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Everything posted by smileyK

  1. Feeling rather drained -completely totally 'wiped out/'zapped' of energy! Don't know what's going on eyes feel heavy walking to work this mornin! Lucky got two weeks off now! Think tiredness lack of energy motivation may be mental health issues related some way! Everything feels scarily out of 'focus' at distance! And slowed down like looking on at it! not going to tell anyone where I'm off to tomorrow going on trip on my own! ;( XKLX
  2. I have dyspraxia which comes with 'bad' memory (short - term working) drives me mad crazy constantly forgetting all time trying 'hold' information in my head before loose data! Can't imagine what going to be like when I'm elderly! Going need name badge remind me of my name! Lol X
  3. Yeah I lose track if stopped half way - so annoying frustrating as can't remember what you thought/said! X
  4. Never knew gluten addiction was 'real' maybe it is?!
  5. Your depression is making you believe 'nothings worth it' -the effort but its not your true thinking/belief! When depression playing up I suppose hard to keep check managing your diabetes successfully as energy sake don't feel like eating but make sure have something small just keep your diabetes stable level or won't just have depression as an issue but diabetes on list also! I know don't feel like helping self out of it! XKLX
  6. It's the depression puts 'inner voice doubt' inside your head which adds to the dark mix plunges further into the hole which can make seem more scarier place to be at! TRY keep some kind of 'normality' of structure/routine to your life as having 'nothing' will make everything seem worse 'crashing around your ears' need set yourself small tasks tick off when done the tasks need something look forward too! Also take a rest step back breathe when needed is not failuring it is being productive don't give up keep 'pushing yourself' however draining it will be worth it! (Feel hyprocritical writing this - as don't take up own advice!)
  7. Don't know why at the moment all I want to eat is PASTA! Pasta salad mainly! For lunch and dinner if could have for breakfast I would! Would this be linked/connected with food sensory issues?! Can't link/connect with anything! -frustrating! XKLX
  8. It's horrid/awful when you can't get out of the 'hold' 'trap' depression has in such deep grip and hole in sucks you in! Have you tried writing down dark thoughts /feelings? Listening to music? Getting in touch with friend or family? Hear calm collective voice?! Maybe have a relaxing bath a early night watch 'funny film' I know how hard/difficult it is to 'come back' for depressive come down you feel no-one 'gets you' -understands makes feel more glum isolated ,scared! (Hugs) do yohave 'outside support' services? Or emergency medication? XKLX
  9. She probably trying to run opposite direction to avoid face 'everything' going on can be suffocating and overwhelming to where it becomes draining/tiring to face alone so turn to 'next option' which ends up being self-harm Makes you feel relaxed and numb empty spaced out thinking how can this be work out by doing that to yourself But its natural pain killer chemicals which produces happy hormones to circulate around people in general find hard/difficult to accept this is the facts, reality of what happening My mum has been through so many emotions (anger - shouting ,tears begging me not to do 'it' anymore, trying to compromise with me bargain) Mum took me docs then referred general counsellor (she knew wasn't 'specialist professional' enough) So referred me to CAMHS (Where officially assessed and diagnosed) With L.D Nurse and clinical pyschologist This may be route your daughter has to take She may feel alone scared like I did she can't work out this direction on her own she in her 'own way' crying out 'someone to notice' signpost her to 'safe secure place of help'. I've been in the personal situation/position your daughter's in right now! Its not nice, pleasant such uncomfortable place to be in dark corner/hole where feel backed into trapped scared /afraid to 'let anyone in' at all! As becomes "your little secret" that feel protective yet ashamed and embarrassed of also You don't know how put anything involving emotions into actual words You feel so much guilt badness surrounding situation you feel you've created (you believe) inner voices make feel 'at fault, to blame' and constantly 'aware' and 'on edge' battling day to day never easy finding out your daughter has deep setted emotional issues which need addressing Try not be 'judgemental' with her try to listen to 'her words' when she 'ready' I am still struggling/battling with my emotional issues constantly for years being a teenager with stress/anxieties of hormones,changes (physical/emotional) also don't make this comfortable, easy managable process to go through with most this is where when emotional issues hurdles arise suddenly without prior warning mine did You feel can't tell anyone due to feeling pure 'failure' in sense of the word not being able 'just get on with it' and cope you upset enough without trying to deal with emotional distress of others that are in someway linked or connected with you (family /friends) it becomes another issue/worry/anxiety try and explain away fight off at any chance 'self-harm' term attached to your situation freaks totally out I was confronted /approached by my learning support teacher as mum found 'cutting tool' in hidden spot After she saw physical sign of 'marks' and added both things together -worked it out was in total denial /shock for a while then action! I was mortified I been 'found out' as managed to keep 'secret' by 'covering up' physically (by wearing long sleeves common tactic by self harmers!) As is coming up with list of endless excuses I would research self-harm further on google and some really useful,helpful websites for both self-harmer and parent now Good luck Do you know how long she been hiding self harm for you XKLX if you want PM me about this topic/my own personal situation/experiences you are more than welcome feel free self-harm is physical way of saving yourself from your issues a release 'block out' what's going on. Has your daughter got a private personal diary to write down any thoughts/feelings? This may help offload for while writing things down in her head that overwhelming can help lot did with me Has she got any close friends /relatives she can open up to at all? She is withdrawn isolated? As that's how my 'journey' began My parents felt so protective yet so hurt I think I couldn't just 'come out with everything' that was going on didn't know where or how to start to be honest as was scared/worried of their reaction towards me what would happen Always general worry/concern even though their parents want to feel/be happy secure comfortable emotionally when doesn't go to 'plan' can feel like things so nose diving wrong fast and both sides involved feel helpless guilty bad etc so negative cycle adds becomes deeper and harder to break free from
  10. Have you heard of self-harm? As that what it sounds like she may have been doing it as a while to cope /manage 'things' is she depressed? Would you say went to level of an eating disorder (anorexia) I also used to be 'mildly obese' now I'm cautious when eating especially calories making sure burn them up through exercise or worry get anxious It is common to 'mask' over self-harm keep it 'hush hush' a 'hidden secret' I am on/off self -harmer with depressive issues. I would encourage her you there for her when she feel she needs to 'talk openly' don't push too much as she go opposite way! She may be struggling/battling with 'issues' inside herself /own walls too scared to open up! she maybe trying to shut 'everyone out' push them away is 'natural common response' as is so make up an 'excuse' when 'found out' marks discovered I was same when my mum found marks I come up with some kind of excuse I found it 'easier' to put the barriers up to hide behind rather than explain my issues to others as was so confused/lost within my 'issues' I would seek help by going doctors and asking their advice on what direction head into next as unknown scary situation to go 'eyes shut' she may need to seek mental health support - general counsellor or CAMHS! But sounds like she needs some input don't bombard with endless questions though I know easier said then done! But needs 'exploring' /investigating further! If your daughter need lot social skills support - do you personally believe your daughter could be depressed due to frustrations of 'hidden difficulties' ASD? And self harm and eating issues are common issues within female ASD world XKLX
  11. Sounds like positive step forward!!! - good luck with this step!! X
  12. Our food banks @ YCMA's and local churches etc your area might do it different but worth finding out!!! Xxx KL xxx
  13. What about local food banks??? Tins packets? Xxx KL X
  14. Subtitle is : living with ADHD and aspergers syndrome - jan greenman I can so relate emotional terms to what is described and explained situations in this book come across it in the library even though written by his mum he also writes his POV @ the end of chapter as does his sister! -worth a read up for sure! Glad I found it now it shows how can really impact deeply every relationship can destroy or ruin or make it closer,stronger or both ways! XKLX
  15. At that age like willow-tree explained wonderfully! You fall between the cracks of support services esp MH services it is uncomfortable and awakard age to be at causes much frustration ,general emotional distress and upset! ;( I can empathise with how it can be as I've been in your daughter's position I have MH issues!!! XKLX
  16. @ Echo - No problems - your welcome like to offer assistance ,pass on advice/experience when I can!!!- hope I've helped small bit! XKLX
  17. I personally think you have done 'right decision' in chilling out music or having a bath watching TV writing poetry or reading book or go for walk ( during day!) Maybe just anxiety with new chapter /adventure in your life beginning! XKLX
  18. Females with ASD to tend get 'left behind' forgotten about as tend to put in coping skills in place for 'missing /lacking skills' like social skills so may just be she is presenting in total different set of ASD difficulties,traits and issues I wouldn't overlook or out rule over turn the possibility of the outcome of ASD lot females like myself didn't get officially 'found'/discovered -diagnosed in our early teens when lot support services been and gone - evapourated and disappeared non existent! By then time has been missed and passed with 'early intervention' and support! I know at that age struggled with so many different daily living skills especially dressing myself feeding myself (without making a right mess) riding a bike putting on my shoes playing with dolls /teddies (imaginative play) found 'challenging' difficult! Was later on in childhood put down as dyspraxia and left at that but 'always something else' -more to it that just that! Might be case for daughter's situation if you unsure lost and confused best to get checked out again!? No harm as if it is 'just left out there' and there is something 'else'! Parent's intuition (gut feeling) is normally 'always spot on' (right) maybe need chasing up as been a while since 'issues' in anything has been investigated (looked into) further sounds like much more involved than her speech delay which can be offset issue of ASD difficulty! I would go back to docs ask to be referred to paedtrician or child pyschologist! Good luck! All the best! Don't let daughter end up in many females situations let grow into something 'massive' 'huge' issue involving mental health well-being! Being affected long term which takes long while to heal recover from! XKLX
  19. Now NAS can't cater for my level of needs now trying another direction/avenue of ADHD 'n' AS team! Just really praying their team can assist my AS and mental health needs long term instead of short term like last time! As NAS no longer an option! Ironic situation but social worker who dealing with my case short term basis at adult MHT had miss call from her and voicemail saying she'll ring me sometime tomorrow! - about time know they said take a while but this long honestly! Hoping she sticks to her word and rings tomorrow! XKLX
  20. Professionals I'll been waiting ages , haha seems like joke on me with that one!
  21. I think now getting 'in tune' with body and mind feel at loss over frustration still though that still not fading going away will I always feel frustrated with myself and my life?! XKLX
  22. How do you mean look after myself physically?! And give myself rest in what way?! XKLX
  23. Why does every 'issue' I seem have outstanding and keeps cropping up seems fall back to endless frustrations drives me mad crazy work so hard to climb up ladder fall back down get 'dishearted' especially due to self -esteem ever flowing in the background in stirring pot! I've tried working it step by step (breaking it down) XKLX
  24. I think GDD clever way of putting ASD to be honest! Just another term as too similiar! XKLX
  25. @ lisa - I do feel 'official diagmosis' is important factor of moving on and accessing services and support even educational basis! Good luck on your complaint I think you're right in your decision! I would look into dyspraxia further as struggling to throw/catch ball hand eye co-ordination affected fine/gross motor skills too etc??? X
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