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Everything posted by Flora

  1. I would wait until mid September (15th which is a monday). That way both time frames are well past and it won't look like badgering them to get it sorted IYKWIM. Flora
  2. Flora


    One of my cats has not been seen at home since we decorated the living room last week. I know he's around because the chefs in the pub behind our garden are always feeding him, and they said they fed him red snapper and sirloin steak yesterday afternoon My cats hate change and with every change we've ever had they've gone through a radical behaviour and personality change. Flora
  3. Really sorry to hear about the piggy Good to hear that the owners were understanding about it though. Flora <'>
  4. Hi Diane <'> You've done absolutely the right thing asking for a multi-disciplinary meeting. From what you've said your son is really trying to meet everyone half way and psyche himself up for the school day. This should be recognised and the school should do their best to meet him half way too; changing the time-table at the last minute was probably something they could have, but didn't want to, avoid (meeting the needs/wants of the majority is what mainstream school is all about.... not great for our kids but a fact of life). However, they should have put more consideration into how this would affect your son and other kids who don't cope well with change. I know my son would not cope with this at all. Some people with ASD have a photographic memory for certain scenarios which they call on to help them cope; when that scenario changes (even tiny changes) they don't 'recognise' it and because of a variable inability to transfer skills they then have to 'learn' it all over again (this happens to my son all the time, and it's very frustrating for him and for the people, ie me and teachers etc, to cope with too). Try to relax today and let your son relax too. Go through the time-table for tomorrow (checking with the school first that they haven't changed that too!!! ) and hopefully tomorrow will go smoothly or smoother. Flora <'>
  5. well, Ben went out for the bus this morning and couldn't wait to get out of the door!!! He went down early for the bus because his sister gets a slightly earlier one at the same place. When I peeped out I saw him standing in a group with some of the other kids from his primary who are going up to secondary too. I'm sure he'll be fine Flo'
  6. If that's the case then, apart from the text you've already sent, I would think it best to not contact her anymore. Nothing good can come from it. You've shown her that you can see through what she's done (cowardly etc) and there is nothing more to be said. She really isn't worth it. Floz
  7. What are you implying Warren
  8. Yep, as everyone says it depends where you live and the level of specific expertise within CAMHS. When my boys were dx the CAMHS psychiatrist was an expert in ASD, and dx with input from a team (child psychologist, SALT etc). Since moving I've found that the psychiatrists we've come across at CAMHS don't have any expertise in ASD and for dx purposes they refer to a local (well known) prof who specialises in ASD. Good luck with the process. Flora
  9. Not at all. Sometimes you've got to get these things off your chest so you can begin to feel better. Being dumped is horrible and one day when the hurt and anger at how she's done it is gone you will realise she's not worth the time and effort it takes to text her, BUT the way you're feeling right now it might help you get over it if you speak your mind first. Flora
  10. Good luck for tomorrow. I'm trying to work out how I can spy on my son at the bus stop without being seen Flo'
  11. Mandy That's absolutely brilliant. Well done you I'm so pleased for you and your dd. Must have been a finger chewing time waiting for the case to be heard after adjournement and then waiting so long for the result. Yay Flora
  12. I don't watch any soaps, but I have been known to shout at the telly, even though I know the people in the 'magic box' can't actually hear me (except for Noel Edmonds that is) Also, I have cursed people out loud once I know they're out of ear shot, is that the same thing? Floz
  13. OMG Kathryn that is the absolute double of one of my cats (except he's a boy). She looks lovely Floz X
  14. According to my mum it was very likely a moth caterpillar. They are very small but can cause havoc (apparently). Flo'
  15. Only by default* bid (*it's easier to agree with him than argue with him tee hee)
  16. I had this for years with Bill. From reception to the start of year 4 we lived up north and the school he was at were fantastic. It was his school who set the ball rolling for dx, and they pulled no punches about the problems they were having with him at school, and were very sympathetic about the problems I was having with him at home. He was dx when he was in year 3, and I worked for months getting him to understand that it was ok for him to let all the stress out when he got home but to try his best to hold it in when he was at school. He and I paid for this bit of behaviour management for years and years after we moved His primary school where we live now were unutterably stubborn and insisted he had NO problems, and as such it was only during the last term of year 6 that they paid any lip service to 'reasonable adjustment'. The result being that his anxiety and stress made him very depressed and he was signed off sick for the last few weeks of primary. Secondary school made some big adjustments for his transition; half day time-table and full time 1-1 TA. It was too late though and he just could not cope with the busy and noisy bustle of mainstreams secondary school. He's now, after a massive and long fight with the LA, in an independent resi AS special school. I have no idea how you get the school/authorities to listen. I still don't think they ever did with us. It was just a case for me of keeping a paper trail of evidence and one or two people who were sort of on our side. I say sort of on our side because while they agreed that Bill should not be in mainstream school, they weren't willing to stick their head above the parapet and say so to the decision makers. Good luck to you all having these sort of problems. It's horribly frustrating. Just make sure you record everything and keep copies of letters. Also keep a diary of your child's reactions to school so that you have something tangible to refer back to during meetings etc. Flora
  17. Flora

    Hello Every1

    Hi Natalie and welcome to the forum Flora
  18. yeah but the research team didn't have any paleontologists on board so they didn't cover your particular speciality
  19. Flora


    <'> Suze this made me laugh so much. I can just see you banging your wooden spoon and your chucks and ducks come running. Big chicken lady? I'm giggling here to myself.... first time I've laughed since this morning! I love you Suze
  20. I think it's a terrible way for someone to end a relationship ! It's the sort of thing you'd almost expect a younger teenager to do but not an older teenager or an adult. Flora
  21. It's called 'Blaggard's Law'. In 1970, research psychologist Dr Hillary Mirriam-Blaggard led a team of forensic scientists, physicians and sociologist to conduct extensive research into the phsycial, psychological and sociological differences between men and women. Amongst other differences they made the important discovery that women are always right, even when they're wrong SG, as others have said, just tell her you panicked and hopefully she will understand. Flozza
  22. Flora


    Me too sissie pooh
  23. Flora

    A label of love...

    Me too badders <'> One for everyone else going through same/similar <'> One for me too <'> And one for fun <'> Flozza
  24. Flora

    What would you do?

    Yes, as bid says, great evidence with the LEA actually listening to you. Hope they continue to listen and the reprieve turns into something acceptable and tangable. Flora <'>
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