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Everything posted by kog

  1. hi, i've got a 13 year old son, dx autism with co-morbid bi-polar. the voices started at about the age of 7, along with visual and sensory halucinations,(and several atempts to kil himself) it has taken many years under camhs for them to dx the bi-polar as he is still so young, original dx autism and pschysotypal disorder. you are doing the right thing in getting as much evidence as you can! it took almost a year of CPNs visiting 3 times a week and regular visits from the psych for them to say it was bi-polar! and although at the time it was very scary and frustrating, they do have to be extra careful when dx someone so young with a mental illness. sorry i cant offer any real advice, just wanted to let you know you are not alone, keep telling them and keep a log of every thing that concerns you, wish i could say something more helpful, as i know how awful it is to see your child like that.
  2. hi , sorry to hear things are tough at the moment, my son is 13 and reading your post was like reading about him! hearing voices and knife attacks, he was excluded from school when he was 10 for taking a knife to school to as he said -protect himself from the teacher- we now keep anything sharp locked away and only use knives when he is at school, as he doesnt attend school often we have some very strange meals as then it has to be food you can prepare with a butter knife. it is very hard to get ss to help and i'm sorry i cant say anything that is helpful ,just wanted to let you know you're not alone. my son takes medication that helps a bit and we have an emergency med to give aswell when things get really bad, thats if you can get him to take it!! hope someone helps you soon.
  3. hi , my son is 12 and has a dx of autism with co-morbid bipolar, he has suffered from psychosis from the age of 7 as well as very extreme mood swings, he has tried to kill himself on many occasions when in a `high` mood. he was finally dx with bipolar last year after a high episode when he thought he was god and had been waiting days for the signs that he was, he had been jesus on other occasions..... in a level mood he doesnt believe in god..... i think it is so hard to tell and i just left it to psychs to make thier minds up, they are very wary about dx this at a young age,one psych thought he had it so we had to be assessed by another psych for a year before they dx it, sorry this is not very helpful, just wanted to say it is possible for a child to have it but is also so similar to the way children with asd can behave, the symtoms are the same for a child as an adult but they often have the` rapid cycling `form, my son has this , they can go from high to low and back every couple of days , even every few hours. again sorry for not being much help, there is little info about children with this, as i think they re only just coming to terms with the fact that people can have it this young
  4. kog

    Areas You live

    i'm a cardiff girl
  5. i wont be putting the tree up till the weekend before christmas, g gets so upset and spends alot of time trying to pull it down! this way only have to protect it/put it back up for a few days. then we'll eat christmas dinner on christmas eve , a mixture of not sleeping and too much excitment means no cooking or eating on the day and it means any family are gone before the day and g can enjoy it in peace
  6. kog


    hello , just thought i'd introduce myself, i'm a single mum and have 3 great kids, 2 girls aged 17 and 10, both have asd traits and a son aged 12 with a dx of autism with co-morbid bipolar
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