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Everything posted by keyholekate

  1. Good Year for the Roses - Elvis Costello. Thank gawd I got one .Was beginning to think I'd have to reveiw my musical tastes! Don't look so sad I know it's over But life goes on and this old world will keep on turning. Let's just be glad we had some time to spend together. There's no need to watch the bridges that we're burning. (This one just popped into my head)
  2. Big Bro -Nah! Roll on Saturday.... X-Factor Yeah!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Sean ,14 ,blonde hair ,big blue eyes lovely looking kid - can't stand looking in a mirror.
  4. Donny (swoon) Osmond Somewhere in Time
  5. Our old cat used to lay down in the road (quiet cul de sac) and people used to knock on our door to tell us.It tickled us at the time!! But until she died I could never understand why people got upset when their pets died............Oh boy! I do know now. Owner of two cats the youngest Twanny 3months. The name would need a lot of explaining!
  6. It's called Pin Art- google that. KHK
  7. I've checked on the back of ours and it's manufactured by "can you imagine" might be worth a google! KHK
  8. Caroline Hi We've got one, but a smaller size. A friend gave it to us a few years back. I think he bought it from "Gadget Shop"one of those grown-up toy shops that most shopping centres have. Rehards KHK
  9. Oh! You should treat yourself. You don't have to go out on the town just wear them. I've got champagne taste and beer money. I've got a few nice bits but I never pay lots for them (charity shops or Ebay) Wear what you've got don't save it for best especially if you like me and don't really go anywhere. Enjoy
  10. Hi Lucas! What's a curbie?
  11. Hi TheNeil! About the point of joining this forum and mixing with less able people I always find that your posts are incredibly articulate and intelligent. I always enjoy reading them. I also find you very witty. Thinking of you KHK
  12. keyholekate

    World War 3

    Happy birthday Suze!!!! Regards KHK XXX
  13. Sean's 14 and doesn't like to leave home unless it's for a KFC at the same one everytime!. He is fine when people come round, but is never happier when indoors playing one of his games consoles.
  14. Willie Nelson's Greatest Hits.
  15. I asked my doctor last year if he could prescribe Eye Q for Sean. He said that he can prescibe it but not to someone with Sean's condition??????? Still buying the capsules.
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