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Everything posted by sharonv

  1. CONGRATULATIONS THAT'S WONDERFUL NEWS.. my baby due 25th Jan.. Seems like ages.. Hope all is well and well done....
  2. That would be great...
  3. He is still a winner in my eyes.... I think the bloke is amazing........ as far as i'm concerned he won.... Well done Eugene.. The best housemate ever................. xxxxxxxx <'> <'> <'> <'> <'> <'> <'> <'> <'> <'>
  6. yEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Well done Eugene here's hoping he wins.... <'> <'> <'>
  7. Me again.... Am I obsessed or what... Come on Eugene mate,, you can do it...... xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  8. Ohhhhhh I am so excited......... EUGENE to win yeah
  9. No Makosi isn't pregnant.. and I am not sure what Eugene thinks.. I really want him to win... but will he cope with winning.......
  10. EUGENE!!!!! EUGENE !!!!!! I HOPE HE WINS
  11. Yes I am going to vote for Eugine too. I think he is the most sensible one out of the lot of them and I really hope he wins!! Hope you have a lovely holiday Sharon
  12. Yes I Use msn too. Feel free to add me.. Sharon.
  13. sharonv

    No DLA

    Thank you all for all your advice. I have rang them and asked them to reconsider. They spoke to my doctor who hasn't seen Alannah for years, so I have asked them to contact the school instead. Thank you all again. I will probably have to wait another 11 weeks now but we will see. Sharon.
  14. That's great. I asked for mine to be reconsidered too. They spoke to my doctor who hasn't seen Alannah for years and I have told them to speak to the school instead. Wish me luck!!
  15. Hi. Just got turned down for DLA. Does anyone know wether it is worth appealing. It took me ages to fill in the forms and I am sure I gave all the right information. Sharon.
  16. Snap, as above post and Tweenies on the tv........
  17. I'm thinking why on earth am I having another baby when the four children I've got are all doing my head in right now!!!!!!!!!
  18. Hello, I just wanted to thank you all for all your kind words of support and to update you. We are in our local paper today, The Portsmouth Evening News. Headline: ROYAL SECURITY CAR HIT MUM AND CHILD. I haven't heard anything from the police (that's no surprise) but The Mirror newspaper have also been out to take photographs so hopefully with all the media coverage they wont just brush it under the carpet! I am feeling a lot better now but I still get really angry whenever I think about it. Alannah seems fine, oblivious to all the fuss that is going on, it's like she has forgotten about it but I doubt that. Once again thank you all for you lovely comments. Sharon.
  19. Well the police were ok, I don't now exactly what they are going to do. I have contacted the papers but I am beginning to wish I hadn't now, the phone hasn't stopped ringing, I have had the local newspaper out already taking photos and The Mirror have just rang me too. My daughter seems fine now. The photographer had trouble trying to get her NOT to smile!!! I feel awful though, every time I talk about it I feel sick. I really want something done about this but it all seems to be getting out of hand. I really should think before I act sometimes.....
  20. Last night My family and I were on the way back from the Trafalgar celebrations in Portsmouth when we were nearly run over by a car, the police were involved but let the car go when the driver flashed a royal protection card in the policemans face, My daughter is 6 years old and this driver literally pushed me and her out of his way with his car. He was on the pavement and continued driving forward even though we were in contact with his bumper and my daughter was screaming hysterically. My son and my friend chased the car but it still refused to stop. The policeman said he couldn't stop the car because the driver was part of the royal protection unit. There were several witnesses to this and the police have taken some statements. Myself and my six year old daughter and my three other children were just left by this driver on the side of the road in a state of shock. My daughter is autistic and it is very difficult to get out with her without her being scared and this has severely affected her. She spent the next hour sitting in my youngest daughters pushchair rocking back and forward crying. I have to take her to the police station today to make a statement. I am extremely angry that just because these people were working for Princess Anne that they have the right to abuse others like they did to us last night. If that had been any other normal driver driving on the pavement and making contact with a pedestrian they would have had the book thrown at them, it seems so unfair and I am absolutely livid. If someone hadn't pulled my daughter out of the way she and I could have ended up under the car, (would they have stopped then?) To me this is tantamount to a hit and run although luckily we weren't physically injured. He mounted the pavement and showed no regard for anyones safety all in the name of the Queen!
  21. My daughter (6) has just been diagnosed with ASD. when she was three she was severely anaemic. She was put on a course of iron medicine and nearly had to have a transfusion. I was told that it was because she didn't eat properly and she was malnourished!!!!!!!!!!! (you can imagine what I felt like saying to them). If this could of been to do with her autism then I would really really like to know because I was made to feel like a very bad mother, not feeding my child properly when I knew it wasn't true. She did have a bad appetite when she was younger but eats like a horse now!
  22. Hi My daughter (6), never stops eating, (Well that's if I let her,) she would constantly be eating if I didn't put my foot down. She is always saying that she is hungry, even if she has just had dinner. It's like she forgets that she has just eaten, her appetite wasn't very good when she was younger but she is certainly making up for it now. She also drinks bottles and bottles of juice.
  23. Hello, Does anybody know wether Prozac could be a cause of autism? I was on this for a short time during my pregnancy with my daughter. Just keep thinking wether this could have been the cause. Sharon
  24. Great thanks, Will give that a go.
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