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Everything posted by david3

  1. You believe she is messing with your head when she knows you're autistic. Maybe she doesn't understand what it is to be autistic. Anyhow, you have a mind of your own and you can make your own decisions about what is going on and what you gonna do about it. I would treat her with respect. You don't want to get done for losing your temper and doing something silly. At the same time take care of your own sanity. Written about something that happened a long time ago. I imagine that things are different now.
  2. david3

    The Female Eunuch

    What do you think that I am implying, Special Talent?
  3. I think that some women would be better off if they decided to be more assertive instead of playing along with the idea that we men are in charge and trying to pull our strings in an underhand way.
  4. Your hypothesis is people on the autistic spectrum have the same interests. Has this been tested scientificly? Among other things I'm into portrayals of autism on the small screen and the big screen, computer games and Information Technology, sport and politics, television and radio, and fashion.
  5. david3

    I'm david3

    Hello. I'm in a reaching out phase. I decided today after doing my shopping to have a walkabout my neighbourhood, instead of staying in and listening to the radio, which I usually do. I suppose that I am like the Mole in the Wind in the Willows. I get fed up of the domestic and want adventure. I feel embarassed when I contemplate what I do when I do this; at the same time I am excited and feel pleasure when I do what I do. [i think my English needs working on, and my thought process. I come the crossroads in my thinking and I have choices to make in my thoughts. I think that we tend to rush our thinking and I like to be slow and careful when I think. Writing things down in my language slows things and is a sort of discipline that some speakers tend to lack. The good thing about this forum is I am sharing with whoever is reading this and you have the power to stop reading and I understand already that you want to do other things.[/font] I can stop writing when I want to stop and I have favourited this forum so it's easy to get back here.] I decide to give an example of what I am embarrassed by. I am looking at a Christmas card display in the local abbey and I find a card with a postbox on it. I see that the postbox has only got GR on it and I think in order to be more realistic the postbox ought to have GVIR on it. The artist has missed off the regnal number. I make this a topic of small talk. I banter about this with whomever is present. Now I think in order to be up to date the postbox ought to have EIIR on it. Goodbye for now. Strike while the iron is hot. I think that I have found my soul-mate. We choose to live separately from each other. I think that sometimes we marry people other than our soul-mates for a variety of reasons. I have attempted to develop a material relationship with her to no avail and I have been labelled a pest and I am afraid of being labelled a stalker. I have tested the limits of my sense of morality. I have sent her unanswered letters and I think that unanswered letters between us are less than satisfying. I think that us being just friends is less than satisfying and frustrating for both of us. I have been living a long time with this unrequited love [i think that the love is unrequited for both of us. I hold that we lack the appropriate social skills.] I usually attempt to develop the material relationship when I get this way and I have come to the decision to be less generous, and withold the charity I think that a true lover is supposed to give to his woman. While I think that she is screaming out for such love, I decide to keep my romantic love in cold storage until I find a use for my love. I think that I am choosing to be cruel to be kind. I find that I interest few people with this story. I tell my tale here for those whom I interest. I'm thinking of an ancient PicketyWitch song;- "I still get the same old feelings Tearing at this heart of mine, Reminding me that I'm Not really over you." That's your lot. I'm feeling embarrassed now. I go out and about in town and I make contact with my friends. We have experience of these conditions in my life so I hope we all can learn from our experience. I wonder what I have done and if I have done anything wrong. I accept that if I sacrifice liberty for security I deserve neither. I like liberty; I ache with insecurity. I want to write to Her and I decide to do something. I am afraid that I am neglecting Her and that I would hurt Her if I did pay attention to Her. I choose to get busy with pass-times and chores instead of correspondence. I have some memories of the good times I had with Her to dwell on. Pain and pleasure indeed. [La Traviata] I feel stronger this morning. I am afraid that I will waste my strength on foolish things. I want to work. I tend to act spontaneously most of the time. I do organise basic maintenance of my being. I lack a woman's touch being a man. I think that I like volunteers rather than the coerced. I think that I do help our work with this little poem Let's work together to keep our yellow submarine in order. I decide to be careful. I will work in neutral towards getting back onside. 18/12/12 I am wound up enough. I just want to tick. I decide to speak for my soulmate, according to my image of Her. I will hide from you when I do so. I would rather be silent than reveal too much to those in whom I have little trust. I am getting on with everyday life now with my nervy emotional backdrop. I'm glad of this 'growlery' where I choose to air my private things. 20/12/12 I'm happier with my condition today. I like the changes I've made in the past few days in my thinking about Her. I feel less need to be bother Her because I am in touch with me more. If I think that I'm the pain in the ass in her life I want to be elsewhere where I feel free and I'm doing Her, and me, less harm. I find my image of the Woman better than the real Thing. I'm learning to pay less attention to how she feels when I am away from Her. (posts merged)
  6. I assert that there is a difference between a biological family and, say, a social family. A biological family is the family a person is born into. These families are not always successful. By success I mean the members of a family are satisfied with membership of the family. A social family is a family a person builds around his or herself, or rather, it is a set of individuals, who, while not being biologically related, are satisfied with membership of such a group. For example. a pair of homosexuals who are not biologically related to each could form a happy family. I suppose that what I am saying is without the social factor linking peope the biological bond is pretty useless. I don't have to live with the peope I am biologically related to if I think the relationship between us stinks. Norman Wisdom's father was not in his life when he was growing up and when Norman found his biological father later in his life, this father treated him like dirt.
  7. The Beatles. Lindisfarne. Slade. David Bowie. Bob Dylan. Bruce Springstein. Alice Cooper. Cockney Rebel. Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young to name a few.
  8. I find correct assessment of situations difficult. I've avoided broken ribs and head injuries, but I've had many sickening scares. As I am too terrified to brain scrotes, I tend to avoid them, if I can. It's no use arguing with a madman.
  9. david3

    I'm david3

    Thank you for your welcome, all of you. I feel safe enough to share something here I dare not share with the people I know. I've been watching the TV series Battle Castle and I have got to thinking that I'd like to be Dan Snow because he seems to have a good attitude to life and he has got, from what I see, a great father. I think that this post does not fit anywhere else. I am being proactive. I mean that this is not reacting to someone else, this is me saying something without being asked. So speaking without being spoken to. I think that it's ok to want to be someone else.
  10. I have difficulty recognising being loved therefore I have difficulty feeling loved. I think feeling loved and being loved are two different things. I apologise if I disturb anybody's sense of security. If feeling loved makes you happy, ignorance is bliss.
  11. I have recently been diagnosed as being austistic. I was on Incapacity Benefit and I went to ATOS and I am now on Jobseekers Allowance. I am in the work related group. I have had an interview at the Job Centre and I think that the lady who I met got a realistic read on my prospects of employment. I've been out of work for a long long time and now I'm supposed to become part of Hamilton and Osbourne's solution to the debt crisis. I' m very anxious. The government talks about getting me into employment and wealth creation and is doing nothing about getting me into work. I suspect that they care more about cutting costs than employment for the disabled. I've heard stories about a soldier who'd just had his leg amputated being assessed by ATOS as fit for work. [Excuse the Chinese whisper effect.] If ATOS treats an amputee like this what chance to I have. I'm just a 'wierdo'. I don't have an obvious defect. If I have an able body, I'm expected to have an able mind. I suspect the coalition's agenda. It's about spending as little as possible, not about geting me a job. Investment? I'm a long, long way from starting my own business. I am responsible for my own life, like pussy stuck down a well.
  12. david3

    I'm david3

    I have recently been diagnosed as being somewhere on the Autistic Spectrum. I have difficulty understanding what this means to the doctors. I understand little of what autism means. I have been advised to go to a group for people diagnosed as being in the same position. I shrink from human contact which I find often turns to inhuman contact. This is better for me. I have more time to think and decide how I will respond to others or as I am doing now initiate contact. I've read some of the posts in Meet and Greet. I see a number from the parents of autistic children. I am not the parent of an autistic child. I am the autistic child. I am finding that my computer is a line of communicaton to the outside world. I expect that some people in this forum will understand what I am doing when I have little understanding. I listen to the radio a lot. I sometimes get frustrated that the communication is one way. The radio talks and I listen. Sometimes I would like to talk back.
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