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Everything posted by caren

  1. K has got his 1st one on 29th july i'm dreading it but the mum knows K from school so going to try and see if he can't cope then we will come away
  2. caren

    For the ladies

    thanks needed that
  3. I never looked at it like that either K loves spiderman and we have brought him everything to do with spiderman will be watching carefully to see if he's afraid
  4. caren


    Thanks for welcome
  5. My mum had a over active too when i did i had the op she had the radiation she's fine now does'nt need meds my grandma and antie both have under-active's so deff runs through familys
  6. Hope they relook and give him a statement <'> <'> The worst thing is about the LEA do they not think that we have enough to do with-out having to fight for the basic's in education
  7. caren


    thank you its great
  8. He that took me back to when mine first went over and i just remembered i could'nt walk up the stairs to bed had to crawl glad i'm not like that now get aching muscles but can cope with that
  9. What are the symptoms of hyperthyroidism? Over active Being restless, nervous, emotional, irritable, sleeping poorly, and 'always on the go'. Tremor of the hands. Losing weight despite an increased appetite. Palpitations. Sweating and a dislike of heat. Diarrhoea or needing to go to the toilet to pass stools (faeces) more often than normal. Shortness of breath. Skin problems such as hair thinning and itch. Menstrual changes - often the periods become very light or infrequent. Increased thirst. Tiredness and muscle weakness may be a feature. A swelling of the thyroid gland in the neck (goitre) may occur. Eye problems (if you have Graves' disease. See below.) What are the symptoms of hypothyroidism? under active Many symptoms can be caused by a low level of thyroxine. Basically, everything 'slows down'. Not all symptoms develop in all cases. Symptoms that commonly occur include: tiredness, weight gain, constipation, aches and pains, feeling cold, dry skin, lifeless hair, fluid retention, mental slowing, and depression. Less common symptoms include: a hoarse voice, irregular or heavy menstrual periods in women, infertility, carpal tunnel syndrome (which causes pains and numbness in the hand), and memory loss or confusion in the elderly. If you have angina, you may find that your angina pains become more frequent. However, all these symptoms can be caused by other conditions, and sometimes the diagnosis is not obvious. Symptoms usually develop slowly, and gradually become worse over months or years as the level of thyroxine in the body gradually falls.
  10. Hi all just wanted to share mine I started with the shakes weight loss bulging eyes etc 12 years ago thought wow this is great lost 9 stone found out i had over-active thyroid after a few years of it not settleing and my goitie getting large i had it removed now its under-active , the weight gain came back 10 fold , cold , depression , etc i take 200mcg of levothyroxine never feel any better and been dieting lost 54lbs up to now but its a hard struggle !!!! Alot of people feel better from taking meds but i suppose its up to the individual person
  11. caren


    Thank you for that
  12. K pulls his so hard i worry it will rip its very eye watering stuff , i taught all my boys to clean under the skin from 5 onwards
  13. caren

    'I'm Hungry'

    Hi K(6) who's AS has eaten the same food since he was 1 , toast for breakfast , jam butty for dinner (but its got be a certain jam) , with jaffa cakes and scooby doo yoghets then same for tea specilist said to try some thing new and for everytime he trys to give a reward , he still does'nt try stuff i suppose he will when he's ready , oh and K is a big lad now L (14) aspergers wow every meal is a battle L is very underweight and we do try if you eat this you can pick tomorrows tea K(9) no dx won't stop eating he eats everything till he's sick
  14. <'> <'> did'nt want to read and run We asked for a assessment on lewis who's got aspergers and was refused blank so we went to a lawyer that deals with just LEA's he sent them a letter they still refused so it went to tribunal BUT it did'nt !!!! they backed down and assessed him then got a statement alot of time appointments and tears in the process but so glad i stuck with it The lawyer is based in london but also spends time up in lancs also does phone appointments if you'd like the number just shout he was brilliant and i'd just won a case for a lady for her son to go into school where they sleep over
  15. Hi I'm new so go easy on me please My youngest son is autistic ! my nephew is also autistic my 2nd oldest son has aspergers now my youngest son who's 6 is verbal lots repeated but can speak my nephew is 7 and can't say 1 word , i refer to them not as high and low but as verbal and non-verbal My sister says severe autism for her son and mild for mine so i suppose everyone uses different words
  16. caren


    I'm caren 36 from lancs mum to louise 18 , jamie 15 , lewis 14 (who has aspergers) jade 12 , kirk 9 (has learning disabities) and kurtis 6 (who has autsim) step mum to emma 21 and kelly 19 , step granny to kyle and archie Also have a nephew who's non-verbal with autsim Hope to get to know you all
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