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Nic m

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Everything posted by Nic m

  1. Nic m


    Mumble, the dinner lady who shouted at you, should not have done so. Please try not to worry about it. Nic
  2. That is great jools, i am so pleased for you both. nic
  3. Nic m

    Forum Diet Thread

    4lbs is fantastic well done SG nic
  4. Nic m


    Dooday, I used to have this problem and i sometimes used to use the pads you can put on the bed. It saved a whole lot of washing (and mattresses). Hayley wasn't that keen on them though so i only used them if i knew it was going to be a 3+ change night. When it was like this i used the laundrette, you could put 3 times the amount in those machines and tumble dry all in an hour. it was about �6 in total. I still use the laundrette for times like new year and holidays it really saves a big build up of washing. There is a cafe right next door to the laundrette i use, and it is great i get a magazine and have a cup of tea, and by the time i get home the load i put in the machine is done and i feel very smug with myself. This is my top housewifie tip (my only one!). nic
  5. Nic m

    Forum Diet Thread

    Karen 7lbs is fantastic. well done everyone! I have stil not braved the scales, but my clothes are getting a bit looser. avoiding the chocolate is still difficult but i have been really busy and have kept up the walking so that must be working. I read in a magazine the other day that drinking water regularly speeds up your metabolism by about 30% so i am going to increase the water intake again and try again with the stomach exercises. nic
  6. that is good news even with the return behaviour. nic
  7. please look after yourself, you are doing the best in a bad situation nic
  8. Nic m

    One whole year

    Clare and mumble, you are both fantastic. i look forward to reading your posts nicola
  9. Nic m


    megzie just do what you can. the thing that i have realised over the years is thats all you can do. if someone else doesnt like it, you cant change how they feel about it so the only thing you can do is do what is best for you. With people who care round about you, you will manage to get through this. nicola
  10. hope all went well, nic
  11. Nic m

    Stress relief

    Hi science geek, i dont know what would work for you, depending on your sensory issues. If my daughter is really wound up, there is not much i can do until she is tired. To relax she likes a power shower for about 45mins. She used to like long baths but prefers showers now. exercise also helps. crafting, sudoku and singing rather loudly also works. I like to talk out what is worrying me then occupy my mind with something like crafting to distract me from whatever is annoying me. I hope you find a solution that works for you soon nic
  12. Nic m


    welcome bren nic
  13. Yes Kathryn, my daughter does and i think it looks really smart.She wears it loose though and does not fasten the top button on her shirt. I wear ties and scarves a lot too but just because i like the look. nic
  14. Thanks everybody, it is amazing the difference it makes to me to share these things on here. take care nic
  15. hi jon79 welcome to the forum. I dont know how others have managed it. I have a very dear friend who was my partner for a few years and i believe he has very strong AS traits.I fell in love with him because he was different. He listened he was attentive, honest and loyal.I struggled with certain aspects of our relationship, but the biggest thing was how he was socially. I now have a greater understanding of his needs through this forum and this has helped our relationship a great deal.He is my dearest friend and my saviour in many catastrophes.He despairs of my need to talk, my organised chaos, my ability to change my mind at a minutes notice, my lack of proper preparation. I despair of his singlemindedness, his need to be so early that he makes me feel i am late, and his awkwardness with social events and anything new. I love his organisation, his kindness, his practical mind his fabulous cooking skills, i have benefited a great deal from his need for perfection in whatever he does. he has benefited from my relaxed nature, my shopping skills and my persistance. He is amazed at my ability to talk. I do not know how other people do it but along with my daughter, this man enhances my life, and i am glad i asked him out (9 years ago). We are now close friends who talk nearly every day (he is still amazed that he now talks rubbish this much, although i do most of the talking) Good luck with meeting people, and perhaps finding out about yourself will be a start in meeting others. nic
  16. Hi everybody, we had a paed appt today, and i was very pleased. Hayley is now 4'10" and is also 4 st 10lb! this is fantastic she has always been on the very thin side, (i was like this as a child as was her Dad and my sisters and brother too). Anyway since she has started her new school in may last year she has put on 6lbs. She is trying some new foods and is generally more relaxed and i am just very happy. nic
  17. Nic m


    Hi JJ'smum, welcome to the forum, nic
  18. Nic m


    That sounds really good nic
  19. Angel here is a really easy one puff pastry cut into squares egg (beaten) used to glaze the edges of the squares feta cheese cherry tomatoes halved rool out the pastry cut into squares mark a smaller square about 1.5 cm in fill the middle of the square with some cheese and cherry tomatoes put in a moderate oven for 15-20 mins (until the pastry has risen) hey presto you have a lovely lunch I have done big pastry slices and smallish ones and different fillings Hayley likes glazing the pastry and putting the filing in. I average about 6 squares from a normal pack of puff pastry you can use most cheeses you can use olives peppers, most things you would think of putting on pizza they are really easy and great for when friends come round, very quick to prepare. I will have a think about your store cupboard basics tonight. I always have tomato puree, passata dried pasta rissotto rice cheese eggs flour frozen veg (the microwave packets) they are great as a quick lunch with some cheese sauce. macaroni cheese is gorgeous if you do it the really fattening way boiled, drained pasta, double cream and grated cheese all mixed and heated in a pot a bit of nutmeg and it is sheer indulgence. I love potatoes any shape or form and they are always an easy option. even if you start off using store bought sauces for making lasagne you will soon get the hang of it and start making your own sauces. I have usually got lasagne sheets, quorn mince and all the other bits for making the sauce then it is only about layering and preventing yourself eating it all in one night. nic
  20. Nic m


    Enjoy your day,Hev. Nicola
  21. fantastic that she is doing it so young. nic
  22. Hi charliesmomuk, this is quite common i think. my daughter has a very different pain threshold, when she was younger it seemed to be higher, now though it seems to depend on how engaged she is. She can cry for a small thing or not seem to notice something i could scream at. nic
  23. It is a lot and it is fantastic. nic
  24. Nic m

    my day out

    Glad it was a successful shop, and hope the meltdown is over. nic
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