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Everything posted by Clare63

  1. Aw Bluefish, yes it does make sense & of course it mattered to you, your hopes were dashed. There will be other times I am sure. <'> <'> <'> <'> <'> Clare x x x
  2. Suze, My son was actually signed off school with anxiety and depression, caused by the stress of attending mainstream. I think they have so much to cope with it gets them down and the huge efforts our children have make to fit causes them exhaustion and depression. We have had support from camhs, but their preference was to treat the cause rather then give medication. I hope you manage to get some help for your son soon and for you too, as it so awful seeing your child in the depths of depression and dispair. <'> <'> <'> Clare x x x
  3. as you can see I got them back....don't know what happend there !!!???? but if anyone pressed a button on admin, well thank you very much Clare x x x
  4. Hi Ginger, Welcome to the forum so pleased you have found us. Clare
  5. Ah look, Cat says it sooo much better then me, yes deffinately put in for a statement yourselves that's what we eneded up doing. Good luck Clare x x x
  6. The targets don't seem to be realistic or easily achievable. Also they all seem to be things a person with ASD really struggle with, like you say expressing feelings or even knowing how they feel.. The targets also don't say how they are to be achieved, ie what action is being taken. The target to ask for help if he needs it , if he does not do this already how are they going to ask/encourage him to do this.. I think you need to ask yourself, in order to achieve the target what steps need to be taken to get there, how often and how long, also when it will be reviewed. I am sure a lot of IEP's work, but in our expereince, its just a piece of paperwork that the school has to complete and rarely follows through. Clare x x x
  7. Wishing all the best for tomorrow and hoping that things go smoothly. Clare x x x
  8. Flora, Well you know my story on this one, the only way I managed to get Connor to have his cut was when he let me do it and then after a very long wait, a hot summers day and constant nagging. I think its all the curls that make it worse, you don't realise how long it is, Connor's was half way down his back when wet and combed straight. He's got beautiful hair, just needs looking after. We compromised in the ene and its now collar length. Good luck... Clare x x x
  9. Hi Sonj186 and welcome to the forum, we have not attended the Early Bird Training, but I am sure many have on this forum and will soon pop along with their experiences. Clare x x x
  10. Hiya Welcome to the forum, sounds like you have your hands full. Since my sons diagnosis, I now reconise my husbands behaviour and lack of emotion are asperger based, at least now I have begun to understand and accept him for who he is rather than try to change him and no longer allow myself to feel let down by him, as I realise its not personal its just the way he is. Hope you find lots and help and support here. Clare x x x
  11. Its deffinately not up to the school to suggest meds, our SENCO mentioned the same once at a meeting with our psychologist and was quickly shot down in flames. With the right support and understanding some child do not need meds. Clare x x x
  12. Hi Aspiesrule, Welcome to the forum. Afraid I don't have any advice re toileting, but my lad still crys, I think its his way of lettting his emotions and frustrations out, especially when he can not express himself verbally, I understand your concerns about him getting teased. My son realises this and has tried hard to hold back his tears in front of his peers, this became more and more difficult in secondary school and contributed to his eventually removal. Hope you find some answers here. Clare x x x
  13. Hopefully you will perhaps be able to get him to understand his aspergers in the same way as the dyslexia, though obviously I appreciate they are so very different. Sorry I have not been much help, its like you say its everyone else, and that's how my son see's his aspergers he OK its just everyone else's problem. Good luck Clare x x x
  14. That's great Chris, good luck ! I think you'll do a brilliant job. Clare x x x
  15. Hi Steve and welcome to the forum, I hope you find some answers here. Since our son's diagnosis, my husband has realsied that he too has a lot of the traits of aspergers, it has helped him undertsand some of his behaviours both past and present, for me, lead me to understand his sometimes lack of emotion and directness. Clare
  16. Clare63

    Birthday Party

    Good idea that would be nice, shame about the distance though. Clare x x x
  17. Without sounding rude we have never told our son that he is not normal, but tried to explain that people with aspergers see things differently and expereince things differently to some other people, rather like the dyslexia I suppose. I think it is important to not make the child feel abnormal about their disabilities, but more to reconise that everyone is different. I do sometimes get cross when people with ASD's are expected to adapt and change to fit in the world around them, yet little allowance is made to help them fit. I know there are lots of good books out there and I am sure someone will pop along shortly with a recommendation. Clare x x x
  18. On a fast reply I get the emocitions to come up any ideas ????? I wanted to send a to someone, it works on here but not on fast reply ? Thanks for any suggestions Clare x x x
  19. I am with you again Pearl ....the "common" provider
  20. JSmum that is so right, Mel don't let them beat you down, you know your child better than anyone else and you are fab Mum. Clare x x x
  21. I am a mix too, my cube only flipped twice !
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