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Everything posted by sash

  1. Please don't be hard on yourself. Although you may not be 'going out to work' you are doing the hardest and most valuable job of all (only without the pay to go with it ) If its any consolation some days I sit down at the end and cant think of one positive thing Ive said to my boy all day...only nagged <'> Sash
  2. I am supposidly NT and find the whole 'niceties' thing hard. I have met so many people who say the 'right' things and seem friendly but then turn out not to be a very nice person at all! If I ask someone how they are, I really do want to know and actually consider it a sign of trust if someone opens up and says they are having a bad time. Likewise if someone asks how I am I will tell them- depending how close I am to them and whether I trust them. Obviously if its someone Im not close to/dont feel comfortable with I'll not go into detail!! Mumble I think you sound brill and don't worry about what that silly mentor said to you...she was hardly a good example of great conversation! sounds in fact like she was pretty unkind. at least you are thinking about how others may feel by the way you talk, she obviously didnt have the mental capacity to do that Sash <'>
  3. Hi... Probably, almost definately daft question What do the squares after member names mean?
  4. Hi Tally, I think if you explained to the people doing the work that you needed to sleep during the day they would not interrupt . Apart from the electrical work, the plastering and decorating wouldn't be too noisy and they should be able to just get on with it without needing to ask you during the day. I find it hard trying to work out what needs doing first when things like this need doing but if you work that out (maybe by asking one of the workers) perhaps you could break the work into smaller steps and have it done over a few weeks a bit at a time? Also to help you sleep through, are you able to wear earplugs? They can perform miracles Hope it all works out Sash
  5. <'> <'> <'> Feel so frustrated for you...have similar relatives Is there a friend near by that could look after/ pop in to check on your son? I know in these sort of situations its hard as you feel you want to do your best by all children. Be thinking of you...let us know what happens sash xx
  6. sash

    my positive thread

    You must be SOOOOOO proud!!!!!!!!!!!! Brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xx
  7. sash


    So hope it all goes well...Im new here but looked at the other posts and saw its her tonsils...ill be thinking of you tomorrow <'> Sash
  8. Feel exactly the same...shamefully have to say that have found good excuse to hibernate indoors without socializing too much
  9. Frangipani, Im so sorry to hear about your daughter. Can you contact another doctor? Im sure any doctor would be happy to see her but I dont know what has happened in the past....perhaps you have an assigned doctor familiar with everything? A big hug to you both You are both in my prayers... Sash...x
  10. Hi Laz, As a Mum who has recieved diagnosis for her son and doesnt know where to turn next, and worries how he will cope in the future, I think your ideas are fantastic...
  11. Hi, I was wondering what people think about whether I should tell my 6 year old he has Asperger's? I am so worried about doing the wrong thing....On the one hand just writing 'should I tell him' made me feel I should as I feel like Im keeping a secret about him, and he has low self esteem and so it may help. I have spoken in a round about way about it explaining that everyone is different and all people are really good at some things and not so good at other things and bigging up the things hes good at. I havent actually come out and said he has AS. I think maybe its because he'll probably tell everyone which is fine if that what he wants, but Im worried later in life he'll wish not everyone knew? Also I know some people would have a lot to say about it and am worried it wouldnt be a good thing I really really don't know what to do for the best and would really value any advice...
  12. hi Janey, I am new here too, so Im sure other people will have much better advice than me to give! My son was diagnosed with Asperger's recently and to begin with it was almost a relief. I felt guilty as I was quite pleased to actually get a diagnosis as I had suspected for a while and things all suddenly seemed to make sense. However, after a couple of weeks I too felt very tearful and down. It felt like grieving. It was like I'd been on a high initially all geared up to help my son and understand him more, then a bit like reality set in with the day to day isssues. I feel a lot more positive again now though but am aware it'll probably be up and down. Sending a hug <'>
  13. Hi Mumble...you are right...should have said low self esteem rather than negativity...
  14. Hi, this is my first post so hope it is ok to start a new topic. I am so worried about my 6 year old who was recently diagnosed with Asperger's. He is forever saying that he finds life hard (which I can understand) but he also says his life is so bad. When I try and point out all the good things he says he knows but his life is so bad...He says he's naughty all the time...no matter how much I try and tell him hes not he wont believe it. He says he feels so guilty about being naughty and hates being told off. I dont think we have to tell him off exessively and I try to pick up on all the good things but its like he will only notice the times he gets told off. If we go out and do something nice and he behaves well he will point out the one time he maybe said something rude or something like that. I just dont know what to do to make him happier. I feel so bad and hate hearing him say his life is so bad. he's even said if he was dead he wouldnt be naughty. I've tried saying that all people are naughty sometimes and that it doesnt matter at all anyway. For some reason its really important to him. Is this negativity part of the Asperger's? Please help!!!!!
  15. sash


    Hi, I'm Sash and my 6 year old son was recently diagnosed with Asperger's. I feel all sorts of emotions about it and am pleased I have found this site to find out more. I look forward to meeting you all!
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