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How do you find autumn/winter?

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I get very sore hands if I don't constantly use hand cream and walking to school with the kids is a chore if it's cold and rainy. I like snow and conkers, though. I don't think I hate the cold months as some people do.

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I'm happier in autumn because I hate really hot weather. Also my sun-intolerence means I have to avoid it as much as possible so when autumn comes I can relax.


What I don't like about this time of year is dark mornings.

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I don't like being cold, but I haven't seen much of the last 12 or 13 autumn/winters so I plan to see a lot more of these seasons this year.


In summer my sleep/wake routine works very well, but in autumn/winter those hours are not so good, and it isn't until about April that it really improves, so I'm probably going to have to deal with that this year or I'm only going to have 5 hours of relatively decent daylight each day for a long time...


If this post was put up a year ago I'd have said I find autumn and winter "depressive"... might have to remember to ask myself this question again in spring to see what I say, something more interesting than "depressive" I hope.

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It is the time of year and it has already started where my feet, hands and nose are permanently cold, and the feet painfully cold where I can't feel them and I hate it and I have tried everything to ease the situation but nothing works. But other than that the low light I like and interesting weather, where down here when the storms come, I go out in them to the beach to watch the sea going mental, even late at night.

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We've been at the beach over the last couple of days, and the sea has truly been 'mental'. I do think that the rugged beauty of the sea in the cold months surpasses its sparkly prettiness in the warmer seasons.


Our dog is really reluctant to do its business in rubbish weather, for some reason. I'm sure she needs one of those natural light lamps, because she's really down in Autumn and Winter :( .

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My dog doesn't like it when its blowing a gale, really hates it, especially dislikes the noise in the trees.


I like the sea when its in its winter and spring violence stages, its something else when its like that, you get to see a different side to it that shows the true power of water.

Edited by darkshine

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My cat when I had a cat used to create hell to go out and when I open the doors she would look at the wet and leg it back inside, heading for the litter tray, where I used to pick her up turn her 180 degrees and put her outside as she was an ex feral cat so she was well used to damp litter.

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See, its conversations like this that just keep me hooked into this forum and make life worthwhile :devil:


"Does you dog ###### in the rain?" :lol:


Yeah, if he needs to have a cr4p he goes out and gets wet, he does it in a trudging slow way and gets wetter as a result :lol:


Sorry :lol:




I'm not really sorry :oops: its too funny and too good a chance to be annoying.... made me laugh anyway, so ta for that :D

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Hey, it was a serious question about something which affects my everyday life. Why can't I just be taken seriously? I think we all joined up to this forum so that we can explore things that are important to us, so I'd appreciate some respect. Is that too much to ask?



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Trouble is, we'dhave to leave the golf umbrella out all night to ensure a dry patch, coz she doesn't even like pooing on wet ground :wallbash: And even then, maybe she would refuse even if she could just see the wet ground. I don't know, coz I haven't tried it. I'm just a useless dog-owner, aren't I? :lol:

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Question: How do you find autumn/winter?


I find this time of year to be particularly depressing because you know it's going colder and the leaves are falling from the trees and starting the car in the mornings becomes a nightmare and no longer takes seconds but more like half an hour of scraping ice and wiping condensation from the insides of the windscreen. Then you sit there frozen as the engine warms up for what seems like an eternity as your clock ticks by slower than it does usually. When you do get out on the main roads you find the gritters haven't done their jobs yet and it's dicey as hell - you grit your teeth for each passing mile just hoping/praying the next corner won't be the last corner you ever do. And this is all after having braced yourself for the coldness outside your bed and then braved the coolness of the supposedly-hot shower.


Winter is not for me. I don't like it. It makes me depressed. It makes me cold. It dashes my spirits. It is bleak and hopeless and rotten. It's even worse this year because the summer we had didn't really feel like one.

Edited by Mike_GX101

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I loved winter when I was a kid. I loved the snow and making snowballs and sliding on the ice. I didn't really seem to feel the cold so I'd walk around with my jacket undone and my mum despaired! I quite liked the sensation of my fingers going numb too....


Now as an adult, I really don't enjoy winter. The seasons are all out of whack now so the snow comes later and then like Mike says, it's all about digging yourself out the door, figuring out how many layers of clothing to put on the children (and how many changes they need if they get wet), trying to determine how long it will take to get somewhere and the dim light is very depressing; I thought for a long time I have SAD (which I may do) but I find that I feel the same way if I can't have access to lots of natural light during the rest of the year. When there is fresh snowfall and then the sun comes out and the white glows then I feel very happy! I also love when the tree is up and the twinkly lights make me very happy too!


I don't have a dog so I have no advice on dog toileting problems :lol:

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Winter with nature is a time of slowing down and hibernating, it is whey stuff grows in the summer to be used in the winter to keep us going until the sun comes back. But for us, the electric light has changed everything where we are now expected to carry on regardless of the season and what it is doing. But energy costs money and it is getting more costly along with food so what does one do, buy more energy or buy more food to keep going, or does one return to the nature of ourselves and go back to slowing down over winter ? Me through the cost, the heating has not yet been switched on and so it is mostly hibernate under the duvet wearing full thermals to stay warm as eating food for energy and warmth costs as does heating the house, where the cheaper option is just hibernate as best one can, one fluorescent light on at a time and nothing else on other than the computer and the router where the computer alternates between mains power and battery power, it being a macbook the battery tends to last currently about six hours between charging.

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Trouble is, we'dhave to leave the golf umbrella out all night to ensure a dry patch, coz she doesn't even like pooing on wet ground :wallbash: And even then, maybe she would refuse even if she could just see the wet ground. I don't know, coz I haven't tried it. I'm just a useless dog-owner, aren't I? :lol:


Mine doesn't like going when the ground is frosty, its mildly amusing watching him lift each foot up as high as he can while he walks across the grass, but judging by the look on his face he doesn't think its amusing. He also will only eat under specific circumstances and never at any other time.


Guess you could cover your garden :lol:


But it rains in summer too doesn't it? I like rain in summer, in autumn it can be quite annoying getting soaked every day, especially when its so cold getting wet, so that I'm running out of clothes because they just won't dry quick enough, and it doesn't help that I'm trying to only put the heating on when absolutely necessary which at present is for a maximum of an hour and not every day either, but it gives me a headache so I have to have the window open in the room I sit in or I feel terrible, which surely wastes heat and money...


It's probably better sitting outside because part of being inside is that you notice a draft and feel cold even though it might not be that cold - I went into a shop to buy milk and the woman behind the till shivered and spoke to her colleague and they agreed to turn the thermostat up in the shop, I was thinking but its so warm in here - I figure its the same principle, that you acclimatise and so notice subtle changes.

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What is she actually doing? How do you know she needs the loo? What do you do with her? If you let her out into the garden what does she do and how does she act - and if you put a lead on her and walked her what does she do then?


And when you are convinced she needs to go, then when do you try letting her out again if the previous attempt failed?

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Heck, this is getting deep. Well, we always let her out first thing in the morning. But if it's raining or the ground is vaguely moist she turns back immediately. I often take her out at luchtime-ish. She trots around happily enough, but she resists doing her stuff until towards the end of the walk. On a dry day she goes out immediately and does her business and repeats the process when I take her for a walk. So, there ya go.

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Yeah I'm kinda bored now :lol:


I know its wrong to say that but I'm laughing so much right now that I sorta hope you'll just forgive me and know that you made me laugh and that's a good thing :lol:


Er... changing subject...


How do you find autumn and winter?


You walk out the door at the appropriate time of year and the environment around you tells you - and there you go, you've found autumn or winter :D

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Well, the cold and grey of autumn is tempered by my son's ecstasies over leaves falling down, the local fair and fireworks. Winter drags on relentlessly, and I get fed up if it hasn't lifted when it should. I unahsamedly like snow, though, and I like awaiting the signs of spring.

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There's some things I'm remembering about winter, ice that crunches satisfactorily when you walk, and frost that sparkles holographically in the moonlight, the stars are brighter and you get to see them longer cuz it gets dark early, we get blasted with rain, snow and wind and it gets us down but we remember that spring is on its way cuz the bare earth tells us of what is to come.


I'll know more come spring :D

Edited by darkshine

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Aveda Hand Relief for the double entendre . :lol:

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