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Everything posted by mrs.ddh

  1. I agree with the aspect of trailblazing. For over three years we have been trying to get the LS dept and the SENCo at our son's school to do anything for him (HFA 14) and finally this autumn they will be training up a TA in ASD to work with him and they are bringing in an ASD expert to help formulate his IEPs. I know this is small potatoes, but once the TA is trained she will be able to help others in the future. As for finally consulting experts for help, the gate is open there too. ddh
  2. You are welcome, and I have no idea where Edmonton London is either! You have plenty of time to find it, hev! ddh
  3. http://www.theofficialrealthing.com/ Try this? I hope it works for you. You may have to copy this and paste it into a new tab.... ddh
  4. mrs.ddh

    the best day ever

    Glad to hear that you both had a good day, Hev. Dancing, singing, sunshine...all good ingredients for fun! ddh
  5. I don't know if they would be suitable, but what about the teething rings they make for babies? Do you think they would be hard-wearing enough for a child who has a full set of teeth? I can only vaguely remember them as my 'babies' are teens now, but it wouldn't hurt to try the baby and toddler sections of Toys R Us and Mothercare (if that shop still exists). ddh
  6. That is a great shrimp story, Forbsay. I feel attached to your shrimp now! What does he look like? How big is he? My folks used to have fish tanks when we were growing up - tropical fish and, believe it or not, two tanks of piranha, but we never had shrimp. We had a fish that was bought to hoover up the bottom of the tank for us, keep it clean, but heavens me I cannot remember what kind it was and hard to describe...had whiskers and it's mouth was faced downwards. As for the piranha, well...that was good fun when a date came round and I showed him the fish tank, telling him to waggle his finger in the water....before letting him know what kind of fish they were. Date moved his hand pretty sharpish then. ddh
  7. mrs.ddh

    Parking cars

    Summertime, I am sorry to hear about losing your friend. Your story was so poignant. How do little ones always seem to know about things we adults fail to sense? I wonder how many other people have had similar experiences with white feathers? What an amazing thread... ddh
  8. mrs.ddh

    Parking cars

    I find the white feathers spooky! Shudder! But if you find it comforting that is good. I think I might be looking over my shoulder for white feathers now...although I do seem to have a lot of them in my garden from all the birdie visitors I get. Wish they'd do their grooming in the neighbour's garden! ddh
  9. I did the same thing with my ds, smiley. He is very echolalic, goes through phases when he repeats everything everyone says. On a good day we ignore it as we know he usually cannot help himself - but sometimes he does do it to annoy us. So, guess what? Like you, one day I started repeating what he said and he just laughed at me. Thought it was funny at first, but after a while he did realise how annoying it can be to have what you say repeated. Of course, this hasn't stopped him. Sometimes we get into a situation in which he says something I repeated him saying.... Oh the loop of life... ddh
  10. mrs.ddh

    Fear of flying

    I am afraid of flying too - perhaps not as much as you Bagpuss - but we are flying to Austria next weekend and I am already getting myself worked up about it. I keep telling myself that people do it all the time, and the pilots are experts and well-trained, and then there is that research that says that you are more likely to suffer an accident in your car than in an airplane.... All this is my way of trying to talk myself into going. And I am sorry you were unable to overcome your fear this time, maybe next time? Dont beat yourself up about it. We all have our fears and yours just happens to be flying. My OH is afraid of heights, so is my DD - yet how come they dont associate that with flying? They think of nothing getting into a plane, yet they won't climb up a tree with me! ddh
  11. mrs.ddh

    Holiday Snaps

    Thanks for sharing your pics, pingu. Wow, the Two Tarns is so beautiful, and the pic of the water with the trees and the mummy and babies got a big awww from me! What a lovely hol, looks like you all had a fab time. ddh
  12. mrs.ddh

    Parking cars

    And here I thought I was the only one who called on angels...I ask them for help in finding lost items in the house too. My friend once rang me to ask the angels where her remote control was because it had been lost for over a week and she and her kids had scoured the entire house trying to find it. The angels knew exactly where it was and immediately. They told me it was in the corner of her front room between the book case and wall...and it was! ddh
  13. mrs.ddh

    Parking cars

    Hey I do that with the Parking Angel too! Not that my husband ever believes it works, until he needs a space and asks me to ask.... ddh
  14. mrs.ddh

    Parking cars

    Ok, that made me laugh - the part about your OH being a driving instructor. Isnt that like having a hubby who is a plumber and always having leaky taps or a broken loo? And yes, I too fear parking. In the States they tend to have car parks with bays on a slant - not straight! - which I find are easier to park into. And parallel parking is no fun either - I get there in the end, but not without my teenage kids laughing or sniggering about Mum's inability to get into a space in one, two, three go's... ddh
  15. mrs.ddh

    Beauty Salons

    Without consent and unaware, even better! And funnier, you cheeky little ! The next meet-up I think we should search your bags for electricals... ddh
  16. mrs.ddh

    Beauty Salons

    Bagpuss, that made me laugh. How did you get him to consent to trying it out on him? I am still laughing, thanks :lol: :lol: ddh
  17. Thanks for merging the two, Kathryn. Good idea Batman! Are you the caped Crusader? Ds went with hubby to pick up his book last night at midnight, but despite the crowds of people the atmosphere was decidedly low key and as my husband put it, sad and tragic. What a shame really. Ds insisted on being taken home just after midnight and didnt get his copy until this morning when hubby went back again to said shop to get it! (And the goody bag - which was basically a marketing bag of their other goods on offer! ) Ds spent good part of day reading HP book and will no doubt spend the rest of the evening doing the same. Enjoy your books everyone! ddh
  18. mrs.ddh

    my positive thread

    I will be doing ironing today too I reckon, but watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer as I do. (Now that makes me sad...I have the entire collection and watch it on a continuous loop now and again. Now on series 3 of 7...) ddh
  19. Sorry you had such a rough time with your son today, Loulou. That must have been so frustrating and terrifying for you, and for your son as well (although once he is in the rage mode he probably cannot see the terror he is causing). All the same, you must have been scared. Big hug for being brave <'> JsMum, what wonderful advice you gave! It must have been taken you ages to type that all in - arent you a sugar to have taken the time to do that. And I get the same thing from my son (HFA 14) about the teachers being 'shouty'. He complains about it all the time - and worse, he has a hypersensitve sense of smell, so I know which teachers smell.... and what they smell like. Son gives very detailed info on that, without a sense of decorum in describing the particular 'scents'.... Hang in there, ladies. It is going to be a long, hopefully hot (thinking of you and your hammock, loulou) summer.... ddh
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