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Everything posted by Mike_GX101

  1. I think you can only have one status update at a time so to update it - just post a new update (you don't have to wait for it to be pushed down). But to be honest I think they add another dimension to the forum. Better still would be to have some kind of chat-box we can shout 'hi' to in real-time but have that curtained from non-members.
  2. Good to hear you're sticking up for dad's - it's really important to have a balanced emphasis when it comes to these things. Men seem to get under represented a lot of the time so it's really good to see you stick up for dad's too. I know you feel disheartened with how things have turned out and I'm afraid that's the way it is with groups/committees when there's money being offered during a recession. You could perhaps try a break-away group or see if there are other sources of funding without such conditions. Otherwise it sounds as if you might have to go with them all on this one. Is it better to concede this one and see the group get some funding do you think?
  3. A great win for Alberto Contador in La Vuelta! Just wondering who's going to win the Tour of Britain now...

  4. I had very serious internal-ruptures on this planet when I realised my space suit wasn't providing adequate protection and my feet froze solid leaving me with serious gangrene down both legs and with a serious dliemma as far as emergency help went - I phoned a friend and they passed my message on and 3 days later after shivering in my frozen ship the emergency ambulance space flyer came my way and they enabled me to safely escape and saved my legs too - don't ask me how; they're medical miracles! Never again will I visit this planet. I don't like cold places. But I am thinking of visiting a Mercury-like planet called RG100-X-2338 just off the outer fringes of the Milky Way Galaxy. Word has it this is a particularly good place to get a good Super-red tanning while sipping beer on a beautiful beach as scorching seas with no currents lap gently against the beach edge. Apparently there used to be mermaids there until the sun superheated and expanded and they grew legs and went in land a bit. No one has ever seen a hybrid-mermaid before and there is a big prize for the first person to snap a shot at one. Might be worth a go! I'll be packing my factor 500 next year for that one!
  5. Oddly enough I've been there too - I headed for the mountains straight away and find myself at the top in no time at all as the gravity was so weak what with that Jupiter-sized planet so nearby. I heard from the talking plant-like fauna there on the mountain slopes that conditions were impossible on that Earth-like planet in the distance where the gravitational fluctuations practically shake the planet constantly in endless rip-currents across its skies and seas; they took the first opportunity that came along onboard debris splashed into space via a direct-hit from a meteorite enabling them to seed this planet instead. Oddly enough I didn't stop at that other planet for a closer look as it sounded too much like hell to me. Did you go there by any chance Ben?
  6. And who said those with AS lack imaginative skills?!? Wow - absolutely loved the guided tour! Great pictures; great descriptions!
  7. Maybe he doesn't realise how it is making you feel - he probably sees you when you were much younger and feels he needs to be there for you. Remember back when he was there and was helpful and rescued you from many problems but now you're much older and it sounds like you find it too close for comfort. Maybe talk to him about it because unless he knows he will just continue doing it in a "like father; like son" mode. And the ice cream thing sounds good - again I doubt he's trying sabotage your fitness regime - again you need to tell him that you're not allowed ice cream due to your training. I do wonder though what he would he would say if he read your message above. Is that really how it is? Is that what you'd tell him in real life? What do you think his reaction would be if you told him all of that word for word?
  8. I thank you kindly for removing the said article from the Keanu Reeves thread. That was all I was asking. Ben - you need to show a bit of tact from time to time and realise that some of your quick-witted remarks can offend and be taken badly. A bit more consideration before you post wouldn't go amiss and you might find you are no longer walking on egg shells when you post.. I think you shouldn't quit welcoming new members to the site. No one is saying you should do this. Keep up the good work and most importantly, keep smiling!
  9. This has got nothing to do with hurt feelings and yes I can take a joke. I would like to draw your attention to Article 10(2) of European Convention on Human Rights where it states clearly that defamation is one of the valid reasons for limiting a person's freedom of expression and it gives rise to two legal frames that a person can prosecute for - slander and libel; both of which are applicable in this situation. You wonder why people get stroppy some times and this is exactly why - because you do not back down and it is quite clear on this issue that you have no intention of backing down and you show no remorse for your actions and again this gives rise to the possibility of further action in the process of bullying (aka harrassment) which I can assure you I can also follow up. I am sure you do a great job with your raising money campaigns and you should keep up the good work - that is not what this is about at all. Now I will ask you again and I am getting quite tired of asking - would you kindly arrange to have that comment removed from the Keanu Reeves page please. Regards Mike
  10. You don't know he won't - everything typed on this forum in the topics will be accessible to anyone around the world for the next 200 years+ and probably cached 6 million times also and be placed on the Virtual Time Machine for ever. Now Keanu and his agents might have overlooked it so far but there's no knowing whether an internet sweep might be conducted in the future. To add to the difficulties anyone researching Keanu Reeves in the future will also potentially see that page. Now the issues with GC were different. What you have done in your 'light-hearted joking matter' on the Keanu Reeves post is actually far more serious. And I have stated that I would like it removing please. From your perspective it is quite funny I am sure. But from my perspective it is not. And if you don't have it deleted I will have to take this much further as I have already asked a moderator to kindly delete it and nothing has been done. Thank you.
  11. Keanu Reeves one - and no in fact. I'm not. I would be most grateful if you could arrange for that to be deleted. Thanks
  12. Yes underneath all that hard exterior and fast-witted comments and your old avatar picture as a king (plus that quote "!?#!ing attitude baby!") I can see you are of a particularly sensitive nature A-S Warrior. I think it would be useful for you A-S Warrior to show that side of you from time to time in your posts for showing your soft-side can disarm a lot prejudice through mis-perceptions at the start. I know there is a comment you left for me recently on a page that could get read by a famous actor and I'm not happy about that at all and would be very grateful if you could remove it and tone your comments down a bit please. Thanks Mike
  13. I didn't really know what stimming was - I associated it to a man strimming the edge of a lawn! I don't know if stretching counts as stimming? I find I have to stretch a lot and really bend my hands and fingers back and practically stretch backwards hard from head to toe to the point of all my bones cracking. Anyone else do this? I get this awkward feeling in my joints if I don't which some times just beg to be stretched and some times I cannot quite stretch sufficiently. It's like an itch that begs to be itched but which is never quite satisfied. Very annoying!
  14. So that's what DST stands for then - I didn't tick it because I didn't think of us as being in Daylight Saving Time (or DST) - I just saw it as today's time as per GMT! Thanks
  15. Mind you; not that it matters much as the clocks aren't far away from being changed any way...I have one or two clocks I never change as it's too much hassle. For example the clock in my car (which can only be changed with the instruction booklet and the ignition off (always forget when I start up!) has run an hour behind all summer and actually shows the time shown on these forums. So time speeds up when I get home by an hour and then drops back again when I come on here. LOL
  16. Is it me or are the forum clocks an hour behind?
  17. Interesting thing I noticed when watching a documentary about tourettes: there was a scene depicting a waiting room for a group session and one thing I noticed (something the documentary didn't even pick up on) was that as the people with tourettes came together their tics actually seemed to intensify which didn't happen when they were introduced to those without tourettes. Something similar happens when groups of people are sat in waiting rooms and one person yawns - one can guarantee someone else will yawn and then another and another...this has been shown to be a form of communication which goes something like this: "I trust you enough to want to sleep in your company" the first yawner says non-verbally as he's yawning. In response someone else yawns unconsciously saying "yes - I do too" and so others yawn and they're all agreeing. Yawning is indicative of trust when done in a group. The same unconscious language is spoken with pets too - have you ever noticed your cat/dog yawns in your company? You might think they're saying "I'm bored" but what they're actually saying is "I like you"/"I trust you". If the tics of those with tourettes get more pronounced with other people with tourettes then perhaps the tics are used as body language? And that perhaps, given that some people with tourettes can also be on the autistic spectrum - I was wondering if maybe hand flapping also intensified when in the presence of others who also hand-flapped as if it were some kind of communication (as in something like unconscious waving/hand signalling)? Just a thought.
  18. Would I use a cure for autism? It would have to depend on what the cure involved. If the side-effects were worse then I wouldn't. If the cure had no side-effects and these had been tested 100% then I would jump at the chance. I read a book called Human Givens some time ago and it opened my eyes in the realms of psychology and it offered insights that the likes of Freud could only have dreamed of. Did you know for example that the Ancients knew more about psychological healing than what is officially known today? OK it wasn't called "psychology" back then but the wisdom shared thousands of years ago (little of which was ever written down and is only partially known today via word-of-mouth and few ancient scrolls) was able to deal with a lot of ailments that exist today without resorting to medical means. One such Ancient people were called the Sufi. I think I read up to chapter 2 of Shah, I (1968) "The way of the Sufi" which really is a book of story-led education which actually has the power to transform the way one thinks and I soon felt myself feeling uplifted and feeling more positive about the world. There was just something about the way I saw things; it changed my perception on things. And when you think that autism is about a difference in 'perception' that says a lot. If a book can alter one's perception on things (via stories and fables) and make one feel better about themselves and the world around them then who needs medication that can potentially damage things like the liver?
  19. There is real danger brewing out in the real world as more and more people are being forced to the breadline as more and more are out of work and prices keep climbing. One can search for jobs all they want but there's no guarantee they'll find them and even if they do there is never any guarantee they'll get hired - employers have too much power today. For example they have to advertise even if they've already found someone which means the ensuing recruitment process for countless people is quite simply a wasted exercise. Now according to this link: Minimum Income Standards Research a single person needs £193 a week to reach a minimum standard of living. And yet benefits for the average person only provides £85 and this is not set to change despite inflation and rising product prices due to the never ending increase in petrol prices. And as we all know the amount of gold bullion behind every unit of money is being diluted as more money gets printed to feed the growing population; think that £10 note in your pocket is worth the same as the £10 note you had in your pocket ten years ago? Think again! With all these dynamics happening which the average person cannot control (unless they some how find thousands to pay for small pieces of gold bullion) the whole thing creates equivalent of a very slippery slope downwards. The reason I got into the idea of food banks is because I was wondering if the Government offered food rationing stores (i.e. where one goes and picks up a pre-set food benefit with tokens which would not be subject to commercial profiteering ensuring fairness for all). Such a system no longer exists of course. So here we are with a growing poverty margin between the rich and the poor which is only getting worse especially with recessional job cuts and pay freezes/reductions and rising cost of global food prices, petrol prices and everything else. That causes mayhem in the cities but it creates a far bigger problem for those in the countryside with even bigger barriers to scale. I think food banks are an excellent idea because it promotes a sense of community while providing a valued service to get the most needy out of starvation which has the added bonus of making them viable for work. Sadly there aren't enough of them yet and no one wants to get involved. It's as if no one wants to accept that things are getting bad out there - everyone has this view of a modern 21st century world of glitter and sparkle and I hope people will soon begin to wake up and see that things are not so rosy afterall.
  20. An old topic is still a topic. And on this forum there are way more old topics than there are new ones so what's the problem? I'm all for recycling!!
  21. So what's the verdict A-S Warrior - are you going to use the laughing dog as your Avatar?
  22. I think there used to be a saying that if one didn't hand-flap then one couldn't possibly have asperger's. No idea where this saying came from but I don't believe it now having seen that very few of those on the spectrum actually do it. But what I want to know is whether hand-flapping is limited to just those on the autistic spectrum and if so what actually might cause it?!?
  23. Yes that works - thanks Darkshine. I just couldn't work out why when I selected MultiQuote it only ever gave me the option of selecting 1 quote even if there was more than one quote contained within the message I was MultiQuoting from. But now I can see that each time you do MultiQuote it doesn't restart your message at the bottom but adds the new quote "in addtion to" the last one(s) which really does help. My only complaint is it doesn't keep all the quotes together when you simply 'hit' reply.
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