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Everything posted by Moll

  1. We have cordless bitatone handsets and they can be locked so no keys being pressed will work you just press and hold down the orange button to lock or unlock. We had another type that would dial 999 even if locked we took them back to argos within minutes of getting them out. My mobile also will not dial 999 if locked nokia and LG do this that I know of. The advantage of cordless phones is they can be kept on a shelf and charged at night once the little darlings are not about. Thing is I wish they would not do the 999 talk with 4 year olds, my son thinks he can tell the police if I take a toy off him or such like.
  2. When on a course recently we talked about this the other thing that was sugested was pressure vests like sports people wear look at preassure vest on ebay its tight fitting and can be worn under normal clothes. they do them in childrens sizes I just can't find any at the moment ETA look at surf vest
  3. Moll

    Nail biting

    Another one whose ds does it, his fingers and toes are raw and bleeding with have tried the nail bite stuff but he became violent towards whoever put it on, so I have to leave it to his dad to do as he was really hurting me and I was worried he'd hurt the baby as he is stomach height. We were told it is classed as self harm so make sure camhs or consultant knows and DLA people.
  4. Glad to see you are behaving yourself
  5. A brim of a hat should not be wider than your shoulders unless you are off to ascot. As for shapes it depends on your face shape, I have some info on my PC upstairs I will try and remember to sort it out for you, you are more than welcome to ask any question shame your not on Teesside or you could come and play with my hats.
  6. Would not a photo shoot of the children of been better, saying we are here we exist, our parents fight every day for our basic rights help them.
  7. I did try to make a effort and find the pj bottoms to match the top but sadly they are somewhere in my washing ironing or putting away pile All mams with autistic children make a effort mine is to wash and dress before ds destroys the house or finds the key and wanders off or hurts himself, I then make a effort to do the school run without him running out in front of a car or hurting another child, I then make the effort to get through the day without a meltdown (mine or his ) my whole day is a effort. As for dressing up and makeup I'll leave that to my nearly 6 year old or ds he walks better in heels than I do. I got the impression from the article it was we were a success before autism affected our lives and we have given so much up, well we all do, ok I choose to give it all up when dd was little. I would love to know who the campaign is directed at parents telling us to pull ourselves together or policy makers saying help us.
  8. Have a great time and I'm happy to help with any hat questions as I think I'm our only resident milliner.
  9. Oh no am I a bad mother due to wearing my ancient jogging bottoms and my husbands homer Simpson PJ top or am I just a mother who's husband is on late shift and took dd to school while I stayed at home with ds and had my arm hugged. I'm sorry but its not a representative group, they all have successful lives where are the mothers who want or need to work, the ones who can't afford legal fees and systems to help.
  10. Moll

    Bad News

    So sorry to hear this, glad things are looking better today and I hope the news on the break is not too bad <'>
  11. Great news glad you have it sorted.
  12. you need to be in a union just for the legal cover as more and more children are making allegations against staff, and although you might not be in the position you may be called on to support someone you work with and you need to know your rights.
  13. The nitty gritty is fantastic we have had many combs but it is the best my dd was always infected with them after school we used the nitty gritty and her hair would be clear each morning eventually the problem was solved when we switched schools. You can get a nitty gritty comb on prescription have a look on their website. Just put loads of value conditioner in the hair and comb through. I have very long thick curls and a normal comb won't go through my hair but the nitty gritty does.
  14. I'm in two minds about this as a teacher, who qualified for adult education I find this would appeal for me to retrain to work with primary or secondary, but on the other hand if it was for some one who had just graduated then I'd worry. I have skills that can be adapted, I can do lesson plans, schemes of work, assessments, IEP's with my eyes shut (well not quite) but lack the relevant age group experience. But at age 22 just graduated then I would not of had the skills and I would of let my students down.
  15. Moll

    Recipe thread

    mushroom soup 4oz mushrooms diced 1oz butter 1oz flour 1/2 pint of stock 1/2 pint of milk salt pepper and herbs to taste (parsley works well) Shove all in pan bring to the boil simmer for 10 mins. serve with crusty bread. This does 2 adults 2 under 5's might need to double for more
  16. If you are up to it write to the centre manager, stating you were harrased and physical contact was made state if it happens again you will have no option but to report said stall for asault/ harrasment. The manager will sort it out as he will not want the police there.
  17. Well it was decided to continue with the meds for now, I wasn't there at the beginning thank to the interior light flattening my car battery but as DH was meeting us there he went in to talk to the consultant while I waited for my dad to come and pick me and the kids up. They also did another diagnostic test once we arrived it was a pink questionnaire asking about eye contact response to name etc with answers like never to always on tick boxes. I forgot the name of it which is annoying as I wanted more information on it :rolleyes:All I remember is the bright pink form and thinking I must remember the name. Anyway the test confirmed the autism diagnosis and will be repeated at intervals to monitor him. We will be meeting the educational physiologist the first week in March and speech therapy the 3 week and at some point we will do the Early Bird programme. DD was a pain in the assessment and was unhappy with ds getting attention to the point there she tried to nip his lips I just feel I'm stuck in a rut at the moment but I suppose it might be better once all these things have started.
  18. Moll


    Thanks for you PM Ds is on the XL so it is a constant stream and lasts about 8 hours. Its just so hard as it is the end of the day when I'm exhauseted, meltdowns in the morning are so much easier but I now have a calm child AM and a hyper one PM where at least when he was hyper 24 hours a day I was just permantly exhausted but it was not such a shock to the system.
  19. Moll


    We use it for my Ds if seems to help but it makes his autism more noticable as it isn't hidden under his ADHD. I'm not sure about it as he seems very volitile as it wears off. We have the review tomorrow and I'm honestly not sure how I feel about it
  20. :hug: Right CAHMS are out of order telling you you are in the wrong, as parents we must be able to punish our children and rewarding bad behaviour helps no one. You did the best in a bad situation. I think you do need a local support group have you tried the NAS or google to see what there is also do you have a social worker who can put you in touch with any local groups or charities. Also studio 3 is very good I went on a course with them last week and it was so valuable. I wish I was closer as there are lots of support groups in this are that I know about.
  21. Moll

    Legal rights?

    I would cancel the meeting and demand a meeting instead with the chair of governors and the governor responsible for special needs, these are the people legally responsible for the school. Tell them they are discriminating against your child due to their disability, which you will not accept, give them the information they need and ask them to draw up a policy with the staff. There is no point in meeting a member of staff who has no understanding. The governors must respond to your request and act on any discrimination. Ultimately I would move your child but I would make it as clear as mud they are breaking the law in regards to disabilities.
  22. You have done exactly the right thing, you have given him chance after chance, you are working hard to keep him out of the adult system. <'>
  23. Ds need to have his fleece blanket folded a special way in order to sleep so as he moves in the night it becomes tangled so I have just stitched 2 cheap fleece blankets together and then folded and stitched them into position and stitched them again. I hope the 2 layers will keep him warm and the sleeping bag shape will stop him getting tangled. He hates the cotton sheets. I also have tried to make a weighted lap pad for him as he cannot sit we are hoping this will work as he ends up bouncing and on me. I was very simple to do and I reckon it has cost less than �2.50. I have just done a proto type using dried beans as I did not wish to spend the �10 on polly pellets unless it works. So a rectangle of cheap fabric folded in half divided in to 9 pockets double stitched round the edge, I have just put it in a pillowcase for now. It weights 1.5kg. Wish me luck I think he is already asleep, and I hope the pad works tomorrow.
  24. The course was about avoiding the behaviour in the first place so not control or restraint or anything like that, it looks at the mind set of the people around autistic people is the behaviour dangerous or does it just get to you? Its about noticing the trigger points and not lighting the match. So what if your child wants to go out without a coat in winter, why fight and have a melt down, put the coat in your bag go out, if the child is cold ask if they want a coat. there is no danger from not wearing a coat, the danger is if they melt down and get violent, so what if people look its their problem, let them stress. low arousal is exactly that it should not cause any conflict with the child, it is appropriate for home or residential, as you are looking at the parents and carers attitudes in relation to the child.
  25. Today I went on a course ran in conjunction with Studio 3 and it was light having a light bulb turned on. Honestly it was the best money I spent this year. Managing Challenging Behaviour in children and Young People with Autism: The Low Arousal Way. It challenged my thinking and attitudes, it helped me understand DS's world and how I need to enter his world to help him rather than drag him kicking and screaming into mine. The background on autism was so useful it pulled everything I had read together but made it make sense, I started to see DS in a new light, then the managing behaviour bit helped me see how I was making things worse for him (not intentionally but with the best will in the world). I have come away with the feeling that to manage his challenging behaviour I must challenge how I mange his behaviour, I am trying to apply rules and norms of society to a child who does not fit in with societies perception of normal, no matter how hard I try I can't make him fit by force so I need to look if X,Y and Z are important and unless what he wants in unsafe, then look at why it is so important. I have tried 2 things so far tonight and I feel so much less stress, I managed to get him to wash the table before tea by making him think he wanted to, I took the time to learn one of his rituals and obsessions rather than just waiting impatiently or getting stressed I got involved and asked him to show me what to do, normally it would of ended in a meltdown. I hope I can make DH understand, because it is just so logical DS does not have a problem with his world, we have a problem with his world but we have the ability to change and adapt quickly he does not, by us changing and adapting we can work with him not against him. Sorry I think I have just found out how evangelical a reformed drinker smoker or some one who has found God can feel.
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