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Everything posted by bevalee

  1. Hi Hev Why do they always ring on a Friday! Then you have the whole weekend to feel all nervous and excited. I really hope this one works out for you and Steve. Is this a day placement of residential? Lots of for you and Steve. Keep my fingers crossed.
  2. bevalee


    A Big welcome to everyone that has joined recently.
  3. Was just going to do it myself
  4. Hi Kazzen Yes it was my choice of school and they did have a place for him. They have been holding the place for 9 months, and its an independant school. The Lea new that we had the place all along. This was the third tribunal we have attended that is why they named the school on the day.
  5. Simon, thats great news, well done!
  6. Hi I don't know if i'm going mad or the LEA are trying to send me over the edge! The school R is going to was named on the day of the tribunal on 5th April 05. The chief Ed Psych has just called me at 7.30pm. Apparently the case manager is writing to the school requesting a place for R, because they don't know if the school has a place or even if one has been offered!! I've been to tribunal 3 times trying to get this school named, and now they don't know if he has a place!!!!!
  7. Thats great Simon Keep up the good work, i hope things work in your favour!
  8. bevalee


    Hi My doctor prescribed this to my son at the age of 2, because he would only sleep for 2-3 hours a night. The phenergan made him sleep for 3-4 hours and he kept falling over all day, so i didn't give it to him again.
  9. I agree with you Simon. Inclusion for some Special Needs children is fine, but i don't think that it is always right for children with an ASD. We have to fight tooth and nail now for places in a special school, if they all close what will happen then!
  10. Hi Yes i've contacted the school and left a message, and i've e-mailed the Principal as well. I haven't had any contact as yet but it is the Easter holidays. My soliciter sent a letter to the LEA and i've e-mailed the Director of Education but it didn't make any difference. Not yet anyway.
  11. Hi Helen Because the panel actually named the school on the day of the tribunal they don't have to wait for written conformation. The panel said that its a matter of urgency that R should be in school at the beginning of the summer term.
  12. Hi Nellie They want to wait for the deliberation's from the panel at the hearing and won't budge till they get them.
  13. bevalee


    Hello Kathryn Glad you found us, welcome to the forum, You'll get lots of support here.
  14. At the tribunal the panel named the school so that my son would be able to start after easter. The idiot of a SEN Manager won't budge on this and said it would take about 4 weeks. How can they do this after whan they have put us through in the last 22 months.
  15. Hi, i don't have any suggestions but a big <'> and thinking of you.
  16. My son was put on a low dose of prozac which did help for a while, but now he refuses to take them as well.
  17. bevalee


    Hi Candy Welcome to the forum!
  18. bevalee

    Tribunal Update

    So sorry to hear your news Laura! <'> <'> <'>
  19. Hi Kathryn I haven't got any advice to give you because i am having the same problem with my son. He has been having home tutoring since September and it is a nightmare every time she comes. She is really very nice and tries her hardest with Ryan. As soon as she starts he wants a break, he won't do any writing for her whatsoever and tells her to go home all the time. I don't know what is the best route to take. We go back to tribunal to try for a specialist AS school in April and i don't want to make matter's any worse with the LEA. After she leaves we go through hell with him!
  20. So sorry LouLou <'> <'> I have to go and see and EBD school with my son on the 17th March. He has already said he's not going! I definately won't push him, but that is what my LEA came up with. I would try for an AS specific school.
  21. Hi Hev My son is 15 and never stops eating. I have to hide food all over the house I think there is a link with autism where some children don't seem to register that they are full. I can't stock up on anything anymore cos he eats is all. Plus he covers everything with mountains of salt. We had an appointment with a dietician but it wasn't any help.
  22. Hi Bid I don't know what the fee's are yet, but i doubt if they're as much as the other school.
  23. Hi I will go and look at the school, and keep an open mind about it. It does have a very good reputation but i'm still going to tribunal cos maybe i might get the school especially for AS My son has ADHD as well LouLou plus dyspraxia and dyslexia. I thought the list wasn't going to stop when he was diagnosed
  24. Hi everyone Had a phone call today from my case manager at the LEA. He told me he had wonderful news! In his hand was a 'big glossy brochure' for a fantastic school for AS, as he had managed to get the funding to go into the private sector. He said i would be 'over the moon' and now we won't have to go to tribunal again. Its is an 'EBD' school in Kent. Apparently they do take kids with AS, i don't know what the success rate is after mixing with all the other kids with their problems! So tribunal here i come again!
  25. We had our visit on the 8th Feb and got a cheque through on Friday the 18th Feb. A 10 day tutn aroung, not bad eh!
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