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Everything posted by Tilly

  1. By we have some very creative parents on this forum and very expressive kids who know exactly what they want! I picked dd up from her SEN school today and her teacher said dd has had a better day being a princess than her normal self But she refused to get her photo taken by us or the school. Tilly
  2. Queen Redberry - just noticed that you are a fellow Mackem
  3. When dd was in reception I remember her walking around the yard by herself but I wouldn't say she looked unhappy, but I came home bawling my eyes out and I use to make myself ill by going round to see if she was playing or not. Dd TA came out she would run to her and walk with her for the rest of the playtime quite happily. In the end it was my husband who put it into perspective by saying it was only 15 minutes out of the whole day [dd came home for lunch so the lunchtime playtime was not an issue] and she was quite happy to be out there. Does your little one seem quite happy to be with his TA or do you think he would rather be with his peers. My dd had her older sister in the yard but still did not really bother with her either. I think the remark said was rather negative. At the time dd had very little speech but I found the older girls wanted to mother her for it, but she was having none of it. Are there any toys or equipment in the school yard, there should be for foundation age. Maybe the TA could get a little game going or something. Tilly
  4. Today is world book day at the two schools where my daughters go. The idea is they can dress up as their favourite character from a book. I got to know this at 4.15p.m on Monday afternoon. So its been a mad dash and late nights to get two costumes made for this morning. I was really pleased with the outcome. The eldest went as a playing card from the Alice in Wonderland and dd2 was the little princess in I Want My Potty - complete with crown and green potty. The two costumes only cost 49p. Oh and a bottle of Kalms, and the white tablecloth has now gone Did anyone else have to dress up. I'd love some ideas ready for next year. Oh the joys of motherhood Tilly
  5. Tilly

    How mad is this?

    Oh Lauren its like . I'd pick up the 'phone and have a good old or to the LEA. My NT daughter starts secondary in September and I didn't know that the confirmation of placements were due. The time is flying by. Tilly
  6. Tilly


    I think that is terrible. I would get in touch with the SEN transport department at your Civic Centre and let them know what has happened. Lets face we are talking precious cargo here Hope your little one gets well very soon Tilly
  7. Tilly


    I agree with phasmid My friend is the ELS support at a primary school for Y1 children. Tilly
  8. Fiorelli Could you right it down phonetically please so I can impress my clan later this evening. Cheers Tilly
  9. Tensing do your neighbours still talk to you!! Which one of your children have ASD. Tilly
  10. Feels cold enough for snow up here in the north east but I haven' t seen any of the white stuff yet. Thankfully. Tilly
  11. Does anyones child play a musical instrument? My little 'un seems to really enjoy certain music for a short time and can remember a tune easily. She also tells me how it makes her feel and how she sees the music. I wonder though if she would have the concentration to learn an instrument as she does not like to be "stretched". She does not have a lot of confidence and can easily get upset when she does not get something right straight away. I don't know whether to let her enjoy her music the way she likes or encourage her to play an instrument - I'd love it if she was keen about something and make a hobby out of it . Tilly
  12. A couple of days ago I posted this thread in the technical forum. Sometimes when reading posts I don't know if advice or what I have to say is relevant or not, as I don't know the age, sex or dx of the person in question. Does anybody else think that it would be a good idea to put the information of the child/ren or our own beside our member name or at the signature like Madmooch and Daisy have done. Only if we want to of course. I've put my info on both! {Thanks to Brook } so that you can see at a glance exactly who I am talking about and I don't have to keep explaining who I am talking about each time, as I have been known to rant on and this can save you from scrolling down. Just a thought Tilly
  13. Tilly

    time flies -

    I'd never heard of that story before, thoroughly enjoyed it . Thanks Zemanski. Now my personal challenge is to bring that story into the conversation by the end of the week.! Tilly
  14. Hi Donna Warning though this is a very addictive site. look forward to reading your posts. Tilly
  15. Sorry but I've never heard of Tony Attwood before I joined this forum. Can anyone recommend any of his books - nothing too heavy or I'll be back on the Seroxat Tilly
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