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supply teachers

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Hi all,


Just something that has been bothering me for a while. My son Keegan attends main stream secondary school with a dx of AS. Do any of you have trouble with supply teachers!!!. By that I mean I can usually tell when he has had a supply teacher in for a lesson he comes home in a right mood and is difficult to control. I have had to fetch him a few times because had a call from the nurse to say he was ill and when we have fetched him its all because of the supply teacher. Its hard to get any information out of him but eventually he will say we had a supply teacher in today I have asked him how he feels about having supply teachers and he says he does not like the quick change.


Do any of you have similar problems and do you think I should speak to the school about trying to give him a bit of notice when is usual teacher is ill or should he just learn to deal with it???


Any suggestions will help.




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If they can give your son notice then I would say for them to give him it,but often this isn't to be the case if a teacher is ill.


In a recent report from my son's school it stated that my son didn't like it when he had a different teacher in class and would be disruptive, but they never looked into see why he didn't like it, because he hates change.


Does he have a school home book? maybe they could just write you a note or something when a different teacher has been in or maybe you could keep a diary of when he's had a supply teacher in so that you know if there is a definate change to behaviour, then you could bring it up with the school.

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My daughter is 9 and is being assessed for aspergers, I know when she comes home in a bad mood that she has had a supply teacher. The other night she was still awake when my husband checked her at 12:15am!he asked if she was worrying about anything and she said her teacher was on a course and she was wondering what supply the class were going to have! Either way it worrys her.

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Hi JAM, don't really have the prob of supply teachers yet (son at primary school) but I do know his school seem to have an awful of of student teachers and this can often disrupt/ruin his day entirely!

Not suprising really when you think about it, these teachers with the best will in the world can't possibly be informed about our kids problems and are prob more concerned about their own learning targets or just getting through the day than a teacher who is there full time and has to know about the kids in their care. :huh:

You've made me realise this supply teacher problem is one we'll prob encounter at secondary school though :(

Don't know what the answer is yet but leave it with me! :lol:

Luv Witsend.

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:wallbash::o yes my sons 4 and he hates it when his normal teacher isnt there, he crys in the class,and even went up to her and told her he dont like her.


it seems to be getting a regular thing,my son will question me at night about her being there or not it really worrys him.

i tryed to explain to the teachers but all i get is "yes lots of the children feel this way" and dont worry ect,,,,

:wacko::wacko: .


my son has no dx so im in funny poistion about making a thing out of this .

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I would have a word with the SENCO. It's not an unreasonable request if the school have enough warning that your son will be having a supply teacher for a lesson. Sometimes they may not know until the last minute, but they should be made aware of how it is affecting your son.


If the SENCO has a good understanding of AS, they should realise how much of a difference it will make.

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If possible they should tell us/child if a teacher is not going to be in. The best example I can give f this was Phas jr's most wonderful head of year - her mother died and we got a phone call on a Sunday night asking to speak to him (she told us first) to explain why she would not be in one specific day and might not be around for a few others that week. THAT was above and beyond in our eye's, but typical of her.


They know that change upsets him so they always try to make him/us aware whenever they can. It really does make a huge difference. He is pretty accepting now even if the warning comes that day - it still gives him a little time to take it in. It really can make all the difference.


As for the supply teacher being aware we have a pupil list in a folder in the classroom making the supply aware that children have certain conditions and problems etc. They are told about it, expected to read it and ALL classes have a TA who will ensure this happens. It sounds complicated but in practice, once it is set up it really helps.

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Hi all


Thanks for the replies and I am going to speak to the SENCO and see if we can come to some sort of arrangement about giving him some notice... Surely when a teacher is ill they have to ring in so the school have some notice of there absence and then they can pass that info on to K


Phasmid - You are so lucky to have caring teachers like you have got at your sons school they are a dime a dozen. You have made a good point about the supply teacher having a folder and the TA in the class passing on info. That too has been a concern of mine because not only does he have AS but he has Ulcerative Colitis (inflammatory bowel disease) and he has a card which allows him to leave the class at any time without asking to attend to his "toileting needs". What if they are not informed and kick up a fuss!! and he has an accident. I really need to find out about all this - thanks for pointing it out.



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