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Our trip to the cinema

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Hi everyone, yesterday we went to the cinema, i was dreading it as the slightest thing that goes wrong upsets Nick, but it went ok!! The only thing that happened was that some people who were walking along the row behind us, and the ladys bag caught Nick on the back of his head, OMG he jumped up and told her to be more --------!!! carefull, l neary died of embarrisment, anyway we watched the film and apart from getting stressed if my arm or his brothers arm touched his we enjoyed the film. On the way home we went through the drive thr for a mcdonalds, however he could not make up his mind what he wanted, all the cars behind us were getting cross, my elder son was really fed up with him as it took him 5 mins to decide, Nick cant make a desicion lately, has anyone else had this problem? Nick makes me decide everything for him at the moment and it drives me mad, why does he do this? :wallbash::wallbash:

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Yes, my Jay is like this too at the moment. :wacko: He's always been terrible at making decisions, but he's a lot worse at the moment. He gets very panicky and starts to pace up and down, stomping his feet and pounding his fists and wailing and shouting like a little kid. He gets into such a state, it's quite a recent thing he's developed, actually. He gets himself into such a panic that he just can't listen to reason or make any sense and whatever you say he can't listen to you and it doesn't help anyway.


I'm hoping it's a teenage phase but it is really hard to deal with at the moment. Every tiny thing he runs to me to ask my opinion, should he do this, what do I think about this, etc. I told him the other day that I'm not going to be his brain anymore, he's got a perfectly good one of his own to use and he'll have to sit down and consider the problem and try to work out a solution for himself before running to me for help. It's not really helping though, 'cos he gets himself all worked up and I end up having to go up and try to sort him out. He says he's worried that he'll make the wrong decision so he needs me to do it for him, but I think it's like everything else, if he never practices thinking for himself then he'll not gain experience or confidence at it and he won't get any better.


~ Mel ~

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glaad the pictures went well :thumbs: its lovely when you are aprehensive about something but then it goes ok,makes us wonder what we worried about dont it!!!


what film did you see?if your nick likes it,chances are so will my steve,they seem very similar :wub::wub: !!!!

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glad the cinema went well, and people should me more careful with their bags anyway, if he's having trouble making his mind up,is it worth getting hold of a menu or take pictures of the choice and take home,so that he can have time to choose before you get to the resturant.maybe the pressure of having to process the information and make a decision,when everyone is getting impatient may make him feel unconfident.

Edited by sesley

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glaad the pictures went well :thumbs: its lovely when you are aprehensive about something but then it goes ok,makes us wonder what we worried about dont it!!!


what film did you see?if your nick likes it,chances are so will my steve,they seem very similar :wub::wub: !!!!

We went to see The golden compass, it was really good. Its a good idea to get a menu and choose before we go, the thing is it was only mcdonalds and he knows everyting on the menue anyway!! He just cant make a decision about anything though at the moment, perhaps we can blame it on puberty too!!! :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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Glad your trip went well!


I am taking our two Autistic boys to see the Bee movie in a few mins then a trip to pizza hut,for a boys day out while my better half is away with out NT children. Should be fine unless the restaurant is really busy!



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Took Ben to 'Golden Compass' too...

He wasn't that impressed (too much story not enough action!) and if I'm honest I sort of agree with him. I thought the CGI was absolutely awsome, but once you got past that they just seemed to be trying to cram too much into 100 mins for it to work...


Anyway, Ben/Cinema: The main problem Ben has is just sitting still for that amount of time, so he really has to like the idea of a film before we bother trying. He used to have a real problem with swinging his legs and kicking the backs of the seats in front... He now manages that 100 times better, but gets INCREDIBLY stressed now if it happens to him :rolleyes: Like most 'skills' he's learnt to negotiate, it's now a written-in-stone rule that everyone should obey. He's getting better at dealing with it, but i still cringe if there's a littlie sitting behind him :lol:

Tip: If there's a film he's semi interested in or I think he might struggle to follow/sit through in a crowded cinema we wait until it comes on at 'Kids Club'... the screenings are usually half empty, so you can find good seats well away from anyone else.

It's also a really good 'training ground' - I used to take Ben often when the cinema was really troublesome for him, and he learnt his coping/non fidgeting/leg swinging skills in a much less pressured environment. He was also free to walk in and out if he did get too stressy, and we'd often have a couple of trips to the seats near the loos while he decided whether he wanted to go back in. Without pressure, he usually decided he did, and we would sometimes even have to go back the next weekend to watch the bits he'd missed with his 'Time Out' :lol: As it was just a couple of quid and I went free anyway, it didn't really matter :)





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We love going to the cinema as a family, L always wants an aisle seat in one of the side rows. This has been made easier since we can now book online and reserve specific seats at our local cinema - so we don't have to get there really early to ensure we get the right seats. I think she would be really stressed if she had to sit next to a stranger - and she also doesn't like having her seat kicked from behind but not much you can do about that!


We saw the Golden Compass before Christmas - or NORTHERN LIGHTS as it should really be called. :angry: I thought there were some impressive performances e.g. from Nicole Kidman and the girl who played Lyra, and the icy landscape were done very well, but the film, as expected, didn't do justice to the complex themes of the book and the whole thing was very ordinary. I dread the sequel - if there is one.


K x

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Glad the cinema trip went well :thumbs: Our youngest dd can't tolerate the cinema, and the one time we did take her I ended up sitting in the car outside with her, while DH stayed and watched the film with our eldest two.


Our eldest two though love it. Eldest dd likes to sit at the end, and doesn't like someone she doesn't know sitting next to her. She also gets upset if someone sits in front of her and she can't see properly. Over the hols I've taken eldest dd and a friend to see Bee Movie. They really enjoyed it, but I feel it just repeats the same old story line and gags that all the others do now, but still, for the kiddies it's fine. I also took ds to see Golden Compass. I enjoyed it, as did he, but when DH took eldest dd to see it, he felt that it was too rushed, and they tried to cram too much in, leaving lots unexplained in the process. I can see where he is coming from. None of us have read the books though.


DH is planning on taking ds to see I Am Legend before he goes back to school, and I'm taking eldest dd to see Enchanted this week hopefully.


Re decisions....our youngest dd is like this. If faced with a huge choice, she struggles to make her mind up. I now try to sort out what she wants before we go into a restaurant or shop, much easier.

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I enjoyed both the film and the book - but a lot of plot to set at the beginning. Will definitely be going to the sequel. Mrs Coulter is supposed to be dark haired though, I had Catherine Zeta Jones in the part when I read it.

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I enjoyed both the film and the book - but a lot of plot to set at the beginning. Will definitely be going to the sequel. Mrs Coulter is supposed to be dark haired though, I had Catherine Zeta Jones in the part when I read it.


Yes I can see Catherine Z - J in the part. I think Mrs Coulter is one of the best villains ever written - it must be fun to play her. I just think the film stopped at a very strange point - it didn't even cover the whole of the first book, so there's going to be a lot to cram into the second and presumably the third films, as the plot gets more and more complex.


Changing subject slightly - I see Prince Caspian is out soon. I thought the Lion/Witch/Wardrobe was done very well, so I'm looking forward to this one. :)


K x

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I remember the first time I took Littleque (dd) to the cinema. We were at Butlins so the cinema was free as part of their entertainment so I took the risk and went to see Finding Nemo. I had no idea how she would react so we got a bag of sweets and went in. She was good as gold, really quiet and I wondered just how much she was taking in, until half way through she shouted FISH!!!! Then kept shouting it :rolleyes::clap:


It's been a bit hit and miss since, sometimes she is good, other times, like last week, she is very noisy and won't sit still at all, so we are lucky to have a special needs showing once during each school holiday and we go to that because it basically doesn't matter then if she does make a din!

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I took my 2 to see the bee movie a few days ago on my own this time. J loves the cinema it's one of his 'things' but this time he got really stressy as we had to wait in a long queue and they didn't take my type of card so we had to go to cash point and queue again. H, last time we went, didn't want to sit and watch the film he kept getting up and ended up with DH sitting outside with him till film finished. However this time H sat and watched the whole film and was really really good. :)

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