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Measles in DS nursery

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Just got the phone call 10 mins ago. He hasn't had the MMR as he kept being poorly. So have got him booked in for the jab this evening. The shock hit me on the phone to the receptionist. Both my other 2 have been japped and there was never any cases around when they were little. Think the gp's is going to be busy tonight.

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The MMR presents an extremely difficult choice for some. They may believe it causes Autism and now there have been deaths which need investigating.


But on the other side of the coin, herd immunity MUST remain at a very high level otherwise the protection recieved by those who have had jabs will be worth nothing as the virus will mutate into a different strain that the MMR doesn't protect against. So giving your children the MMR makes little difference when even three children in a class of thirty have not been given it, their lives are still at risk.

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After much umming ahhing and procrastinating was supposed to get DS2 done today but he's on antibiotics and I want him in tip top condition before he's done. Third time I've cancelled because he's been ill. Am worried about MMR even though I remain dubious about a link with ASD but go cold everytime I read about the increase in measles and the local outbreaks


Good luck tonight!



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Just phoned the nursery up to find out their procedure on jabs. Unless he's poorly he can come in tomorrow. Ask which room the child in, staff doesn't know. As it was the health authority that informed them :blink:

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Nathan had the MMR.

Jo had MMR

Sam...erm overreactive fruit bat had his DTP and HIB delayed thanks to having raised IgE so there was no way I was having anything cultured in a protein injected straight in having seen what he can do with the stuff in his hands.

Annie well I did ask her peadiatrician but he said he would not if she was his given what Sam is like, given all her problems in her first year of life and given how sick DTP made her so she has not had the MMR either.


In Jo and Nathans case the risk of measles outweighs the MMR but in Sam and Annies case due to their very differant medical histories its the other way around.


I may let Annie have the MMR once she stops flatlinning on growth charts but Sam...no way...I have seen that boys reaction just handling egg.

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Guest flutter

mine both had jab,

i think i saw the side effects of the measles and german measles more of a threat

but each to his own, but i do wonder if an epedemic hits how schools/nurseries ect will deal with those kids not immunised? wil the be advised to stay away till the worst is over, so they dont catch?

C x

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Both my children had MMR - although I livein a country where it is traditionally given later than in UK as vaccinations are generally more spaced out.


DD1 was 18 month

DD2 was over 2 as she had a lot of infections/asthma


I predate the MMR and managed to catch mumps - have no idea where -at the age of 33 - which developed into viral meningitis - not a nice experience!

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I don't think MMR has got anything to do with autism, I honestly don't, but even if it did I'd take a tiny chance of turning a not-autistic child autistic over a fairly significant chance of turning any child dead. Kids die of measles, can die of mumps too and everyone knows what happens to a developing foetus if its mum catches rubella. There's enough that really truly cannot have the vaccination because of allergy or severely compromised immune system or some equally major medical reason, and those kids (and little babies who aren't old enough yet) health absolutely depends on everyone else being vaccinated.

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Daisy thats why my sons were immunised, I know someone who lost a young family member through measles. Her daughter caught it when she was a baby last year and it was so terrifying for her, the last person she seen with measles died. I could not live with the guilt if my child died or became deaf or blind due to measles if I chose not to immunise. We haven't had any reports of it here yet but the school were considering asking parents if any children had not been immunised incase we get that call..Those who chose not to immunise must be terrified at the minute.

Edited by lil_me

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All 3 of mine had MMR, but felt so up/down about my youngest two as the debate always seemed to on the TV/Radio and I had so many conflicting emotions about it. Sometimes I would change my mind daily...or even hourly...as to whether to go ahead or not. In the end decided to. Can't say I noticed any change in them whatsoever afterwards. No reactions at all, other than my youngest dd had an unusually large swelling afterwards, which was hot. Rang emergency docs to be told this was normal. It took many days to go down though.

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What do people think about boosters?


I am a bit unsure about whether to let DD have the booster now that she is diagnosed woth AS.



Puffin- I've decided not to let The Boy have the booster. He did have his MMR & I do not believe that has anything to with his autism.


However, as far as I am concerned, the jury is still out on how well a child with autism copes with any jab - esp the "three in one" jabs. Also, something like 90% of children are actually fully protected by the original MMR jab, so the huge majority are having the booster for no reason whatsoever.

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What do people think about boosters?


I am a bit unsure about whether to let DD have the booster now that she is diagnosed woth AS.


I've not had my oldest son booster done. Two reasons


1. most children are adequately protected from the first MMR, I think the booster mops up 10% of kids who don't make a good response so the chances are he won't need it. Am hoping that when he sees the aped next month he'll agree to test his antibody levels when he gets his blood count checked


2. there is no research afaik that looked at whether MMR can worsen autism. I've never been convinced it causes asd but have wondered if it can worsen the severity of autism. Working on the premise that there is a 9/10 chance he won't need it anyway I don't want to risk giving it to him though have to confess the increase in measles is making me reconsider. If we do get his immunity tested and it comes back low then I may reconsider



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We've just been discussing this on the epilepsy forum. One of the members is a virologist and she explained that the 1st MMR does have good results for the measles (80%) but the mumps and rubella aren't always enough so it's important to have a 2nd jab for them, and as "I's" 1st had quite a reaction the 2nd jab would probably be MUCH milder, she said just give calpol if needed.


Hope that helps,

Anna x

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My five have all had their jabs and boosters (except the littlest one - but he's had everything to date). The only one with AS is one of the twins and that was obvious well before the booster jabs.


I'm all for the vaccinations because my daughter nearly died from whooping cough when she was just six weeks old and even after she recovered from the disease I still had her vaccinated for it just to ensure she had full protection.


I believe that autism and AS are genetic and it seems to become more obvious around the age of the first MMR which is why people have been inclined to link them.


However, you are welcome to shout me down if you don't agree because everyone's view is different


BTW has anyone ever heard of a child contracting a mild form of mumps/measles or rubella following a close relative/friend being vaccinated. I only ask because one of my nephews had his MMR and a week later his brother came out in a rash and the week after that my youngest has come out in a rash (which appears to be dying down now) but he hasn't been ill with it at all. Doc says it never happens and my little one's is just viral but I'm not so sure :huh:

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