Sa Skimrande Report post Posted December 31, 2012 And so you have responded to my criticism but I notice I cannot quote nor reply, what is it are you playing dirty games already ? What is it are moderators beyond reproach even when they are acting questionably ? Go this way I will be gone from here make no doubts about that and that may suit some others I do understand especially those that quote rules when they don't understand. And as if you think what do I know about moderating, take a look at Depression forums . org and understand this place is extreme small potatoes compared to that, for I was there dealing with suicidal people daily, not aspies really although there were some but real basket cases ignored by society where they come on line to scream ! And if not that, try inline with my leanings, check out the religion and politics forum specifically. For yes I have been a moderator on places wilder than this and so I understand what I understand and see what is happening here as amateurish at best and oppressive at worst. It's not a game you know these are real people you are dealing with, with thoughts and feelings beyond what you can know as after all we are all on the autistic spectrum, that being you have no idea how your actions dishonest or not impact others. And of the rules you have reiterated for our attention do you understand those rules yourself and do you apply them to the letter or is it your interpretation of ? I am dissatisfied, this used to be a friendly place but now it seem most unfriendly, get a grip there is more to being a moderator than a title and what kudos you think that brings for moderating any forum is a very hard job make no doubts about that and why I did not proffer myself forward to be a moderator despite myself being here mostly, for I have been there before and perhaps naive I believed I could make a difference when in reality, people, will always be people and we will always disagree. Now this is the test, will this post I have thought long and hard about be here tomorrow when I wake up, for if it is not I will have my answer, oppression rules okay and I will be gone with a sour taste in my mouth to find a more friendly ASD forum where they have their moderation sorted out to be not a hindrance to the users that come free of charge to help others if they can. Your response wil be most welcome ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LancsLad Report post Posted December 31, 2012 For information SaSkimrande a post was put up last night by a regular member and there were only myself the poster and two of the new moderating team on the forum. I was in the middle of constructing what I believed to be well thought out response based on my own experiences both personal and in working with individuals in the care system. To the moderators concerned it would have been easy to see I had been on the post for a good few minutes when it was locked out and later deleted by the moderators. I did not get the chance to make the post. Personaly I couldn't agree more with what you have said here. I am not a fan for moderation, this is nothing personal about individuals rather I believe in free speech nothing more, nothing less. Last night I was left feeling that there is little or no respect for some people on this forum, if it is not a place to express ourselves what is it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
raydon Report post Posted December 31, 2012 (edited) In response to Sa Skimrande's first point about not being able to reply: I think what has happened is an admin slip up, rather than a censorship matter I suggested that this thread was moved away from ASD to Forum Matters, and it has somehow ended up on a single page under Techie Corner which hasn't had the attributes set for replying. As for the other censorship issues I agree, the admins role should be to intervene only when the rules have been contravined and not before. It is not in their remit to judge anything else, nor rubber stamp posts with approvals. For the moment I will say the new mods are learning the ropes. Lets hope that is true. Edited December 31, 2012 by raydon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
A-S warrior Report post Posted December 31, 2012 I can assure you i have nothing to do with this. The resason i locked that topic last night was not to 'show how powerful i am' it was to avoid something potentially harmful to our members. There are plenty of members out there (although meaning well) that say silly things at times and could have put a vunrablre member in danger. Anytime anyone mentions wanting to kill themselves that could open up pandoras box for all types of problems. All i've done so far is try to remind people of the rules (of which you clicked agree too) when you joined. I'm doing my job basically, and all these topics and comments make my job unbearable. the whole reason of pinning the rules to the general disscussion was for this very reason, so we diddn't have to do stuff like this, and that we could continue as normal. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Special_talent123 Report post Posted December 31, 2012 its the moderators rules to do this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sa Skimrande Report post Posted December 31, 2012 I can assure you i have nothing to do with this. The resason i locked that topic last night was not to 'show how powerful i am' it was to avoid something potentially harmful to our members. There are plenty of members out there (although meaning well) that say silly things at times and could have put a vunrablre member in danger. Anytime anyone mentions wanting to kill themselves that could open up pandoras box for all types of problems. All i've done so far is try to remind people of the rules (of which you clicked agree too) when you joined. I'm doing my job basically, and all these topics and comments make my job unbearable. the whole reason of pinning the rules to the general disscussion was for this very reason, so we diddn't have to do stuff like this, and that we could continue as normal. What was potentially harmful in the thread you killed off last night were people threatening the big S, no I don't believe they were, so where was the threat ? Or was it criticism had been levelled and moderators didn't like to be criticised so they in actual fact sought to silence opposition, because if they did that is an abuse of power and nothing less. But as to potentially harmful, what does that mean are you engaged in precognitive policing now ? And as to the old chestnut; protecting more vulnerable members ? Who ? Where ? No one is online to protect other than the regular active members who are to all intents and purposes chipped and hardened battle axes when it comes to this forum in that we know what to expect and we know how to protect ourselves. With power comes responsibility and the requirement to accept criticism be that whatever, that is essential for a healthy and functioning anything let alone a small quiet place on the internet. This a learning experience for you, all of you, learn well and you will get support if you are seen to be acting in a fair and unobtrusive manner, descend into autocracy and you will be the only ones here. Because one thing about aspies is that many of us have a very strong moral compass and with that an intolerance of tyranny. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
A-S warrior Report post Posted December 31, 2012 Guest's (we do get a few) who could be anyone could be reading, they could be children. All i can say to you is read the rules. (they maybe in need of edititing) but they are the rules none the less, and that is what i have been instructed to follow. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Suze Report post Posted December 31, 2012 I believe the member who started the thread asked for it to be deleted . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
A-S warrior Report post Posted December 31, 2012 I believe the member who started the thread asked for it to be deleted . With it being my first night i was being careful. I locked it until a decicion was made, and then the OP requested it to be removed. (she was happy with that) case closed. It would of been re opened at a later date if it was the consensus. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LancsLad Report post Posted December 31, 2012 You make a very good point about strong moral and ethical compasses. I think it is also important to understand that it is not just the compass which is important it is the rough storms and seas which that device and the individual who has held it have been through. And there are a few such individuals on this forum who have seen their fair share of storms. Now are we getting to the state that we are completely disregarding the experience and knowledge of certain individulas in favour of a hypothetical 'guest' who might be looking in and take offence. Because I for one given what I have been through in life and the professional postions I have been in could find that highly offensive. Because you are using a rule not to defend an ethical position rather are using it to try and disregard and silence experience. And in response to members putting stuff up for effect and expecting others to mind read what their motives are is that not unfair, yet the defence seems to be for that individual and the target is the person who was possibly making a genuine response to try and help them from a well informed position. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Suze Report post Posted December 31, 2012 Thanks for the clarification A-S.Hope those members concerned can understand why Smiley felt this necessary.. and understand now why the thread was removed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sa Skimrande Report post Posted December 31, 2012 You make a very good point about strong moral and ethical compasses. I think it is also important to understand that it is not just the compass which is important it is the rough storms and seas which that device and the individual who has held it have been through. And there are a few such individuals on this forum who have seen their fair share of storms. Now are we getting to the state that we are completely disregarding the experience and knowledge of certain individulas in favour of a hypothetical 'guest' who might be looking in and take offence. Because I for one given what I have been through in life and the professional postions I have been in could find that highly offensive. Because you are using a rule not to defend an ethical position rather are using it to try and disregard and silence experience. Exactly, as I have been involved in the business of health and safety, I know full well what abuses exist and it is abuse in a lot of cases designed to silence, control and oppress, all because of the ever present hypothetical other usually identified by the use of the word; might. And so, as a result when I see or hear that word used I know full well there is les than wholesome intentions at work. This website although public is for the use of it's members that being the hypothetical other who might be looking in it has no responsibility for through the fact that the website states it has no responsibility for the content posted by it's members and so can't be held liable, so can you see the game being played, because I can, it's simple, some members don't like what they are seeing so they seek to silence and oppress. And in response to members putting stuff up for effect and expecting others to mind read what their motives are is that not unfair, yet the defence seems to be for that individual and the target is the person who was possibly making a genuine response to try and help them from a well informed position. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Suze Report post Posted December 31, 2012 I,m confused could you be more specific and give me examples so I,m up to speed, are you just concerned with the removal of smileys thread or something else here ? it the suicide issue again , do you wish to openly be allowed to discuss suicide on the forum Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sa Skimrande Report post Posted December 31, 2012 I would think Suze the other moderators would fill you in as to what is happening for yes there are more issues here other than SmileyK's post. Fine she requested the deletion, there is no ill in that but there are other issues here which I am very surprised you don't know about, don't you lot talk amongst yourselves to come up with informed and balanced decisions or are moderators allowed to police as they see fit ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
A-S warrior Report post Posted December 31, 2012 What issues? All ive done is pin the rules other than the locked topic. Anything else is news to me. I've been posting as normal other than that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LancsLad Report post Posted December 31, 2012 I think it really needs to be understood that ASD is a banner under which a massively diverse range of individuals sit. ASD is not a cliché far from it and as such that diversity needs to be recognised. Within the mix of the membership there are some incredibly talented individuals who have done an awful lot in life, and a lot of that is because of having high levels of autistic energy couple with their other existing personality traits and attributes. Now personally I do not see having a rich and diverse mix in the membership as a problem rather I see it as an issue. I know when it comes to myself I have not interest to come to the forum and impose my ideas and thoughts onto others, rather I try to simply be myself and if people can get something from that then I am happy for that to happen. Likewise I am here to learn more about myself through the experiences of others, rules teach me nothing, other peoples experiences an awful lot more. I believe trying to find a centre ground in the community and constructing rules around that position is not in the best interests for everyone who is member. In fact what it does is it isolates people on the extremes of the spectrum. I can honestly say as an individual I have learnt more about my own autistic traits by spending time in special school environments with wonderful individuals who would be classed as having for a better term 'classic autism'. So I am not saying only people like myself have something to offer far from it. If people feel there needs to be rules to protect individuals from the views and experiences of other members such as myself then I find that very disturbing and somewhat hurtful. I can personally as an individual draw on my experiences in the care system and what professional views were of myself. I can find strength that others trusted me with some of the most vulnerable cases you could come across and invited me to help train others. Personally I come to the forum as a member in trying to help others. I don't make a big song and dance about stuff which is going on in my own life. I have juggled posting today with going for a training run in a lot of discomfort and having a discussion with the DWP today who are intending to cut my benefits down to 10p per week starting in a fortnight. I am dealing with those things in my own way and that is possibly because I don't feel the support is here on the forum for me though I try and contribute a lot. And at times I think what is the point. I do not feel experience is really valued. I do not find the forum to be very solution orientated rather it is all about recycling negative emotional exchanges and people generally feeling sorry for themselves. When I came to the forum just under a year or so ago I had worked through many of the issues associated with my own diagnosis and felt I was in a position to positively offer something back to the community which I am a part of. As I said a couple of weeks ago I have never felt as isolated as an individual than I do in this place. And that is very sad, as such it is possibly the time for me to walk away. The forum is large enough to lose an individual such as myself but I suspect there has been a steady stream of people with similar sorts of experiences and attributes who have been walking away over the years. It takes a lot for me to walk away from something and it is not about moderators in particular it is about the fact that whilst many of us simply are happy to be Indians and one of the tribe the fact we chose to do so doesn't mean we haven't got an awful lot to contribute. I guess at the end of the day I am not well adapted to an 'emotional sound bite face book culture' which the forum is transforming into. It is now at the point where I do not think the majority of people can be even bothered to read posts let alone think about what is being said. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Suze Report post Posted December 31, 2012 Very cloak and is an oppurtunity to air your grievances , tell me precisely what they are and we can take it from there. stop alluding to stuff and please speak plainly or else we,ll be faffing about all night. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
A-S warrior Report post Posted December 31, 2012 I haven't even unpacked my mod hat yet, this is all too much for a first day. Basically what's happend is, this forum hasn't been moderated for sometime. even now with mods this is still holiday camp compaired to another forum i go on. By now sa skimrande and lancslad would have been banned, or at least recived infractions, for arguing with the moderators. I go back to my origanal point, and that is this forum hasn't been moderated in along time, plus aspies don't like change. I won't, but i do know of a moderator or 2 that will have no qualms in banning you if you keep up. Stop making a mountain out of a molehill, and just take the warning or whatever it was on the chin. I get infractions on the other place just for blocking out swear words! More importantly my face is up here lads! stop looking at my mod tag and look at my name tag A-S warrior! The main thing im going to do as a mod is kill spam, and work with the rules, that is all. And lads, first day yeah? cut me some slack and give me a chance before you attack me with your weird and winding posts. This argument will ultimaltley go no were, beacuse regardless as to what you or i think, there are rules in place, (which i'm revising) of which i'm bound to now as a member of staff on this forum. Again before you attack this point ive been doing this for a matter of hours and am still learning, and learning is what i'm doing! Even harder when the only veteran mod left is suze. And lancslad you know me better that anyone else on this forum, you kknow my strenghs and weaknesses and i get the feeling your exploting those. # So much for being mates eh? the only thing that's changed is your own perspection of me beacuse i am now a moderator. Never mind the fact i'm still the same guy i was 48 hours ago. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sa Skimrande Report post Posted December 31, 2012 I came here from Wrong Planet and understand that is a zoo compared to here where they discuss what needs to be discussed and they usually work it all out themselves in that being allowed to discuss they actually learn something. Here on the other hand, it's shock horror they are talking about that again fetch the water we must stamp this out quick because we don't like it being discussed. Understand something, if people are prevented from talking and working out issues what use is this place, it's not just for parents to talk about their kid's school and care issues, the affected are here too and believe it we have issues and largely being adults no one is listening and that translates as no one is caring to hear us out, the usual really, it is that for us. Now it could be parents of are thinking of just what is coming their way when their loved ones experience adult hood and this is where they might get a clue from those adults now who are experiencing what they are, but moderation in the past was parents of we have been told, did they act on complaints made or really was it they themselves that did not like to think what their adult children could well experience, as there is no point burying your head in the sand and moderating important issues away that solves absolutely nothing and it is in fact a disservice to those in pain. I promoted ASD moderation for the simple fact I believe a website that deals with ASD issues needs ASD representation for I suspect what existed before when it found the time to be present had that parent/child attitude when the affected were flipping their lid on line. As parents of parents did only what they knew to do and silence the naughty child. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Suze Report post Posted December 31, 2012 I,m bowing out,............... seems you actually just want to argue with each other , so why don,t you start up your own jolly "LETS HAVE A CRACK AT ONE ANOTHER "thread, because any issues you actually have are all made up as you can,t seem to tell me what they are! get on with it , this thread will get no more input from me.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LancsLad Report post Posted December 31, 2012 Ben nothing has changed except I have been open in saying what i feel it is you which is saying in your opinion I am teading a line that would be banned on other forums. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
A-S warrior Report post Posted December 31, 2012 As suze said, this will go no were lancs, message me. sa skimrande do what pleases you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
A-S warrior Report post Posted December 31, 2012 I am teading a line that would be banned on other forums. It's true, on one i'm a member of it doesn't take much, on there you really have to triple check your posts. this forum will never get like that. (i hope) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sa Skimrande Report post Posted December 31, 2012 Oh dear, did I hit a raw nerve ? You want me to get brutally honest, be careful for what what you ask for because I can cut to the bone very easily and offend where no offence is meant and so that is why perhaps some of us talk in the round about manner and imply because we do not have the skills to describe what is our concern with the diplomacy you yourselves take for granted. And no you are wrong the issues are not made up we are adults not children and before you think I am not in collusion with anyone, I am not and I am speaking directly from my own experience, I was prevented from replying to what I saw was wrong last night and I want to know why and was the action wholesome and that is my issue what others have, is theirs to debate. But as a moderator, really, you are meant to know what is going on on the forum and as to another moderator's insinuation that the likes of myself and another would have been banned by now for arguing with moderators, is that what you think we are doing, arguing ? If you know anything about ASD you will know I am not. I seek open and honest truth, nothing more. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Special_talent123 Report post Posted December 31, 2012 oh wrong planet, the place i never get on with. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
trekster Report post Posted December 31, 2012 Topic has been locked because it is getting out of hand, please PM moderators if you have any specific issues you wish to discuss. Moderators are doing their jobs here and some of us have just started. I have previously moderated other forums including a php one and also am a co moderator on a yahoo group which is mixed NT/ASD membership (im the only autistic mod on there). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites