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rainbow queen

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About rainbow queen

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    Mt Blanc

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  1. http://www.cloudywithachanceofmeatballs.com/ just recently took my sons to watch this film-seemed that the main character to me had aspergers/or was on the spectrum.... my boys loved it -wondered if anybody else has seen it yet ? rq xxxx
  2. hi tally i hope you have a good break and fun with your christmas pressy xxx
  3. fry it in a frying pan with some butter -turning both sides............. i always cut it up while in the pan with knife and fork just to check inside if the flesh is still pink or brown. i sometimes add chopped onions/tomatoes and a oxo cube in aswell while its cooking.
  4. ive had the pleasure of having this twice first my youngest caught it then i did -then my parents and half the town-then my eldest and then i go get it again my sons been of nearly a week now with it and the cough is only just going a bit -after antibiotics-was a real bad dry barking cough--horrid plus raging temp............. i think i have the flu now-where your bones hurt if they are touched ect-dr given me antibitiocs for my chest.......... cant breath through my nose at all..... hope everyone recovers soon xxx
  5. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10...plications.html
  6. rainbow queen


    big hello <'> rq xxx
  7. my son has always found using cutlery hard work-but he has learnt to use the fork and spoon but needs lot more practice with a knife hes 7 and a half and he always has his fingers in his meals-i think its a sensory thing -he likes to touch the food and smell it too.....then what happens cause he has like this tic-where he touchs his ear and hair-the food ends up in his hair but he does not seem to notice this. all i can do is just prompt to use fork and spoon -as im having issues with meal times as it is -
  8. bye bye js mum thanks for all the support you have given over my time on the forum best of luck RQ xxx
  9. yes i have noticed one on one seems alot better with my 2 as well -trouble is im on my own so its really hard to do..........
  10. <'> >< <'> sounds like my days out think you was very brave doing london-i had a job myself coping there when i went for a weekend- you would think you could get to sit on the train -i had same problem you say about your son complaining about his legs i get this all the time with my son-in fact he hates walking anywhere-he is hypermobile so i think this adds to it i went to the drs recently about this moaning and complaining of his legs and he got reffered back to physio-who checked his feet over and said he had no archs at all in his feet and his toes had grown funny to compensate-so there was a reason for it-because i was starting to think it was just sensory or lazyness so we are on the waiting list to see someone who fits things in shoes to help with this. thought id mention it-because my son is 7 and up till then no one had really looked at his feet or ankles? so may be worth checking out <'>
  11. just wanted you to know your not on your own many a time ive sat crying over this but i am slowly learning to accept what i can do and what i cant and each time my boys make small stepps to doing that bit more-i guess it just takes time. i have a car but i wont drive places with my asd son in the car with me on my own and my younger son-he cant be trusted. just recently ive been getting my asd son used to travelling by bus-and in fact today we went to the science museum on the train and the bus................so proud of him today he tryed really hard . saying this i tryed to do this yesterday and it failed-and i had to give it up as theres no way it would of worked. it helps most when you prepare them for whats happening next ect ect..............well my son anyway and you have to stick to it my son has trouble waiting-and any waiting usually causes him to kick of into a teacher mode-repeating and rambling the same phrases over and over towards my younger son who cant stand it and then this leads to the fight......... keep strong -i know its hard.xxx
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