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Identity (Im not sure where to post this)

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I am not sure where I can write this; because it comes under education and other things.


No one knows on here, I had found out my true inner self (my identity). I came out 3 months ago, meaning I am attracted to women and not men. I suppose you would wonder why all my relationships had failed and that I kept pushing myself away for men. For a while i have been getting these sexual attractions around women, something I didn't experience with men. Any way I go to this LGBT youth club (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender). I thought wow the reason why I am not feeling happy is because I didn't know who I really were.


Ever since I came out I have been having trouble; i dropped out of college because the students were going on it class complaining there friend talk them into a gay bar which they didn't know about, and then started going on and on then suddenly went ' they have a problem with gay people, that we aren't nice'. They continued and the whole class apart from me joined in... then one went ' is anyone in class gay'- me sitting quiet thinking whats it any of there business if i am gay I am a human like everyone else. Then suddenly the tutor ended the conversation onto the work, then the tutor asked me a question about the work in front of everyone and I just sat there mute- not talking or doing any of my work and my tutor could pick that up.This had happened 2 weeks before half term, the next week I didn't turn up and then again, again,again and still again.


On facebook my friend starting pretending to be a lesbian when she isn't and when I came forward to her she went ' Okay I am only joking , shut up'


On my other account someone starting insulting us, he said ' gay people are an insult' and then started calling us homophobic names because of this status going around :


Find the gay person: 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 유 Can't do it? That's because they're humans too and we're all the same. Copy and paste this as your status if you support gays, lesbians, bisexuals & transgender

Edited by Special_talent123

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Hello :)


Its nice to hear that you have found this out about yourself and feel happier because of it - its a shame everyone in the world isn't supportive but I'm sure there's just as many people out there who will accept you as you are and not get lost on details that should enhance the world and not cause distress.




Darkshine (I'm gonna put the bit at the bottom of your post as my status :thumbs:)

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It's sad there is still so much prejudice and ignorance around - and a lot of it tends to end up on Facebook where people have the protection of anonymity.it's hard but try to ignore it.


Be gay and proud!


K x

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yeah. im not gay myself, but have quite a few gay friends. sexuallity doesnt bother me all that much, your still a person and if your a nice person i will get along with you

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It's sad there is still so much prejudice and ignorance around - and a lot of it tends to end up on Facebook where people have the protection of anonymity.

If they think that, they've got another think coming.

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I mean people who think they can be anonymous on Facebook are likely to be proved wrong. Remember, it only takes one so-called "friend" to reveal your identity to the world.

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yeh. someone just wrote this on facebook today and i did not find it one bit amusing


is into abit of lesbian love


I wrote :


sorry but i dont find that comment amusing when ive just discovered my identity... coming out, ive had bad experience

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People will always attack what they don't understand. Be proud of who you are and don't acknowledge the people who try to bring you down.


Eleanor Roosevelt said 'No one can make you feel inferior without your consent' - so don't let them get to you. It's no ones business but your own what your sexuality is. I came out in college as bisexual and was bullied a fair bit - then I realised it didn't matter what anyone thought.


If you are feeling bullied at college - go to student services as they have people who are trained to deal with these kinds of situations. You're not alone.

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I think sexual preference/orientation is largely irrelevant. My ex boss was gay and seemed to want to talk about it endlessly (she discovered she was gay after having been married for years and after having had 2 daughters), presumably because it was something she was still battling with. I personally don't feel that sexuality defines anyone's personality. I think it's sad that individuals who are openly gay may be ridiculed, etc - I think that says much more about those individuals. On another note, I personally feel that facebook and the like pose potential issues for individuals who are perhaps inclined to be open with personal information, etc. Sadly, there have been lots of reports about bullying, etc etc. Whilst I think times have changed regarding how gay individuals are viewed, sex before marriage, unmarried mothers, etc over the years, ignorance still exists in some quarters, so please be very careful about whom you confide in about personal matters (same applies to everyone).


PS - although not without problems, glad you've got some inner peace.



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dont go to college no more but going to supported housing english course now

Will you be able to continue with that in Bristol?

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I have been an out lesbian for about 10 years, and an "in" one since I was about 9 years old. I realised very early that people might not take kindly to the way I wished to live my life. I heard all the jokes and listened quietly to nasty discussions, including from my own family. I didn't know how closed minded my family was until one of them had read an article( years ago now) about a guy who was camping, I believe, in a known hot spot for people who are gay. And 2 men simply kicked him badly, if not to death, for being gay. I was disgusted, so were my family... that the attackers were given jailtime! My oldest family member said, and I remember clearly because it frightend me, " that is what should happen to all unnatural perverts." I was so never coming out to them, I feared for a long time that if they ever found out I was going to become fast friends with the buisness end of a baseball bat. Over the years something on the news or in a tv show would cause their heckles to rise and out would pop viciousness.

I have never set foot in a club... of anykind, simply put, me no likey public! Crowds scare me, so going looking for someone would never happen and until the last few years didn't I actually think I was ready to even have a partner. Being me having a set pattern of life, how was another human being meant to fit? How does all that hand holding, cuddling and ... *ahem* more work? I didn't have anyone proper to talk to about these thoughts and having aspergers, but not known at the time, made me wonder if the things I was thinking and feeling were anything, normal. I have a partner now, who is much more understanding than my first and only other partner. And I love the fact that the world, slowly, is becoming more tolerant. What I would have done for there to have been somone to talk to, to try and make sense of things.

I too am on facebook and I have yet to have recieved a nasty comment or message. I guess there I am lucky. But I have witnessed others in the firing line, and sent a private message to the person being attacked just to simply say nice things and try to boost them up.

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