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Everything posted by darkshine

  1. So we have sunshine most of the time through April and May, almost like an early summer... The first day of summer actually arrives (yesterday) and now its been gale force winds and torrential rain ever since.... Go figure :)

  2. I like your view philipo - I just want to know one thing..... How on earth do we understand the psychological effects of lunar gravity and see its influence on mental thinking!?!?! I'm not being derisive, I actually want to know what you are talking about. A friend used to listen to a radio segment called moonscape (I think) and part of it was telling you how looking at fish's actions could tell you about the weather (and also to do with lunar phases). Anyway, just wondered
  3. I know what you mean about running away, escape is an excellent thought (except some of us want to escape from ourselves ) If I'm honest, I do hold contempt for most societies - I just don't say too much about it cuz it was a factor that got me a false dx of bi-polar they interpreted my contempt as a superiority thing (anyone who has met me knows the truth is the complete opposite ) I don't mind watching the auditions - its amazing how many deluded people there are who think they are the next big thing!!! And their family and friends tell them they are good too!!! So cruel So funny to watch Maybe this should have been in the dark/dry sense of humour post?!? This is true, and the main reason I don't watch tv (yet at the same time I watch/listen to the same dvd over and over again ) I'm not offended, I spend enough time watching every word I say to make sure the sentence "comes out right" that I then can't be bothered most of the time with things other people say - its opinion and subject to challenge from others. Its very difficult to not make generalisations because unless you specifically know everything about something, then you always have to generalise, from your own experiences and those of other people. And its also difficult to view things that seem very different sometimes and not end up with a dichotomy - maybe through ignorance, or closed minds, or lack of experience/knowledge. But lets face it, however much we all try to be open-minded and accepting, the world is filled with "them and us" situations. Does anyone else think this smiley is accurate? ----> :lol: :lol: I wondered if anyone at all has had a positive or useful experience? And if the services are just abysmal then why are they? Is it just money? Or is it our culture? Are these things still taboo - like sweep the problem under the carpet and hope it goes away? Will the situation change? Is our country behind the times?
  4. darkshine


    sorry tally but the mental imagery you give across is so funny (hope the pain goes soon though) I have a bad habit of falling up flights of stairs which is annoying, but nearly falling down them is way more scary and embarrassing!!!! At least you saved yourself
  5. S'alright, I just thought I'd clear that bit up, I could understand your points with the rest of what you said And just cuz I'm in an annoying mood.... 4od says it was shown on the 16th of July 2011.... You can check here and anyone else who wants to give the programme a look can use it too 4od born to be different link
  6. Decidophobia apparently but sometimes the word 'procrastination' is used too... ( Google it )
  7. Hey, think your a bit confused here BD Here's 2 quotes from the episode Quote begins on episode 2 at 24.04 minutes and ends at 24:56 minutes "while her other siblings are at school, 10 year old Shelbie has been stuck at home due to a shortage in nursing care" "without a nurse on hand not only is Shelbie missing school but Vicky has no choice but to take Shelbie with her to pick up the other children" I don't think the problem was taking her to school, I think the problem is administering the medication she needs throughout the day while she's there. Darkshine
  8. Hey philpo, I actually typed a response to your post yesterday - being er sunday (will this matter!?!) anyway, it was 2 nights ago and then my router got corrupted (how ironic) and I had to wait ages for my housemate to create a new network - STRESS (and these things are supposed to make life easier?) I listened to your salford uni is #*%# - quite liked it, apart from the middle bit which made my head hurt like it does when I get overloaded and it made my brain hurt (in the place where footballers hold their head in their hands when they lose) which was slightly weird I wish I had the nerve to do it!!!! I enjoy entertaining the idea at times though I think I can decipher enough of the social rubbish to get by, but I do so with a resentful heart, and a feeling of helplessness cuz I want to be like 'them'... I don't mind fiction or films, one reason I like films (on dvd) is that its something predictable in the background and it masks the sound of traffic also, as much as I love music, I can't listen to it all day, every day forever... I barely watch tv and am in agreement in the main in that. thanks I guess I'm sure it was you who said they lived in the woods for 3 months? It made me smile cuz according to 'society' that would make you nuts, but they aren't necessarily right are they? I sometimes wish I lived alone in a cave somewhere, or living wild in the woods, surviving purely on my own skills - now why does this seem easier than trying to live in this world? I guess this would make me nuts too... I bet this has some tribal urge style psychological basis somewhere My biggest problems (today ) with life is that skills come and go, which makes it very hard to have consistency. And my mind is like a void - everything goes in, but I have problems retrieving the information sometimes (often the most inconvenient times - typically)
  9. Why would they sit down in the library?!?
  10. I hadn't realised this was on!!!! (cuz I don't hardly watch tv) Have seen nearly all the previous episodes that C4 have shown over the years!!! Am gonna have to catch up! My previous thoughts were that it has been a privilege to be allowed to see into these people's lives, to see the highs and the lows and the special people involved (they are truly an inspiration - and a reason to stop moaning about our own lives for a bit) they can teach us a lot. It might sound a bit silly, but its one of the few programmes that can make me nearly cry at the highs/good times because it is so moving for so many reasons... Anyway, enough being soppy, just agree that its definitely worth a look
  11. My mind also shuts down under pressure - I'll go from having clear thoughts and knowing exactly what I want to say, and turn into a drivelling wreck when I have the chance to speak People say to write things down. I'm not sure this works for me, it comes across as flat if I read it and you can't always tell if they are reading it properly. Still, its better than nothing Maybe going back to the GP's and seeing either your doctor or one that is based there would be better than seeing a temp? Like having a second try, so the first one went badly, but you have learnt something important - don't bring AS diagnosis up in the middle of a sentence about something else (even if the other things are important too), GP's seem to deal best with one thing at a time especially something like this, and write some things down. Good luck
  12. I thought that too - afterwards What made me laugh was the thought of people who live in norfolk wondering how on earth the forum knows where they live
  13. Hello philpo, I have this problem, not in exactly the same way but very similar. When I am in meetings with people they say that I come across as intelligent, I'm always doing courses towards a degree and can learn something very quickly when its of interest or if its technical/mechanical or a manual task (nothing close to genius level, but I can pick things up pretty quick cuz I can just "see/feel" how it works or what to do), I can write and do certain creative things too. But like you I have problems in other areas - Keeping track of time is a nightmare, the only reason I know what day it is is cuz I get told, I try to keep track but it just loses me, time isn't much better - it either won't pass at all or I lose hours and forget to do things I should do. The weekend drives me nuts cuz all the tv changes then when its the week it changes again, so I never get used to it - I barely watch tv cuz I hate it when the schedules of programs change (as in the program ends or moves channel, or they suddenly start the series over for no reason, or the repeats aren't in order!!!! To name an few reasons... I don't get lost as I can put maps or routes into my head and see them as a graphic representation of where I am, or I use triggers in the surroundings to tell me where to go. Its as though I just know. And other things that seem simple to everyone else I know, are very hard for me, like organisation in daily life, but I have organisational skills in other things, I just can't transfer the skill across (this happens a lot too - where I learn a skill in a certain circumstance and don't realise that the knowledge or skill is transferable to other situations so everything has to be re-learnt over and over again) Movement outside is another big problem, everything seems too fast, and some days I just can't cope with all the information coming at me. I have a main road near my house and the traffic noise thunders through my head everyday, some days I just want to scream to drown it out, or put a giant sign outside saying "YOU ARE RUINING MY LIFE". Anyway, getting side-tracked - so yeah, when I sit there and they say I'm intelligent and stuff, I want to yell at them when they tell me I should understand certain things (I often don't understand why people say things or do things) and because I'm intelligent this is supposed to make me feel better? It just makes me feel stupid - personally I think a lot of people would make a lot more progress if the services would forget about intelligence, as in my opinion it has nothing to do with it. I always feel like I cannot be myself in this world, my life is filled with opposites and the whole world feels incongruous. Its why I understand your feeling towards aspects of society (NHS, capitalism etc) I however was not designed for waging war on anything
  14. Do you know what these skills are? This makes sense - and is a clever argument This has been the problem for me for a long time and its all too easy to feel like the situation is un-winnable, but I can see that there are ways to cope/deal with this. It just feels very difficult to always be trying to - almost outwit "the system" if you see what I mean. Thank you for your clear and thoughtful response - and the summary at the end!!! (It really helps!) It feels like there is so much I don't know and there are a number of things that other people have said that I had forgotten until now - I do not find it easy to think in these ways, but I can see that I am going to have to for a time or nothing is going to happen to change my life - I just wish it wasn't so hard!!! (dealing with the services on top of everything else) Regards Darkshine
  15. Hello again That's perfectly ok, I just figure that its best to ask if you don't know something. It is an interesting idea, promises are also very important to me too, so important that I don't ever make them unless I'm at least 99% sure that I will keep them. I also agree with what you said being able to take care of yourself in a way nobody else can. I will think about the things you have said... Best Darkshine
  16. YES!!!!! Mine dog's do - but only when he reads Shakespeare This topic really amused me - I am not being patronising, it just made me smile I think that this is an impossible question, because you'd have to ask everyone in the world and you'd still get different answers... There are so many people you see, and so many conditions that those people have - whether "normal" or not... An example I have been diagnosed with AS, my older brother has not, I have never met anyone who looks scarier or angrier than him when he's annoyed - he attacks, destroys, frightens, burns, screams - you name it he does it basically. Here's the thing... How do you measure it? When I'm annoyed with people I wish I could destroy the world, which is what my brother tries to do, but just because he reacts when most of the time I don't, does that mean that I'm any less annoyed with people than him? Maybe he has AS too, maybe not, but my point is that annoyance and other emotions are pretty subjective, you can try and compare but its pretty hard to measure. You could say that someone with MH problems gets more annoyed, or people with other disorders get more annoyed with people than them etc... I think it is a personal thing... I think it has as much to do with the individual as anything else. Also events that happen can alter annoyance too.
  17. Hello, I don't think many people like being ignored when they say something that requires an answer or response... I know I don't... So you were quite young when you reached this conclusion about AS? I wish I'd have known sooner (was diagnosed a little while ago and am 30) I wonder whether it makes any difference knowing sooner (still going through a "what if" stage myself).... What's your special interest? The way you said about it makes me wanna know My interests cycle, I get totally obsessed by "the next thing" I'm relatively new to forums, this is the first, and only one I've joined, ever, for anything. I still do not have a concrete opinion about forums though, if someone had asked me what I thought, every day I used the forum, they would have got a different answer every single day. Good luck Darkshine
  18. You have hit the metaphorical nail on the head there Adam, for 2 reasons 1, Obviously this is how the MH services seem to be (at least in my experience) 2, I haven't been referred, just waiting to see if the boss of the care-coordinator thinks its even a possibility to even think about a referral I guess I was hoping that some people would write here to say they had better luck - in a weird way it would give me some extra hope - of course someone still might, and I do have some avenues to explore while I wait now which is good. I guess in answer to my own question (post sub-title) this is just how it is for me right now, and that certain aspects are like it for others too (like the impossibility of CBT for example). Have you had a similar experience with this? If we share similarities with "problems", what did/do you do about them? Just out of curiosity Best Darkshine Hello again At the moment I am not doing positive thinking, I'm using the "lets ignore it til we blow up" technique - It sounds stupid, and to say "I can't help it" sounds feeble, but I just don't have the focus to challenge my thinking, my mind is all over the place and so are my moods, and I'm finding it very hard to care about things that I really should care about. The easiest way of explaining my life is to say I am on auto-pilot, I wake up, I eat, I bathe, I get dressed some days, I try to go out when possible, I go through the motions of life but I am not really here. A lot of every day is dark and depressing and just to go through the motions of maintaining life is such a struggle. I'm getting brief windows of time when I can function to a more "normal" level and am trying to use these as best as I can to get things done, but this is not enough, everything is slipping backwards, everything should have been done weeks ago and I just don't have the energy to catch up. I'm awake for a few hours and then I get really tired, if I don't sleep I am like a zombie because I'm so tired, I can't think, I can't talk, I can barely stay upright and keep my eyes open. The annoying thing about this is I go through this every single day - trying to get to a reasonable time to go to sleep and then night-time arrives and click - I'm awake until 3am at least - and repeat and repeat and that is my life... What is a mental anchor? You use a lot of terminology I haven't come across before - I like the idea of a mental anchor, anything anchored might stay....
  19. I hate food in the main, and find the whole process of food and eating tedious... However, having said that there are a few things that make food options healthier. Extra mature cheese is less healthy than mild, there is more fat and salt in extra mature cheese, I find mild cheddar to be tasteless so I go with medium or mature and use less. Wholegrain breads, pasta, rice, are supposed to be healthier and give you more energy over time as they release energy slowly Chicken is always an old favourite for healthy - but if you buy the packaged stuff you should check the ingredients and see which is the healthiest option (salt, fat, sugar) Adding fruit is always good and many types can easily fit in a lunch-box Salad stuff is also good - a lot of books and programmes say that you can eat as much salad stuff as you like - but I would double check this to make sure! If you ask your GP they can sometimes refer you to a nutrionist who will explain everything for you and if you don't like this idea you can get most of the info from NHS healthy lifestyle link Darkshine
  20. I am glad you aren't doing a critical discourse analysis of my language Tanya Although they do say that a lot can be learned about a person from the language they use, and the way they use it.... Health..... My belief system is shot to pieces, I don't know if I believe in anything, I suppose I must cuz I have many many negative beliefs, but when I say I can think of anything - I mean positive beliefs or beliefs that aren't negative. I worked on something like this once before about 5 years ago with a psychologist, we were challenging negative and incorrect beliefs. And we were finding what my core beliefs were as well - they were things like "I am nothing" "I am worthless" "The world is bad" "People cannot be trusted" etc and these were what everything else was supposed to be based on. Is this similar?
  21. The care coordinator believes that there is no therapy available or suitable. This person is only interested in referring me to an ASD service/association to solve my problems. They are looking into me seeing someone to talk to - and cbt, but they are only doing this because we insisted that it should at least be requested - the response prior to this was that they didn't believe that this could be offered. I'm sorry if this comes across as confusing, I'm trying my best to explain it all My carer says to me - that they might surprise me - its just that I don't see how that can be, when the care-coordinator is going into it with an attitude that suggests there is no point even asking, then it probably doesn't have a high chance of happening... This is why I'm trying to learn if as a human I have any right to anything... So far, it seems that asking for advice and learning is a good starting point so that I can be well informed so I know what I am talking about and what I can do...
  22. You are right, it can't hurt to find out, I just hate to ask - but I think I am going to have to start asking a bit more - thanks tally I appreciate your comments Adam I have difficulty remembering how all this stuff works - the way everything has to be done is very confusing - especially since everyone all works in the same building so I forget that I might need to ask GP thing sometimes. I just figured that since its the care-coordinator and a psychiatrist asking questions all the time that they can sort things out - but this does not seem to be the case. It is good to be reminded that there are options And no I wasn't fishing for sympathy but in a way its nice to have a little - it has been a very bad weekend for me and its nice to come on here and see kind words. Thank you. Hi Tanya, Do you mean which problems are biggest? Like the most difficult? I narrowed it some time ago and came to the conclusion that coping methods (social and other), depression and the way I think are the biggest issues that are present throughout everything else and if I could deal with these then the skills could be applied to other situations somehow. I try to go to the meetings with a neutral outlook - I cannot do positive, I can do negative, and I can do realistic except in this case realistic is negative cuz everything seems to be dead-ends - so basically I'm trying to stay neutral. I want to improve my life and I am willing to work hard to do that but it is so hard when I am struggling on my own - I am trying to work with these people but I'm convinced they are fobbing me off. I'm not sure what my assets are.... I can't think of anything that is an advantage - there are things that may be good assets in a human being, but they are just ones that make life worse, I'm not sure if I understand what you mean... Do you mean like being able to do a certain thing or be a certain way?
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