas Scott goes about 10 timesa day! Am really nervous because if I implement the g/f c/f diet the whole family will have to go on it. I think it could be make or break time for other half! My kids total diet consist at the moment of yogurts, cheese dunkers/bread/breakfast cereal and milk, chocolate, breaded chicken nuggests. I strongly suspect my kids will think I am poisioning them or starving them! Still, it has to be done. I will go on it too and so will other half! Will fill out forms and get tests done first and then take it from there. David, would appreciate copy of that 15 pager if that is okay. will PM you with my email address. Thanks, not looking forward to all us having withdrawal symptoms at the same time! Would I get withdrawal I wonder or just the kids? Interestingly when I saw gastroenterologist he suggested medication for dirroeah. I refused and said I wanted to find out what was causing dirroeah not cover up symptoms! I am very distrustful of any medication now, the only thing I give my kids are disprol and calpol. They have to be really sick before I give them antibiotics. It gets you like that! Will be interesting to see what if any food intolerences they both have.
  6. CarolJ

    The Batcave

    ASM bites into the biggest most sumptious looking cookie she has seen in a long time! Mmmmmmm, eh? These choclate chips taste a bit - emmmm - rabbity? ASM puzzled reaches for the glass jar full of supposed chocolate chips, she turns round the jar and reads the label - "WARNING, NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION - THESE HAVE BEEN COLLECTED BY SUPERHEROINES FOR ANALYSIS FOR SUSPECTED RABBIT INFESTATION" - I will be back to collect later - signed De-Mystification Woman" Arrhhhhh'! ASM chokes on a mouthful of cookie, retching puts her hand over her mouth and makes a quick dash for the batloo, to no avail BRW is in the midst of her ablutions and the door says "Engaged". ASM bolts out of the batcave to get rid of the rabbit poop cookie! Meanwhile, the caped confuser is innocently chomping away wondering what exotic flavour these cookies remind her of? As CC is a vegetarian she cannot quite place the "rabbity" piquant! ASM has left the tray of steaming tempting looking cookies on the side of the Bat Kitchenette. Which unsuspecting superhero will be next to sample the not so wholesome cuisiene of ASM. Oh dear, Focus indeed .... perhaps I could jump in that pit with you. My son has been a little "**&$%^" today. Better still I might throw my boy in and run away!!! ........ he ran away in the park today and then headbutted me and kicked me in the knee OUCH when I tried to get him back in his major buggy! He keeps trying to get out - I think an electrified fence would be a good option!
  7. CarolJ

    The Batcave

    Ahhhh peace has been restored at last ... ASM takes herself off to the bat kitchenette for a much needed cuppa and hobknob, now that the dreaded Ban Button has been disabled (thanks to the Caped Confuser and Robbie). Humming to herself she muses on the episode of Blue Peter where they were making pancakes and one of the presenters, cant remember which one claimed to be an expert ######! In the kitchen ASM puts on the kettle, puts a PG tips bag in a mug saying "Eejit", left behind when DW fled rather quickly (that was another story reader) humming ASM opens the hobknob cupboard to find cobwebs! WHERE'S ALL THE HOBKNOBS???? ASM roars! ASM muttering to herself thinks of a plan, ahhhh, she spots at the back of cuboard, hidden behind a packet of dried tapioca (belong to the educator Jester, he likes to have school dinners even in the batcave) a bag of self-raising flour (on the back of the packet it reads Best Before 1995) oh well, muses ASM to herself, not to worry flour keeps for ever. She defly mixes the flour with milk and sugar and some bat-butter. In the mind of the resourceful superhero there is forming the mental picture of chocolate chip cookies, for she has spotted a jar full of rather large round brown (slightly mouldy) looking chocolate chips! Mmmmmmmmm, these will be delicous ASM's mouth watering in anticipation of the tasty treats! ASM mixes in three generous handfuls of the round brown choclate chips, picking out the sawdust and bits of what look like dried lettuce and carrot (ASM is not fussy) and pops the baking tray into the centre of the oven on gas mark 5. The smell of baking cookies wafts into the the batcave, the tastebuds of the assembled superheros start to water ..... The oven timer rings, ASM opens the oven and yummmmy, dont those cookies look good enough to eat ... "Anyone fancy a chocolate chip cookie?" she calls ......
  8. CarolJ

    The Batcave

    LOL Sheer genius there Caped Confuser! ROBBIE ignawring the howling cries of the thwarted Banman, hops away dropping a couple of pellets in his wake, ignorant of the part he has played in aiding the superchums! The superfolk are free to continue their mucky musings without the fear of being deleted!
  9. CarolJ

    The Batcave

    BG - perhaps it is best to remain innocent, of course as a born again Rainbow fan, I can no longer sit and watch the program with the innocence of childhood. I refer to my earlier "innocent" post of the script from an episode of Rainbow that was actually broadcast on children's TV. I am from Bar-the-lona! Eees not Rat, eees Siberian khamp-steer!
  10. CarolJ

    The Batcave

    Banman and DW, whatever do you mean???? Have your minds been corrupted by the Slighty Mucky side, it is a script for an innocent children's programme!!!! My my, the minds of some folks! A twanger is an instrument that you pluck! Did you not know this???? Would you like me to send you both the link, it is side-splittingly funny in its innocence and the actors do not smile or laugh once! Are you tempted? Let me know - ASM
  11. CarolJ

    The Batcave

    ASM frantically nailing "OUT OF ORDER" sign on bat cyber-loo - hopefully this will deter BRW! Hopefully
  12. CarolJ

    The Batcave

    Errr Lisa, I am having trouble working that one out. Answers on a PM pls snigger, snigger ...!! Oh those were the daze! I used to love Ruburb & Custard, the screen was all wobbly and flickering like the characters, when watching it you felt as if you were on medication of some sort! And yes, the Clangers! You know something I actually understood what they were saying "woooooooh whiip, woooooooooo" I could hear their words! Now that was worrying! I understand Clanger talk! I wonder if that was the start of my problems and I just LOVED the soup dragon! Does anyone remembe Pipkin and Harley Hare and what about Rainbow. This may be riskey [as this is a moderated site - it depends on how your mind works!] but this is an actual script from the Rainbow series, read it and laff - I can provide the link to the actual episode if anyone is interested!! For those of you who don't know, Rainbow was a credible childrens TV show from the 70's and 80's. This episode was actually broadcast and watched by millions of youngans. The sketch opens with Zippy peeling a banana... Zippy: " One skin, two skin, three skin, four skin" George: " Zippy, where is Bungle?" Zippy: " I think Geoffrey is trying to get him up" We see a view of the door and hear Bungle moaning from Behind it. Bungle: " Geoffrey, I can't get it in" Geoffrey: "You managed it last night" Bungle: "I know, let's try it round the other way. Ooooooh, I've got it in" Bungle and Geoffrey enter the studio with Bungle carrying a hammer and peg kit Bungle: " Would you stick this on the shelf, George" George: " I can't reach, you'll have to stick it up yourself, Geoffrey (to camera) " Hello everyone, today we are talking about playing" Bungle: " Playing with each other, Geoffrey?" Geoffrey:" Yes Bungle, do you have a special friend that you like to play with?" George:" Yesterday we played with each other's balls. Are we going to play with our friend's balls today? Bungle: " Yes, and we can play with our twangers as well." Geoffrey (to camera) Have you seen Bungles twanger? Zippy:" Oh I have, I showed him how to pluck with it." Bungle: " It's my plucking instrument." Geoffrey asks the audience if they can pluck like Bungle Zippy:" I can, I'm the best plucker here." George;" And I'm good at banging. My peg's hard isn't it Zippy? Zippy:" Well of course it is, Your peg wouldn't go in if it was soft." Geoffrey;" Let's get back to Bungle's twanger." Bungle (excited) " Oooooh Geoffrey, we could all play with our twangers couldn't we? Let's play the plucking song. Rod and Roger can get their instruments out and Jane has got two lovely Maracas." Singers Rod, Freddy and Jane enter. Freddy:" We could hear you all banging away" Rod: "Banging can be fun." Jane:" Ooooh yes, and I was banging away all last night with Rod and Freddy." Freddy (looking sad) " Yes, but it broke my plucking instrument." Rod (to Jane) " Do you want to blow on my pipe while I'm twanging away?" Jane: " Oh no, I was blowing away with Freddy last night. But would you Like to play with my maracas? Zippy; " No, let's just pluck away with our twangers." George:"Yes, it doesn't matter what size our twanger is." Zippy;" I've got a big red one." George: " I've only got a tiny twanger. But it works well and I like to play with it." Geoffrey (to viewers) " Well, have you got your twangers out? And remember, you can bounce your balls at the same time. If you haven't got any, ask a friend if you can play with his. Now, let's all play the plucking song." Everyone in studio: " Pluck, pluck, pluck along, we're going to pluck all day." Oh dear, ban button in use now! I did not put link here cos there is some risky stuff on it, let me know and I will send it to if you want it! P.S. A couple of bits that were missed out the script that were in the episode: Just before Geoffrey and bungle come out of the door Bungle says: "Ohhh - Geoffrey have you dropped one?" A little later Geoffrey says: We don't have time to paint our twangers now, we need to go: Bungle replies: Ohhh but I've just been! Also when George is talking about his "tiny twanger" zippy keeps looking down!!! Priceless! PMSL
  13. CarolJ

    The Batcave

    Another character in Captain Pugwash was Pirate Willy!
  14. CarolJ


    Hi and welcome Elainem Twins eh! You do have your hands full. Welcome to the site, and feel free to indulge in long posts - I can never stick to a few sentences - I usually do 3 or 4 paragraphs of plain old tosh! I used to work for an Employment Law Partner. Perhaps having a legal background you feel the need to "pad out" the post so that the the client feels that they are getting value for money? Habits take a long time to break! Gosh how many times has a witness statement been re-drafted to say the same thing! Anyway, I digress, welcome to the site and dont worry, we don't charge for the time taken to produce posts! ASM Charageable time 0.6 Batcave 123.55697 0.4 (office - administration) 0.1 (toilet break) 0.2 (phone call to other half)
  15. CarolJ

    The Batcave

    Well, this site is very educational and informing. You learn something new every day! CC, I am sure the next time they decide to re-run Captn Pugwash (if they do) you will be glued to the TV set! Giggling away and the kids looking at you wondering what the hell you are gwaffing at! At the end of each program they always "went down" with the ship! What did this symbolise I wonder????? PM's invited, as this is after all, a moderated site! What also helped the Magic Roundabout to get banned is cos of Zebadee desparately trying to get everyone in bed!
  16. CarolJ

    The Batcave

    Nellie, You are treading dangerously close to the Mucky side! Once false move and in you go, up to your neck! I will of course PM if you if you would like any further explanation! Regards ASM
  17. CarolJ

    The Batcave

    Mmmmm, ASM reminiscing about Monty Python, Life of Brian, humming "Always look on the bright side of life whistle, whistle whistle whistle ....", walking around the cave imitating John Cleese in Ministry of Funny Walks ....ahhh. No wonder my mind is so twisted. {Remebering the scene in the petshop with the dead parrot!}What with that and the "Goodies", no wonder a whole generation grew up to be such twisted superheros in later life. Still my all time favourite Captn Pugwash, is held atop the pantheon of children's programmes! Not until adult life did I realise the true meaning of the names of the characters I loved so much (actually it probably explains why I loved the programme so much!) Master Bates, Roger the Cabin Boy and Seaman Staines, still bring a smile to my face! Having been raised on a diet of Saturday morning Tizwas and Why Dont You and Tomorrow People, perhaps that is why ASD was virtually unheard of then. We were all so different that noone noticed anyone's differences! Oh those were the days ...... I used to watch snooker in black & white - guessing which shade of grey was which colour ball!
  18. CarolJ


    Where are my manners appeared to have disappeared along with a few million brain cells. Welcome, Autty, Carol, Vix, Chris and Kay. I hope I have not missed anyone out, apologies if I have! Word of warning, do not indulge in the The Jester's medicinal brew, strange things occur like being convinced you are the victim alien abduction (flashbacks of being in a large cave surrounded by soft furnishings (pouffees), and figures dressed in all manner of strange garb (and many strange goings on) - its the stuff of nightmares! You have been warned! Welcome one and all! Of course I am sane .........
  19. CarolJ


    Welcome Baddad (aka David) (ne Captn. C or Squeeky Pants), I am glad you have enlightened us ! Explanations as to the background of wannabe super dudes always help! I often feel the need to explain myself to help others understand why my ramblings are as confused and long-winded as they are! Ben sounds like a cool little dude with great taste in music! David, how ironic you choose this line of work and along came Ben! I cannot imagine how you must have felt when you realised Ben was on the spectrum. More power to you. Before my kids ASDs I had absolutely no idea of autism, although I knew a couple of friends kids who were ASD, I did not really know much about the condition. Ben is indeed a lucky little boy to have a dad like you. My other half tends to "ignore" ASD behaviour, he finds it hard to come to terms with and as yet is not "there" in terms of accepting possible long term implications of ASD. Other half tends to bury himself in football, which after last night's result gives him no comfort. Welcome again and welcome to Ben. [i still have this mental picture of a Mr Bean type figure in sodden wet shorts, impossible thin legs dangling down like threads from bottom of shorts, shivering and forming a puddle on the floor of the Batcave ......pls feel free to englighten us to the mode of superhero dress, perhaps to erase the mental image which is currently stuck in the twisted and confused mind of ASM Perhaps camoflage, in the style of Rambo could be more fitting, with action man haircut (tennis ball hair), errr of course any toys made in the image of Captn Commando would have to anatomically altered, after The Jester's small bits kept falling off and getting sucked up by the hoover - he's never been the same since. Poor Jester, he will be glad to have fellow (bloke) superhero to share his ramblings, medicinal brew and conversations of sports events with! He has been hoplessly outnumbered by the female superheroines! Of course we cannot count Banman (alias Kris) and his furry sidekick Robbie Superbunny who has tried on countless occasions to tempt The Jester to the Slightly Mucky Side, but to no avail! Will you succumbe to temptation? A word of warning (watch out for Blue Rinse Woman - do not be fooled by the sweet innocent mild mannered look of a mature, wise woman - as long as you dont sport Hush Puppies or Tweed Jackets with leather elbow patches, you should be safe (although there are no guarantees!). Take care fellow superdude and welcome again! ASM
  20. CarolJ

    The Batcave

    Jester, [manages teary smile] thank you for your enlightenment. EU Directive 76, section 135, sub-sections (a) and (t), (w), (aa) (tt) has been taken a little too literally and yet again has been over zelously applied! In hindsight, should have given a couple of those Vision Express leaflets to the ref! I am all for equal opportunities, political correctness but this??????? This will hopefully teach PM Blair to watch where he bends over to gain "a triumph for Britain"- lets just hope next time he has his back to the wall - otherwise the Euro boot will dipense suitable chatisement! Its late, its raining outside and I have nothing further to say ..... Its only a game right?
  21. CarolJ

    The Batcave

    ASM frantically searching the cupboards and stuffed furnishings and nooks and crannies (pouffess flying in all directions!)of the Batcave for the hiding place of the medicinal forget everything moonshine brew, al la Jester! ASM is in a frenzy , she has just watched England lose on penalties (Again"!"!!!!) "Beckham" is possibly a word which will come to symbolise wasted opportunity everywhere! Can anyone tell me why that second goal was disallowed?? I just need to forget for a little while .... in the words of the immortal Jester .... I may be some time ...
  22. CarolJ


    Thanks DMW If I am right in interpreting the above, the amount of light consumed impacts directly on the amount of melatonin (sleep hormone produced) ie more light = serotonin = conversion into melatonin = good night's sleep! Something at the moment is not happening with Scottie, due to dark overcast days and when raining he spends more time indoors! At the moment, its sort of sunny here and he is outside and wide awake. This time yesterday he was sleeping! He was awake from 12.00am to 5.30am this morning!
  23. CarolJ

    The Batcave

    ASM ventures closer to the crumped, soggy short wearing form staring in terror at "vastly mangnified bulk" throwing a menacing shadow on the walls of the cavern. do not be afraid, you the one known as Captain Commando, we have been expecting you ..... [ASM had in fact gone out of the main halls of the Batcave to search for The Jester to thank him for rescuing her from the horrors of the Bat-cyber-bog! - us superheros have impecable manners - pard'n me] Captain Commando pulls himself to his full height, his legs look like two threads hanging down from his sodden shorts, and are shaking (with the cold or in fear of the form standing before him). Follow me .... ASM commands as she turns and with stylish flair she tosses her cape and beckons the bedraggled fellow superchum to follow into the deeper recesses of the batcave ... Captn Commando hesitates unsure whether to follow the vast form .... shall he turn and flee or will curiosity get the better of him and will he follow ASM into the asylum known as the The Batcave.... He catches a movement out of the corner of his eye, the "dripping sound of water" he heard earlier was in fact Blue Rinse Woman (skulking in the shadows) who is in dire need of change of incontinent pad having earlier followed the fleeing jester to see if she could help him after witnessing his distress .... how could BRW resist The Jester in distress, at least she was the first to offer to free him from his painful prison of shrunken bollero's? "Mmmmmmm," she muses as she checks out the still shaking Captn C. What thoughts are going through her blue halloed head? Trust me - you dont want to know. Having missed the appointment with Specsavers she had decided to try the tip she had read in Horse & Hound weekly! it was a cheaper option for a superhero on a pension as is her other money saving tip ... Eeeeee, she's canny that BRW! No wonder she can afford to spend so much time down the Three Bells .... But again, I digress .... What will Captn. C. do????
  24. CarolJ


    Hi folks further to this melatonin/seratonin. We have had some pretty c**p days weather wise, and of course Wimbledon is on so it is blowing a force 9 gale outside and rain is pouring down, we are just up the road from wimbledon so of course we share its nasty weather. Anyway, before I digress completely away from the subject in hand, I have been watching scott closely to see how his sleeping/waking has been affected by the weather. On dull days he tends to be "ratty" and "grumpy". He also sleeps in the afternoon and consequently is up for most of the night. Basically if its sunny he does not sleep! If its dull or raining he falls asleep during the day. I have let him outside for a while and he seemed to love the feel of the wind in his face. But he still has just fallen asleep, so I will look forward to another stint in to the wee small hours! So definitely lack of sunlight has played a part in Scotties sleeping pattern. Seratonin is a feel good hormone is it not? Could this explain his grumpiness and out of sorts behaviour because he is not producing enough during the day? Also are ASD kids sensitive to changes in the weather/atmosphere ie ionisation on rainy and windy days? I wonder if any clinical trials have been conducted on this?
  25. CarolJ

    The Batcave

    Poor ASM, Head wedged firmly down the stainless steel bowl thingy, the only thing stopping her from disappearing round the u-bend completely is those bat ears, which are under imense pressure and ASM's mighty wide bodacious hips are all that is stopping her from slipping further into the unknown oblivion - ASM struggles to breath, mouth full of chemical and BRW's second hand ablutions (things that shall remain hereinafter unmentioned for the sake of the more nervous reader), muffled cries and choking - ASM can feel the hair on her head and her eyebrows dissolving in the strong chemicals, this is worst than the foul stench of General bloke-from-County-Hall-whose-function-is-not-entirely-clear Twit's strap rotting green halitosis! ASM can feel her head being squeezed into an impossible shape, as the mechanical suction intensifies! The floor of the chemi-karsie is under immense pressure, the mechanical groan and creaking of the inner working thingy's cannot quite flip up the mighty weight of our superhero, who desparately clutches the crotched dolly loo roll holder, trying to throw it at the emergency stop button - opps - missed, ASM desparately reaches for matching dolly loo brush holder and throws this in general direction of "Emergnency stop" button, it bounces off button. "Damn fiendish Ace Rimmer's left nostril" ASM curses to herslef, that Ban Man has tampered with the life saving device ... ASM continues tapping S.O.S with stilletos on chemi-karsie door but to no avail...... The superchums continue to cavort obvious to the drama that is being played out no more than 15 feet away from them...... Her only hope is that one of her fellow superheros will heed the call of nature and put a 20p piece in the batloo auto-bog and release ASM from her chemical/watery doom.... heeellllppppp, gluurgg, swallow, errrhhh eeeek!......ASM begins to loose consciouness ....
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