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Could I have some thoughts on this proposal?

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Ds#2 is 5 and in Reception (part time) struggling hugely even with support. He's just been diagnosed with PDA and ODD (I disagree with the ODD) and will be reviewed with regard to ASD in 6 months time.


He's barely in the class and most days only does mornings at school but in January will be going fulltime - I feel that he has a right to a full time eduaction and him going part time has made no difference to the situation anyway, we hoped it would help him settle.


There's a possibity of the local Children's Centre doing some work with him. So far all I know is that this will cover times when he's excluded from school and times when he needs a break from school, there will be a playroom set up for him and his support worker will go with him - she only works with him fpr part of the mornings so I'm not sure how that would work out. We're going tomorrow to have a look.


I'm not sure this is good or not and would appreciate any thoughts. Now I've had time to think about it I'm worried that he'd be isolated from other children when his social skills really need work and also wondering if this is the solution because there's simply no specialist provision for a PDA child with no learning difficulties in our area. Also it's not, as far as I can see, a long term solution and may confuse him - he was hysterical last week because he stayed for lunch on a different day so it would possibly need to be on a regular schedule, not hit and miss depending on his behaviour. As far as I'm aware (and I might be wrong) but there's not a group as such there for difficult children, it would be just for him.


Please can I have some different viewpoints? I can't decide if this is good or bad.

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So far all I know is that this will cover times when he's excluded from school and times when he needs a break from school.


sounds like containment to me and that it is clear the school can not meet his overall needs.


It would possibly need to be on a regular schedule, not hit and miss depending on his behaviour.


If J had a choice of a quiet playroom, with 1-1 and no kids, he would of been expelled yesterday, it is not going to give him an education, give his social skills a chance to develop and learn and let him develop into the normal world the best he can with the difficulties he has.


As you have said already if the school cant meet his needs then I would be looking for a more specialised education. Independant specialist schools.


Contact a Family have been invaluable to me, I really recommend you contact these, they could help you find more information on his special education.


My son couldnt go to any school locally, they couldnt meet his needs, as it was either, severe/moderate learning difficulties special schools, EBD or mainstream.


He is now in a specialist school that caters for a range of disorders including PDA but have average to above IQ, though this is a secondary school, though I do know of a couple that take from 8 yrs old that are a similair school.


I would seek further specialist support and look at legal representation.


Good Luck.




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Hey J's Mum welcome back :thumbs:


jlp clearly school are not meeting your sons needs and moving him from one place to the other is not going to help the situation. I personally have no problems with one to one support, because unless a child's needs are being met in a classroom situation then their social skills are never going to improve because the child is too stressed and anxious. However one to one in a different setting because the school can not meet the needs of the child is not a long term solution and you need a long term soloution here.


I agree with J's Mum you could do with some help here.





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at present your son is being failed and just being moved around as the la arent being pushed to look for a longterm solution. this is just a an illusion thats being proposed as it lackd substance and doesnt look at his core needs.

I think you need to get tough wih the LA and school or nothing will ever change

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It sounds as though he is already excluded from school part of the time - the proposal seems to be formalising even more time out of education. It sounds as though the school cannot meet his needs and this just appears to be an illusion of support without him actually receiving proper educational input.


Does he have a statement? What does it say?

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As it turns out the Children's Centre were very good but didn't know anything about having ds#2 there when he's excluded - seems to have been a mix up in communication!


I had a list of concerns but it doesn't look as though this is going to happen.


He's just been turned down to be assessed for a statement although we will appeal.

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