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Everything posted by Cariad

  1. T has gone to France Mon-Fri with the school.. we haven't had a good time with the school and I was umming and wondering whether to let him go. We decided it would do him good and they said they could cope as they have done it all before etc and plenty of staff etc and he'll be safe etc etc.. Apart from the blow out on the motorway which they rang me up everything seemed "ok". They phoned me and T said the room "sucked" but then they said he could have a bunk to himself and a room etc and he seemed happy.. The today I had a phone call from the school about an incident, apparently a fellow pupil called T to his bed (he is 15 so two years older), he then asked T to touch him down below. Well I lost it!!! How can this happen when they have five boys and five members of staff there????? They know how vulnerable he is, this boy is EBD not ASD. I phoned my DH and I was really upset by now as everything was being sweep under the carpet and saying "we'll have a meeting when he gets back", also "it hasn't affected him he seems fine".. DH called the police as he has been beaten up, shut in cupboards, spat on since he has been in this school and now THIS. Well the French police were involved and the Head had to go to the French police station and it's now being dealt with.. I have since been told that someone sat outside the dorm and their policy isn't to go in there even though T was under instructions to be supervised at all times. The 15 year old boy has been sent home and all is under investigation. I haven't been able to eat or sleep since I'm so upset.. even the social workers think it's no big deal and are playing it down.
  2. I find all T wants is Mario games and Dr Who memorabilia.. Do you have a hard time trying to find Christmas presents for yours? What are your children getting from Father Christmas?
  3. I'm pleased you have finally got the right DX
  4. I've told T about his DX and I've found it's helped him (he is almost 13 BTW), he can then tell people he can't help doing certain things as he is Autistic.
  5. Thanks for that Mumble, he is fine on the mouse it's just the compulsion to do it..
  6. Thanks both, I've actually printed out from the internet all about tourettes and underlined the important bits for them!!
  7. Never give up, T was diagnosed with tourettes and nothing else. Everyone including his teachers said he was Autistic as it's as plain as the nose on your face, it took us years and a second opinion to get him rightly dx and get the help he *needs*. This Dr went onto diagnose a few other children with Tourettes , I think she had a fixation with the condition!
  8. My last post: http://www.asd-forum.org.uk/forum/index.php?showtopic=19564 explains a bit about what we are going through. Well now we have the homebook and no injuries so far, and I've found out why! T is being taken out of the class everytime he *winds up* other pupils to stop him being hit loads of times a day .. The funny thing is the *winding up* are his tics as he has tourettes!!!!! He is being punished for something he can't help, T's anxiety is through the roof and he hits the mouse down on the desk very hard when he is on the PC. He has apologised for this and says it's his brain telling him to do this. I've explained this to the school but he is being taken out of class for doing this, also for screeching (another tic) and it's being written down in his book that he is winding everyone up. Reading his homebook feels like reading someone putting him down and pointing out all of his bad points (his TS) and hardly anything nice. When he broke the mouse the other day he said "Thanks for not punishing me", it broke my heart..
  9. Good for you jo, hopefully they will see that we as parents can't be patted on the head and told it's being dealt with when it isn't!
  10. OMG, that's shocking!!! We had attached to our latest statement e mails about a boy going to another school regarding transport, also a letter sent through for a girl named Sophie saying that a certain person was out on leave when she certainly wasn't!!! It's scary isn't it..
  11. I get the same thing jo, they even said to me on the phone if he was making it up in his head!! Yeah the same head he was kicked in with the lump on Stick to your guns and get to the bottom of it, I don't know if this is the case all of the time but I find ASD children find it hard to lie..
  12. I have loads of pictures of the bruises and now the SW comes round to see them the same day to witness them.
  13. We are having a meeting next week as I do want him out of there. We did keep him off for a few days after he was beaten up in the back of the taxi by one of the boys. I'm hoping something will be resolved soon as we are on their backs constantly and there is almost an incident a day going on with T.
  14. That is the case with us Jadensmum, T has poor muscle tone and tires very easily and we have a mobility car as his physical disabilities make it hard to travel by public transport.
  15. Apparently after all the incidents were taken the seriously in T's school at all the violence towards him the school was threatened with a section 47 under the children's act. The LEA then approved a 1-1 for T straight away, but even with the 1-1 it's still happening , there was the chair incident a few days back, then another pupil calling him names and shouting in his ear to "wind him up". My personal best is whilst T was changing for school today a large purple bruise was on his upper left arm. I asked what happened he said one of the children had kicked him (the 1-1 was present), he cried as he was hurt and an ice pack was applied and a glass of water was given to him. Now the thing is that the support worker phoned yesterday to say T had broken a mouse and a keyboard and was winding everyone up all day, no mention of the kicking incident.. I'd like to know if the breaking of the mouse is a "tick" which he does here as he is so disturbed and begs not to go to school as he hates it there. T's ticks so far are whacking the mouse on the PC desk and saying he can't help it and apologising and now hitting the keyboard with his fist and saying sorry straight away. He isn't angry when he does it, also spitting and he tries to put his hand over his moth when he does this. I honestly think the ticks are a result of the bullying going on in this school. We are due to have a meeting next week with the school and the LEA are going to be present along with our SW. I just hope I can move him to this ASD special school and they will say yes. In his statement the first thing they say is for T to be in a special school for ASD and complex needs which is this other school.. I'm so drained.. Thanks for getting this far but I just have to get all of this out as I feel my head in going to explode.
  16. I can sympathise with you there, T is 13 a few days after Christmas and he is always on the edge of a meltdown and kicking things. I do put it down to the terrible teens combined with the ASD, at the same time I have a "hormonal" 10 year old girl and it's no fun when they clash.
  17. T shrieks, shouts, does a wonderful high pitched scream and shouts obscenities; so shopping for us is very rare. At the moment he slams the mouse down when he is on the PC very hard and he has broken one already, and he broke two NDS lites last Saturday with his twitches. Sometimes I do leave the room as the constant noise does start to grate on the weekends.. I would be angry with the way you were treated in Tesco. Our Tesco were fab with T when he tried to "lift" a NDS game and walk out a few months back while I was an isle away , he wanted it for his "collection". They knew he was Autistic and took all of us into the backroom and told him off and then gave him a squash and he did say he was sorry. People have to accept that there are people with disabilities out there and they should not be so snooty and rude IMO!
  18. Yes but in this school there are daily flying objects, chairs, tables, projectors, portable whiteboards it's an EBD/ASD school. A few months back an assistant had her arm broken in an attack.
  19. Inside I'm dancing is an amazing film, I would highly recommend it!! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0417791/
  20. As you know we are having trouble with T at school etc, just got a copy of the latest statement and our case should be a lot stronger as they have as number one that he should be in a special school for ASD etc (ding ding round one to us)..Also he got struck by a flying chair last week and he has a 1-1 with him all of the time which proved he can't be protected Another thing which has annoyed myself is that T has a lot of difficulties, he has very poor muscle tone and a tremor when he has to do fiddly things etc and gets tired easily and isn't the sporty type whatsoever. Now I was told two weeks back he's been picked to go to France with the school in April (he hasn't gone anywhere so far and all of the school have which is another thing). This trip will consist of Ab sailing, archery, rifle shooting and other sporty things.. I was told they were going to do a Centre park trip which did a lot of Walking and swimming which would be gentler on T. That is scrapped an it's the France trip now, I said to the Deputy head that he couldn't do any of those things as he has Mild CP and problems with his muscle tone, he said "You'd be surprised, we have had two pupils with Cerebral palsy in the past and got on fine" Is it me or is there no allowances in this school and he just has to *fit in*.. for example they were doing canoeing, and T would sit it out or would go on a boat and sit in the middle while being paddled around. Another example was Ice skating!!! He had to be held by two members of staff and hated it.. Sorry to waffle on but
  21. Thanks Kazzen, I've got a fair bit of evidence.. Fingers crossed eh!
  22. We applied for an ASD specific school, we didn't get the one we wanted as it was full. We got told you can drop the appeal and have **** school which is ASD but includes EDB or stay at home and not have a school! A school has since been built which wasn't there at the time which is perfect! We have been there and are very pleased. We want T to be moved there as we aren't happy with the current one as stated above.
  23. Our case has been to panel (which is fast seeing as I gave the letter in by hand last Monday) and they have said NO! A letter will be through basically saying NO in the next few days.. Where do I go from here? I will ask for a meeting and will bring the evidence with photo's of his bruises and ask the school for a backlog of his injuries also and I will record T saying how he feels as he really isn't happy there.. What are our rights? I hate all this!
  24. We got a Wii last Christmas and it was a big hit with T's sisters, now he has taken to playing Super Mario galaxy and loves it as it is a one player game and My Sims. We have also got a second hand gamecube and second hand Mario games for him this Christmas just for himself as he's Mario mad, so he has two consoles he can play it on.
  25. We go every few months for T's meds. They weigh and see how tall he is and do his BP and thats about it.. It's a new doctor so she does take an interest but they are like glorified pharmacists/doctors IMO. The funny part is the other doctor I had would prescribe anything to usher us out for the next appointment, I was even tempted to ask for some valium for myself (that was a joke)
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