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M is 6 yrs ASD with a NT twin brother. Lately I have noticed other children making the odd comment here and there - not malicious but simply observing/questioning his behaviour - eg why does M speak in a weird voice, or why does M never do as he is told.


I wrote in his home school book could school keep an eye on this and let me know - not names or anything but basically so that I can judge what/when to say to my kids about autism - as it feels as if the time is approaching when I need to explain the differences in M's behaviour.


I can tell that the teacher has told the LSA what to write and I think they are unhappy with my comments - stating she would be very surprised if any child passed comment. but they HAVE. I have written back and tried to explain that I was not implying an malice but 'out of the mouths of babes' as it were. And the reason is so I can decide whether to tell kids about Autism sooner rather than later.


Feel really upset that my comments would be challenged in this way.


It's worse because I am on a placement in school and sometimes in their class - feel uncomfortable. Wish I had gone to another school now!!


That's really waffly, sorry just needed to vent :(



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Elaine, what a tricky situation to be in :( Our dd has had comments made to her....not specifically about ASD, things along the lines of "your a baby" "bet you wear a nappy"...those sorts of things. I always raise it in the Home/School Diary, and so far I've been satisfied that it is being taken seriously, although the teacher has said she has never heard any of these comments, she doesn't push it aside. I really feel for you, having to go into the class to work aswell, but I'd stand my ground, and feel the teacher shouldn't dismiss your concerns. This is such an important issue, and as your rightly say, it could determine when you broach ASD with your child. Might be worth having a word face to face when you are not at work, and try to discover if your other child has overheard anything. Take care >:D<<'> >:D<<'>

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M is 6 yrs ASD with a NT twin brother. Lately I have noticed other children making the odd comment here and there - not malicious but simply observing/questioning his behaviour - eg why does M speak in a weird voice, or why does M never do as he is told.


I wrote in his home school book could school keep an eye on this and let me know - not names or anything but basically so that I can judge what/when to say to my kids about autism - as it feels as if the time is approaching when I need to explain the differences in M's behaviour.


I can tell that the teacher has told the LSA what to write and I think they are unhappy with my comments - stating she would be very surprised if any child passed comment. but they HAVE. I have written back and tried to explain that I was not implying an malice but 'out of the mouths of babes' as it were. And the reason is so I can decide whether to tell kids about Autism sooner rather than later.


Feel really upset that my comments would be challenged in this way.


It's worse because I am on a placement in school and sometimes in their class - feel uncomfortable. Wish I had gone to another school now!!


That's really waffly, sorry just needed to vent :(





Hi Elaine,


I'm surprised that the teacher would be surprised that a child would say anything, I mean, they do, don't they, she must know that! :blink: I'd feel upset too if I felt the teacher was challenging what I'd said.


When my J was at primary school, while in the process of getting a statement and stuff, his behaviour was awful. His teacher sat down with the other children and just said to them that J was having a little difficulty settling in and she needed them to help her by being patient with him and helpful and kind, etc. It really helped the children, in fact, they were falling over themselves to be helpful and nice to him. :lol: Maybe something like this could be appropriate, if you felt comfortable with it, not mentioning autism or anything, just encouraging the children to be helpful to your son? >:D<<'>


Good luck.


~ Mel ~

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Hi I am sorry that you have been put in this unfortunate situation.Children do notice that our children are different and do comment.More often than not there is nothing unpleasant about it-they just talk about what they see.At Ben's school the EP had a chat with his class to explain his differences in a gentle but helpful way.I feel it is much more positive to explain.Being different does not need to be viewed in a negative light-After all it is normal now to cellebrate different cultures-schools would never now expect children to pretend we are all the same colour.I think this is a similar situation and if the teacher thinks otherwise they are a bit out of touch.Karen

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yeah this teacher is defo out of touch.....kids are the first to notice differences in my experience...i would have a word about it too, and also to your twins, you dont have to go into too much detail at this age.

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