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Poll: Personal Discretion at Job Interviews
Bluesbreaker replied to macgumerait's topic in Beyond Adolescence
Persoanlly it pays off to tell people. The guys at the Leicester Tigers are nice to me there, they all understand me and get on well with me. the Stand manager also makes sure that I am always doing something as I particularly hate standing around doing nothing LOL. so I always get odd jobs However many a time have I applied online to companies which spew out the automatic email system mumbo junk and half the time i get turned down, I'm still sure the American based companies in particular have this thing where if you click disabled they immediately decline you. that's another thing too, half the time I won't get an interview because the job was a physically able bodied person to do the work and a lot of companies ask on forms, 'would you class yourself as disabled yes/no' and then most of the time don't ask what the disability is! -
Yeah i mention the ASD on my CV now, took me a while to convince myself it was wroth telling them!!! although the possibility of them turning around and saying i was lying or something then booting me out was more of a convincing point.
I disagree with Tally on this, Depression does cause a lack of activity and willingness to do tasks etc, thats how i was 4 months ago. The Lazyness bit.... I don't want to cause offense but May i suggest a metephorical boot up the rear end? I can be on the computer for hours each day sometimes, depending on what im doing, naturally it will be longer if research needs to be done etc... but I still find something else to do, Like going for walks, cycle rides (yes I am an Asperger's who can ride a bike), Play guitar, Read, go and meet my bestones, go downt the pub.... spend money as well for that matter... I think like the other have suggested, Look at the NAS support or hints tips, even some local Asperger's experts (if there are some around) and see about more social clubs, more social interaction, but within his interest field. I know this maybe difficult because ASD's as we know, tend to get 'obsessive' about some interests (for me, music and Railways) and this can lead to that blockage preventing the person from interacting with others (a common interest point or open mind is very useful) If you see what i mean?
do you hate bosses and corporates?
Bluesbreaker replied to Bluesbreaker's topic in Beyond Adolescence
never happened at the old place... although saying that Counto was a lot smaller..... and everyone Knew who i was, even the staff who never had me for lessons.... depressives kicking in... -
Yeah that's true Tally, If i don't succeed then i'll just keep pushing and keep trying.
Okies, I'm not really fearing it anymore now I read that, I'll send off the CV's by email now so they are ready in the inboxs for tommorrow morning... I'm not going to even start, i'll just cause a black hole of depressiveness....
do you hate bosses and corporates?
Bluesbreaker replied to Bluesbreaker's topic in Beyond Adolescence
my issue is just the way people snap at me... a similar thing happened at college on monday, there was a confidence blindofolded training b.s. thing going on and i turned around ad go 'Oi watch out for the hole!' I said it in a playful manner and many of the staff smiled and chuckled at it, so they understood, then some Proportionally oversized woman who looked like she was about to have an obesity heart attack goes shouting her head off 'BEHAVE THIS IS SERIOUS GROW UP' etc etc, can't i have a laugh? She is now hated, Im waiting for the next time i see her, cause i will say to her face, even though she is a teacher, that she is a Proportionally oversized, inconsiderate who has no sense of humour, No one scares me, what are they going to do? naff all, done it before I'll do it again (my ex geography teacher was lucky i didnt punch the living daylights out his face when he injustifiable had a go at me) I'll also advise her of stomach stapling... and pensions.... perhaps.... ¬.¬ Edited for Political correctness.... and to keep my nose clean -
I went in the leicester one after college as I had tons of time on my hands.... I walked out with three jobs, I had found five, two of which i already applied to with no success. I work on a bar at the rugby club, I love doing it, so naturally i would look for bar work, and i found three in that area of work... slightly less casual and a bit more formal offerings, but when i read two of them it said 'this company has claimed an exemption from the Equality act 2010' to me that read they don't want anyone who may be disabled. I'm not sure... but in the last few months, there has been very few things that have mademe feel on a downer.... that was one of them...... (the other being my Ex girlfriend, which im saving for another time...) how does it make others feel? it severely upsets me, rather than annoys me, that I am perfectly capable of doing bar work, and communicating well with people yet i feel in the dark... that people don't care, that businessmen are evil misunderstanding people who are just out there to hurt my feelings as well as others.
in my eyes if people are that keen to know and understand what it is and how it affects me then they can come and ask me, if they want to do a cruddy FB test then let them do it, after all, their choice, no matter if the test is right or wrong.
I don't take offense to it... although i did do a presentation on Aspergers and autism the other year in front of 350 students and staff.....
I watched it at Grans house on demand... I can't believe just how lucky I am.... considering i have Asperger's it gets to the point where people cannot tell that i have a mental Disability with ASD/autism, we know that our disabilities are shown through social interaction and behaviours.... Which puts me in a situation where, yes I may feel scared about the situations shown in the programme happening to me, but I know that i have Less chance of that happening to me because of the way people notice my behaviours.... which is both a good and bad thing. I feel extremely sorry for the people who have had their lives ripped to shreds. The Guy in Hastings, i think his name was Chris?? Although he hasn't got Autism or ASD the point still remains, People pick up the visuals that he may have a 'Disability' and TBH Chris was FANTASTIC! you could tell he has one great sense of humour and he is fantastically intelligent and very talented, but because sick minded individuals in society associate looks with disabilities, they call him Retard, Mong (check out Definitions 1-3 it's interesting to see societal contrasts with word use)etc, and as well as people thinging they can take advantage of him and pester him for money (basically ransom) is absolutely appaling. Accomodation aside, where the heck is the law enforcement within the community? where is the community awareness? I'm known around my Area, Significant people within the area (Friends, Neighbours and shop owners) know about my disability and will come to my aid If I end up in a time of peril. Where is this in Hastings? Where is this where that young lady with Down's (spelling) Syndrome lives? What is the matter with the human race? It doesn't take much for a perfectly normal human being to turn around to bullying oiks and tell them to **** off. I would, even if it was Five youths, Because if I'm honest they don't scare me, they are wimps and I can put all of them in the A and E department with a few whacks in the face if they challenge me. it's attrocious, it's rediculous, this country is going backwards not forwards and it is socially degrading itself. Also another thing i noticed was that Autistic kid whos mother took him on the boat? that kid was quite bad in my eyes. why, Because compared to what was around up until about 3-5 years ago, the true hard working support for Autistics and aspergers is non existant. If any one of you met me in person, stuck with me for a day or two see how i live, how i cope etc, many of you would say 'wow you do really well and control yourself well' that's because i had the help from Day one when that diagnosis floated through the letterbox. At the age of 4 and a half or 5 i was attending Cherryleas Assessment Centre in Leicester, which sadly is no longer existant due to the ineptness of the LEA and their budget cuts... (that was 2007 i think...) and I stayed there until i was six and then attended another primary school through year 6. anyway, at Cherryleas they shaped us and integrated us from an early age into society. They took us shopping, swimming, out to zoo trips and sometimes just to the park just to get us used to crowds, the way things work in the Big world and to generally see how we did. This made us, overall, better at coping with the world and encouraging our self control abit more. Where has all of that gone? because whenever i watch the TV thats all i see, Autistic kids/ASD's being badly behaved because they are not being treated right by their parents (that's not meant to be a harsh criticism either) because the LEA has not intervened enough or therer just isn't enough support for the child. It's like some threads on this forum, I sympathise with the strain parents are under, because we can be difficult emotionally demanding kids, but bottom line is, parents are struggling because of the lack of support out there in some areas (if not all) and Diasbled people are suffering because of the general Ignorances of Society as well as the useless as ever police force and community not making sure the 'vulnerable' people are safe and not threatened. rant over.... no criticisms meant to anyone if someone finds one...
Impact on the Browne Review for disabled students
Bluesbreaker replied to CEJesson's topic in Beyond Adolescence
This is a bit of a typical Politician Bash come Autistic support. Thing is, this is a farce of a government (still better than none) is a combination of Liberal Democrats and Conservatives, and evidence shows the Conservatives favour middle class ideals and values. Now in the past, How many kids used to get to university from the working classes? not many, why? because the families either couldn't afford it or they couldn't get into the universities due to the administration flexibilities. Along came the Legislation which gave Working class students as well as those with Learning disabilities more opportunities to get into university. This policy has been very successful, However, in a time of economic Hardship, the government decides to cut a few things here and there to save money. this involves uni funding so what have we just created ? basically a regression to the past. Why? Think about it, if there are more and more students each year applying for University and the Universities have limited places due to funding, they are going to be selective, especially the prominant names such as Ox-Bridge, Leicester University, and a few posh jobs in the south somewhere... this means that the working class kids and the Disabled students have less chance of attending as everything rests on the grades which are attained, and with SO many students applying those who have Fantastic personalities and working attitudes but may not be fantastic grade attainers (and come on, grades aint everything you know!) are going to be weedled out, and for many Autistic/ASD and disabled students, they unfortunately can fall into this bracket. I personally don't know Lord 'chocolate' Brownies political affiliation, but I am assuming it may be slightly conservative inclined... If not he may have significant influences from the conservatives (don't argue with me, i have an A level in Sociology!), therefore using this assumption the report is Biased. Lord Browne has basically said 'yeah charge the tripe out of them for going to Uni' which has meant that from now on, unless parents have the best credit rate going to take out 20 loans... then working class kids and the (i would say) majority of Disabled kids won't be going to University, and to me this is a HUGE disadvantage for working class and disabled students who are supposedly supposed to have access to equality in this society. I didn't get to Uni because of the grades i had, for those who know the UCAS points system i got C,E,E or 180 points (something stupid like that) I needed 240 to fulfil the DMU's expectations. However, after making many phone calls around that time many members of staff did say to me that had there not been a High number of applicants as a whole to the Uni then it may have been possible that they would have enrolled me.... I just feel that again, The disabled are at a gross disadvantage. N.B: I had a thought about the last line too.... Perhaps this could lead to more educational staff making gross underestimates on the intelligence and working efforts out in by Autistic Students??? food for thought -
Yeah that's my point, this is where i think the Disabilities Discrimination act needs to be reformed slightly, cause the odds are c... again everytime i think about the employment thing, it makes my blood boil. Welcome to Grey Britain, a Third World nation, lets face it that's where this country is going.... I have joined causes BTW
which is good because 1) we will have some facts and figures as proof 2) we can then hope that other LEA's follow suit and implement this to other schools 3) we, as ASD's or ASD's parents, can use these facts and figures to say look, the teaching style here isn't working but if we look at a recommended style for ASD's etc, as illustrated in XYZ then we can see it benefits all pupils, etc. All in all, it's a win-win!
Don't worry about it, our street doesn't even talk to each other! we have one short term let house on our left, then a lovely elderly German lady on the right, who is very nice, says hello if she isn't too tired or worn out and I also nip round and help her if she has a TV phone or DIY problem however, despite that i am well known and liked in our street, often being called a 'true gentleman' by many neighbours. you win some and you lose some, its just one of those thing unfortunately, bit like trying to make friends, if you get me.
Thing is I was subjected to being Over Estimated with my progressparticularly at my years at Leicester worst Comprehensive.... thing was i have had this for years and my parents have had to fight over it and in recent years so the past 6 years of education, i have took a stand and told the staff they are wrong about me. The initial thing i used to get was 'he's intelligent he doesn't need any help' ***enter QI's obvious answer siren*** how wrong they were! It's silly overlooked basic facts about ASD and autism that causes Some problems within education and i have found this stems from inadequate training, not many teaching staff fully understand how to deal with your 'average' autistic/asperger's student in mainstream education. another one i have found is the teaching styles, which has been mentioned. I can give a fine example of what happened in my music and Maths lessons at GCSE level. the teachers kept saying to me and my parents that there was a lack of progress and understanding which normally meant me and the music teacher getting the grump with each other and being at loggerheads, in turn we told the SENCo about the situation, she did a marvellous job of things and spoke to ALL of my teachers, and the odd one or two went on a training course. What i then noticed was the teaching style had changed, i understood the work in a better way and i found how they organised and structured the tasks suited how i work, however, they implemented this for the whole class, and even though i don't have access to figures, the new teaching style meant that ALL the 'normal' kids were fulfilling their potential too. thought it might be of interest to you
Have you ever been put on antidepressants?
Bluesbreaker replied to kaz's topic in General Discussion
Im not a parent but being down the road for depression, i was offered councelling, which i took the doctors didnt want to whack me onto tabs straight away (bloomin tight wad surgery... anyway) but i have been offered them before through my three years of hell and bullying at one of Leicester's worst Comprehensives. on that occasion i refused them.... I can't bear to think of how to take them... to me they tablets make you a false person..... i don't like it, they make you artificially better.. they don't help the problem, thats why i either hold on or i go for councelling. cause that way I either unlease the problem and half annihilate someone's front teeth or talk it out..... P.S. booze works, but in sensible amounts.. -
No bad thing! better than drinking beer! (tea is good too!!!)
Just wondered how many of us play guitar and if any of you have ASD or related disabilities really. Same goes for loving rock and metal music, and rockers and metallers???
do you hate bosses and corporates?
Bluesbreaker replied to Bluesbreaker's topic in Beyond Adolescence
It's frustrating though..... that's why I am hoping to be a musician of somesorts then at least im my own boss most of the time! but yeah... he got a good 'un for it... even so, It's wierd i have a boss with ASD and I'm finding it difficult to get on with the guy, in some ways, because a lot of the time i get on with all ASD's i meet, there's at least another two on the same course as me and we get on fine.... -
18, Aspergers, got 6 GCSE's, Three full A levels and am now at college doing A performing musican course for four years hoping to hit the bigtime... I work at tigers, work = money, money = beer and dates = happy Money = guitars and music = my life. I'm a bar man, well bar staff... and you know how socially demanding those jobs are, im good at it, i just to learn when to not open my mouth... thing is i hate people controlling me, bossing me around treating me like dirt, i don't know your son but if he ever gets a job keep that in mind. also watch out on the depression front as that is pretty important to sort out and can answer a lot of questions (trust me, been there done that, still have it)
this may be what you need, Im not entirely sure... every child matters.pdf
Impact on the Browne Review for disabled students
Bluesbreaker replied to CEJesson's topic in Beyond Adolescence
Am I allowed to go deep politically in a reply or not? cause i don't want to waste my breath if i can't if ya get me.... -
Persoanlly If one talks to me as if its my fault my supervisor isnt there at the time then i will personally have a go back... i haven't been fired.... yet... I work on a bar at the Leicester Tigers, Lovely stadium, lovely customers and staff... I mived to a new bar, no big deal, I was happy to leave I started on onebar but i dont think the supervisor understood me, very snappy and even told me off for being sarcastic when i wasnt even being sarcastic?!?!??! I was having a laugh with my colleauges and lifting the grey mood a bit... anyway the stand manager comes through and I like that bloke, totally understands me, and he wanted a member to go down to the new bar as it had unexperianced new staff, so go i did. I liked it so much that i stayed there and this saturday will be the third match i have been at that bar. Interesting twist of fate is the Supervisor is aspergers' (he said autistic but i can't see how.....) and we get along fine, but i just can't cope with his dryness his dry humour, his mocking which he thinks is funny..... (something I don't wuite understand, normally i can cope with this but his si so dry its unreadable) so again I may move bar before i bite his head off like i did the big boss.... The big boss can round last match, and since there were tables outside our bar he said he wanted them clearing exact words being 'Clear them tables Now' in a short snappy bossy way..... I'm sorry but is it me or am i right in saying a little bit of please and thankyou dont go amiss in these situations? Wow he has a few bits of paper to his name, what you want me to do bow down and worship the bloke??? Still I don't expect a bloke in his position to talk to me like that, thats why i gave him a load of mouth when he said it. this then got reported to my supervisor who got the rollicking not me, and ever since it's been cruddy...... you ever had this?
also remember with Hire cars they tend to be a pain in the backside because you can garuntee the indicator switches and the windscreenwipe switches are on the opposite side to your own car! its been often the case my mother has used her windscreen wipers to indicate a right hand turn!!!