bluefish Report post Posted March 25, 2009 Today I feel sad I hate autisum,nomally I cope and embrace it but today I found out a friend of mine who is a child minder has alittle girl that is going to a cdc next week and I feel so very sad. I have met this child only a handful of times and knew she was probably autistic, I am not sure why I feel so upset, maybe because I know the news that awaits the family?I do not want anyone to go through what I did and wish I could soften the blow. Dont get me wrong my son is amazing but autism has changed everything, my hopes and deams for my son have changed, but it breaks my heart that another family will go through what I had to go through. I often still have days that I cry and I wonder if that will ever end Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cmuir Report post Posted March 25, 2009 Hi My son was diagnosed 3.5 years ago and I still cry from time to time. If I see a family walking along the road, hauling at their child and shouting at them, I want to go up to them and tell them that they don't know how lucky they are! I also feel incredibly sad that I feel we have an existence rather than a life. However, it's the little things that keep me going - eg when R comes home with a picture that he's painted, etc. It's hard and we all run out of steam. You're only human! Caroline. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jb1964 Report post Posted March 25, 2009 is going to a cdc next week and I feel so very sad. Sorry for probably asking the obvious but what is a 'cdc' - not heard of it and couldn't find it on the jargon buster. Many thanks, Jb Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Special_talent123 Report post Posted March 25, 2009 Sorry for probably asking the obvious but what is a 'cdc' - not heard of it and couldn't find it on the jargon buster. Many thanks, Jb Child Development Centre - CDC Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jb1964 Report post Posted March 25, 2009 Child Development Centre - CDC Many thanks, Jb Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jb1964 Report post Posted March 25, 2009 Child Development Centre - CDC Many thanks, Jb Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Paula Report post Posted March 26, 2009 Bluefish Please dont feal that its the end of hopes and dreams just because youere son has Aspergers.My son is now 15 and hes a complealty different kid to what he was like at 4. I too used to despaire and wonder what the future held if anything and kinda mourn what id lost all the hopes and dreams you have.But you just have other dreams and hopes. My son has exceeded everything we thought hed be able to do. I rmemeber when he was a toddler just hopeing that one day hed hold my hand without a load of fuss............he did eventually.then i thought i wonder if hell ever be able to ride a bike how great that would be.............he can do that too........then i thought will he ever be able to read write add up use a computer......and he can do all thosse things. Then as he got older i just wanted him to maybe be able to tie his shoe laces and when he announced after years of me trying and failing to teech him that he could do it and not only do it but do it with his eyes shut...he the proceeded to show me i actually cried. The day he went on a bus on his own to town..............i followed on in the car and met him was a scary but great great day. In a few weeks time hes going to be doing work expericance .................he goes to a special school...and hes dead excited..hes got plans and dreams of going to college next year he loves woodwork ..............and you know what i bet you hell get there. Dont give up hope dont despaire or think things will never get easier or improve because they can and do and you look back and realise how far youve come.It just takes a little longer and a few more tears. I hope this gives you hope ..i know when my son was young id a freind with an older as son and she gave me hope too........ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Special_talent123 Report post Posted March 26, 2009 Many thanks, Jb your very welcome. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Flibs Report post Posted March 26, 2009 Although I understand the difficutlies that go alongside a diagnosis ......and although I have had a horrendous time getting my son the support he needs I actually do not mind the fact he has aspergers...we are all different and some of our different behaviours have names . Now I love my son so very much although at times I have really disliked him i would not want him to be anything other than he is .I may coem across as very simplistic and basic in my views but all children desire the basics such as right to education , peers, warmth , food and as long as that is provided does it really matter if they are autistic? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frogslegs Report post Posted March 27, 2009 I love my son to bits too and in many respects I think he is a lot more fun and more pleasant than a lot of 10 year old 'normal' boys. There is no one I would swap him with. On the whole he is doing well and he tells me that he likes himself the way he is. He has already achieved an awful lot thanks to his determination. That being said, I feel that what he is lumbered with is unfortunate to say the least and at times I feel completely sad that I can't 'make him better' and also I get frustrated with him. It is sometimes difficult to accept his behaviour and I dread situations when I know that he is not going to cope and that people are going to make remarks. I can see the years to come as a serious challenge. His behaviour has managed to alienate all the children in the street which means that my NT daughter is also isolated and it has affected my relationship with my husband. We have no friends with children because it is just too complicated and I have changed from a carefree person to an anguished and angry one. Equally when I look at other families around us, so many people do have health problems of various types and some with far worse consequences than Asperger. We all need to get on with it and make the most of what we've got! Having Asperger is not the end of the world but it is a serious inconvenience. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bid Report post Posted March 27, 2009 Sorry for probably asking the obvious but what is a 'cdc' - not heard of it and couldn't find it on the jargon buster. Many thanks, Jb Round here it stands for Communication Disorders (Assessment) Clinic. Bid Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lynne Report post Posted March 27, 2009 I was talking to another mum who also has an ASD son aged 11 years. Her son goes to school with my son. I was saying how well her son is doing at school and how happy he was. She told me after fighting for many years for him, she is finding life very strange. No longer does her child come home distressed and beats her up. No longer does she have to keep repeating herself about how school is so difficult for her son and how it affects her home life. She has nothing to do (in a nice way) and if she has any concerns she speaks to the teacher and they sort it out. But she said she keeps hoping the specialist will say infact they got the diagnosis wrong and her son is not autistic. I was quite surprised by this statement. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites