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  1. hello my daghter 6 will find out on the 12 if she is aspergers well we take her to karate to fetch her out of her self and she as been doing well last night she got very up set and wouldent do it becouse there was so many people there but then she got up and done it she past she is know a orange belt i cont belive it all so my son nt past his he is know a green belt and to top it all my son 17 past his driveing test this moring they say they come in 3 all the best to you all hope you are haveing a good day like me jill
  2. board

    my good news!

    i had 3 blue then lost 2 than had blue than had a pink inever throught i would have a pink when they told me on the scan i cryed couldnt belive it when she was born i had to ask what is it they keep saying its a girl so all the best to you look after you self and i hope you have what you want all the best to you and your family jill
  3. my daughter has been talking back shouting trowing things and hitting out she is good in school the techer said that she is talking a lot more in school so i think this is why she is like it in the house i told the techer that she mite have aspergers and since then she keeps saying she is talking more jioning more so i think she dose not belive me with find out dx on the 12 so i think she is pushing her to do more and that why she is like that at home what do you think could it be that any in put please all the best jill
  4. hello jb1964 i dont know if you know this but you can get dla for asthma so you need to put eveything down all the best jill
  5. hello i just found this a free video step by step on how to putty train your child htt:/www.huggiespull-up.com/lean/registration/ hope this helps jill
  6. here is the web sit http://www.familytime.com/asp/toothfairyletter.asp you just go there put in your childs name and then they do the story for you and you just print it of all the best jill
  7. hello my daughter just lost a tooth last week she didt like the blood and she did cry alot but i told her to put the tooth under her pillow i than got a letter form the tooth fairy with a picture of the fairy and my little girls name on it you can get it free of the net i will have a look if i can find it and post it for you if you want it she went to school the next day happy showing eveyone all the best jill
  8. hello i was trying to find out want was wronge with my daugther and getting no were so i asked the heath vister she filled all the froums in for me its only taken a couple of months will find out on the 12 if my daughter 6 as aspergers hope this helps jill
  9. hello i have been reading the posts and you all make it sound so easy i wont know were to sart to fill them in you must all be brain boxs its had to do anything like that for me all the best jill
  10. hello do you find that they smell something before anyone else has my daughter says whats that smell and i cant smell any thing than there it is and allso looking at food on the tele makes her sick all the best jill
  11. good luck and all the best to you jill
  12. board


    my daughter use to hide in the toylet untill all the mothers had gone and all the children were siting down she use to cry and hold on to me we didt know that there was any thing wrong with her we throught she was shy the school use to say you must just lave her as soon as you get here i tryed that and she followed me out side and they didt now so i said i cant do that untill you are ready to take her off me when she went to the new school the teacher there told me she thinks there is something wronge so will find out on the 12 of next month you must put your child frist becouse you know her best if i had walk away like they said i didt see her who know what could have hapened all the best to you jill
  13. what are you children like if they stay up past theyer bed time my daughter 6 sarts acting like a baby flapping hands and walking round the room she just goes all funny is this to do with change to rotine do you think any help on this one please all the best to you all and thanks for the help you give me i dont feel alone any more you have helped me understander my daughter better thank you jill
  14. board


    what do your children think about babys my little girl 6 hurts them when she was little i was talk to a frined in her car with the baby when the baby sarted to cry my daughter just shut the door and walk of but now she just says she hates them allso when you child dose something do they have to do it over and over again thank you jill
  15. board


    hello i was wondering if your child feels pain like a earake dose that mean they dont have aspergers any help on this please i was told that if my child feels pain with earake she cant have aspergers is this right all the best to you all jill
  16. hello if i was you i would ask your heath vister i keeped on about my daughter to docter and he just said she will out grow it all children are like so i asked my heath vister she came up my house and filled all the froums and its only been a couple of months and will have dx next month so my be that will work for you my daughter is 6 all the best jill
  17. hello sorry to hear about your cat mine is 12 year old have you throught of haveing a small dog we have 2 dogs and the chilren love them and look after them one is 13 years old and the other is 5 months they are big dogs but you could talk to some body that could pick out a nice family dog there are some nice small dogs that dont need a lot of walks when we frist had the pup my AS daughter would not go near her but know she plays talks more and is more happy a dog gives a lot of love all the best jill
  18. board


    hello was wondering if they tell you when someone is going in to school to watch you child and allso do they show you the report i ask becouse last week when we were down the hospital they said that they have had all the school reports and will let us know on the 12 april dx any help please all the best jill
  19. board


    i like to say thank you all for your help its nice to know i am not alone in this i will find out on the 12 of april if my daughter is aspergers so lot of things going throught mind it been a hard fright to get this far so thank you for your help hope you all have a nice day jill
  20. board


    hello i was just wondering if your children are the same as my daughter she is so good at school but when she gets home its like a diffrent person hitting shouting how can they be so diffrent round other people when she meets new people she will not speak to them they just say she is very shy my mother and mother inlaw say she looks at them as if she hates them so how dose she cope with school any help understand this please all the best jill
  21. hello went to the hospital yesterday for 2 hours when we frinished they said to come back on the 12 of april for diagnosis what will happen do they tell you or will it be writen down or both it is driveing me mad waiting how did you feel when they told you and if they say there is nothing wrong dose that mean it me that is making her like this when they frist seen them they said they throught she was autistic mybe asd but dont know were on the spectrum i dont know just so worried and i would just lije to say thank you for all the help i have had from the very nice people on here i dont know what i would have done with out you all the best to you jill ps the best peple to ask are the peple liveing it
  22. board


    hello i had my water bill and it was high so i phoned the water companyto ask about it she said it is high she asked how many people liveing in the house i said 6 so she said a water meter would be no good then she said that if i got 3 children i claim chlid benfit for i can get money off my bill so she will send me the paper work sight away becouse i sart paying the end of april so it dose not look like you have to have a meter i have all so heard that you can get discount on gas and el for some illness just phone your gas or el and ask they will send you a from to fill in you got nothing to lose i only pay 14 99 for my tv phone broand band just for asking all the best jill
  23. board


    its worth asking nothing to lose jill
  24. board


    i was told over the phone that you can have it as long as you got 3 children and i have not got a meter and i can have it jill
  25. board


    sorry ment to say can get money off sorry bad day jill
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