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Everything posted by col

  1. Hope your back to your self tonight and hope smudge has had a nice treat
  2. DD7 is moving at the end of the term. Will be writing to the LEA, will try and ring them tomorrow. But need to go in to town tomorrow to see a guy about "turn down decision" a blue badge for DD8. The guy used to work for them so if he has any ideas how i can get the decision revoked. Although may leave that for a few hrs as the genetist phoned and left a message yesterday. So have no idea if she telling me that she has or hasn't found anything. Have to find last years reports as well for further ammo when i give parent's views. The new head was there and he was quiet through out the meeting but seemed fine at the end Although when i asked when can i arrange to see him. He mentioned that there is a transition afternoon for the children next week.
  3. Congrats, keeping fingers crossed that it goes smoothly.
  4. I'm back and i didn't really get to rip the heads off as much as i liked. Hubby had fun tho. He really laid in to her teacher. They all tried to fob it off. He laid in to the specialist teacher as well and had her gasping for breath. He thinks he went over board, i don't think he did. Didn't really get to play the dictaphone. But was able to say how long it took her to go to sleep which tends to be 1 and a half hours. I t was a good kick up the bum for daddy, so he will be supporting DD7 more. Had them over the homework issue, got the oh she get's modified HW. Told them it was looked at by another parent who disagreed. As DD7 homework was the same as her child. Both of us think now it was the teacher that wrote the report and the head just signed it at the bottom. Need to have a closer look. I noticed the LEA case worker nodding her head as hubby went off in one. About the irelavents bits. What annoyed me is that i asked for the homework to be modified and to be only done at the weekends. Where at the end both the SALT and specialist teacher were asking can you do this at home each day... DD8 who is at a specialist school, her teachers don't ask me to do this or that. The only home work she gets is a bit of drawing, reading book time 2 times a week (compaired to DD7 who has a new book nearly at least 3 times a week.) And the next couple of weeks to learn a song. That is it, that's all the HW DD8 gets and she has overtaken DD7 in maths this year, DD8 has only started to read this year as well and has nearly caught DD7 up. Need a cuppa, and try to think how the meeting went as i have problems retaining it all. Brain is frazzled.
  5. This was written by the HEAD!! Hubby is coming with me tomorrow and he ready to bang some heads together. I have for about 10 days kept a rough sleep diary on her which i can compaire to a study done on children who have ADHD. I have got a dictaphone full of her temper tantrums over a 3 day period, this tape is full!! I have even recorded her trying her HW that was not modified!!! It says in her report that she's learning to add up to 20 and yet she gets given HW that asks her to add up to 50!! But it's going to be fun as the head of the new school is going to be there as well as the LEA.
  6. col

    school reveiw

    Hope you have got the teachers reports and that if you disagree with anything that you've got proof.
  7. Got given the reports today and i swear all the staff just stood there looking at me across the field gloating!! What a shame for them that i have been expecting this and have already planned my attack back! DD7 has learnt that when it is difficult at home for mum she can come in and ask for help at school. She has commented that she prefers to be at school as she enjoys working and gets a lot of praise and she has friends to talk to and play with. ((((((then how come in the mornings she complains of tummy pains, headache and says she doesn't want to go to school!))))))))) DD7 often complains at school that she is hungry. Mornings can be very stressful for Mrs E as all the children demand her attention. Due to the behaviour of the children and the need to get DD8 ready for her taxi, dd7 has said recently that sometimes there is not time for breakfast. ((((What a load of manure, Rachel doesn't get shouted at, to wake up until after DD8 has gone, 90% of the time she does have something even if it's milk or a cereal bar in the car. We don't have time as she takes too long to get dressed, as she tends to forget to get dressed. So often she eats in the car...and she needs nagging to eat)))))) She is able to maintain concentration and works hard to achieve what is asked of her, except when she is tired or hungry. Behaviour is generally good except when she is tired; she can be cross and will aggraviate others.((((DUH, She's got ADHD, plus ADHD children have difficulty in sleeping, hence her not wanting to get up in the mornings! and being arguementive when she leaves school)))))))) It would benefit DD7 if she had the opportunities during the holidays to attend a holiday club or to play with her friends from school in order to help her maintain her present levels of sppech and the correct form of the spoken word. She is a positive girl who wants to succeed and in school she puts in a great deal of effort. It is a pity that this is not reinforced at home. As a result DD7 has requested her LSA, Mrs W, to carry out this homework in school time. Mrs W had previously discussed with mum that if there was not time to complete homework at home it could be done at school and this is common pratice.((((Because she is too tired, too arguementive, she just can't do it and it doesn't help when the HW hasn't been modified))))))) She takes great pleasure in the simple activites such as walking to the village or the big field, as she says that these are experiences that she does not get very often at home. (((What a lot of fiddlesticks< so we don't go out every day, she goes out at least once at the weekend))) bead threading, but she needs to do more practice of this at home. She recieves a great deal of support at school but still needs full support at home to achieve her potential. ((((((((((((( If we didn't love her she wouldn't have her statement etc!, Our support is that we don't push her when she's tired!!))))) _________________
  8. I'm counting the days as well and there is going to a very heated annual review tomorrow at her school so part of me feels like pulling DD7 out early.
  9. me thinks someone needs to contact IPSEA and ask for a scuitny to be done on our lovely LEA.
  10. col


    My nextdoor neighbour who is elderly and has emphasimia(sp) has just been taken in to hospital again. The girls noticed the ambulance and the man going in to the house. DD7 is rather upset and needed repeated cuddling. DD8 was a tinsy wincy bit concerned saying she will miss him but then just carried on as normal.
  11. What i'm trying to show and ask is that this test for children from 3 yrs old to 6:11. Can't explain it but found this link http://www.utexas.edu/courses/pena/ANDY.html This lad is younger the DD7 by 1 year and 1 month. His scores in the receptive language, the first 2 is the same as DD7. His scores put him in the high average range. As DD7 is 1 year and 1 month older then him, her results although the first 2 are the same as his, won't be classed as high average. What i'm trying to find out is the actually truth behind these's results. Is she below average, is she working at a five year old level? These results will give a false impression to the LEA. I need to fiqure out the truth, find out if it's actually bad and show the LEA that I do KNOW the truth so that they can't fob me off.
  12. Okay, DD7 review on tuesday. Have finally got "A" report. Of her speech therapist. Need help translating these scores PLEASE........................... Pre School CELF sub tests verbal expression recalling setences in context 91% formulating labels 50% word structure 25% understanding language lingistics concepts 84% basic concepts 75% sentence structure 50% Would like an age on them please..... As these tests supposidly go up to age 7 and she was 7:2 when they were done. At the moment she gets 12.5 hrs support. Can i use these to bump up support??
  13. col


    Hubby went to New York on buisness a couple of months ago. DD7 was upset and cried a little. DD8 goes "hurrah, no more bossy boots!" When he came home, DD7 and DS were happy to see it. DD8 couldn't be bothered
  14. Just phoned the nursery up to find out their procedure on jabs. Unless he's poorly he can come in tomorrow. Ask which room the child in, staff doesn't know. As it was the health authority that informed them
  15. Just got the phone call 10 mins ago. He hasn't had the MMR as he kept being poorly. So have got him booked in for the jab this evening. The shock hit me on the phone to the receptionist. Both my other 2 have been japped and there was never any cases around when they were little. Think the gp's is going to be busy tonight.
  16. col


    Less then a week now before the show down at DD7 school. Have not recieved any reports from the school yet. Have heard that the LEA EP has phoned the head, but the head hasn't told me about it. Tried to corner her today but no joy, will try tomorrow. Have got a slight bone to pick with them, how is a child who has a reading and spelling age of a under 6 and numeracy of a 6 year old expected to do year 2 homework??????? Have managed to have a quick look at some other children HW tonight and most of the time she is getting the same stuff!! Last week homework was really nasty, and it got to the point that she couldn't do 4+1 and i was asking her what comes after 10 she says 20. So i go 9, 10...............it took 2 attempts then for the 11. Then i say what comes after 11 and she goes 20 again!! Used the 2 yr old building blocks to help her count and she kept losing track and having tostart over again.
  17. col

    the return of....

    I can finally have a nap during (church, lecture, jury duty...please insert) and NOBODY will never know!!
  18. col

    grey or dye?

    Ive been going grey since i was 14. Am salt and pepper now. Hate the hair dresser. Have not been to one in years. Last time i went to one came home in a bad mood. Hubby toke one look at me, and interp my look. He goes they didn't cut it short enough for you did they?
  19. col

    More bad news

    <'> <'> <'> <'>
  20. col

    More bad news

    <'> <'> <'> <'>
  21. Having read the reports you kindly sent, relating to the difficulties your three children experience, i regret to advise you that none of the children individually are eligible for a Blue Badge. DD8's social communication difficulties necessitate close supervision but it is clear she enjoys physical acticity and is able to walk. DD7 also enjoys running, climbing and strenuous activity but needs supervision. DS2 can walk, balance and jump age appropriately but also needs supervision. The department of Transport does not include in its elgibility criteria the collective problems of managing a large family who may all have mild disabilities or health problems, such as sensory integation or modulation of their arousal levels. senior occupational therapist. Did she contact the GP??????? NO!!!!!! Did she contact the school??????????? NO!! I am so gunnnnnnnnnnnnnning for this person now!!! I need one for DD8 ESPECIALLY when she with her siblings. previous link about me writing about this http://www.asd-forum.org.uk/forum/index.php?showtopic=399 Any ideas any one???
  22. So glad that she still keeping your son on your books. As a good un is hard to find
  23. <'> <'> get out the tissues, that's absolutely BRILL. what a relief
  24. col

    Wish me Luck

    went well. Got an app in 3 mths time as the paed needs to go through DD8 file. She has been with the paed since she was 23 months old and she is now 8 and a half. So there's lot's to go through. What ever happens in 3 mths time, in black and white it will be writtens as traits etc. Have had details changed so that information won't be available to others So i think my backside and DD8 is now covered and school place is safe
  25. col

    Wish me Luck

    Verbally by her school unfortunately. As my LEA is all about "inclusion" and will find any reason to put SN children back in to mainstream or their own SN school's. DD8 attends a speech and lang school out of borough.
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