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Everything posted by kirstie

  1. Bramblebrae, hi, great name.... reminds me of where my Mum used to take us walking when we were young! No, i don't think we have senco here and i'm not sure about a special educational needs advisor either. I haven't encountered one, although Lewis was only ever in a mainstream nursery (for what felt like an eternity) and now he's in a language Unit. Maybe some schools do have the advisors maybe it's a funding thing (whats new??) Hope someone gives you some better advice tho, sorry
  2. Lufty you're as star!!! <'> Can i just ask, where is mountain forum co-host??????????????????? I'm joking i'm joking i'm not that thick just my weird sunday sense of humour!
  3. TN <'> <'> Honey, it's time to get tough!! There is no way in hell i'd allow my other half to be with me and go elswhere for the other stuff, and if i'm honest i seriously doubt her boss would have even suggested such a thing. Maybe (perhaps i'm being cynical here...) she was testing the water as to how you would react to such a 'proposal' ?? and just maybe she is hanging around with her decision, carrot dangling as it were, because she doesn't know what HE is going to do?? Maybe he has given her a chink of light and has turned her head again.....who knows, certainly not you! She is playing you like a good 'un and i think you need to think of yourself. You will always be wondering whether you get back together or not...... I'm sorry for sounding so negative but you truly have been very patient here and you deserve better. I also believe in the marriage vows and forsaking all others means just that. I agree with whoever said you should take yourself out of the situation just for a bit, have a short break and take time to reflect. Sitting in your home with all the memories and your wifes belongings around you is bound to be hard. Sweetheart think of you, you don't deserve it. I know it's sooo hard when you love someone and you're hurting. I hope you can get things sorted i do, but do NOT be a doormat for anyone. Take care, Kirstie.
  4. I have no idea what has happened but i used to be Mount something or other and now i'm 'kirstie' ???? i may be the size of a mountain after my honeymoon but i am confused (not hard i know) can someone enlighten me please?
  5. As i have been away getting hitched and on Honeymoon i was wondering if the meet took place atall and how it went? Any goss anyone?
  6. TN, I'm so glad you're happy and things are moving in the right direction for you!! <'> You are quite something and i think you are a lovely guy. Mrs TN is a lucky lady who obviously realises that! as for the weekly shop, well i have to admit to cheating on that and do it online way easier and less stressful, My AS 6 year old hates it, all the squeeky shopping trollies and the smelly cheese and fish counters and he ends up hiding behind the biggest packs of bog roll, decides it's actually quite amusing to see me rush around the shop sweat running off me in a state of total panic and does it all the more. Hmmm internet shopping it's a godsend! As for the Bean she difinatley has two kids i saw an interview in one of the TV mags i think it was and someone else asked her the same question, she said it is just the editing makes her look perma-preg! GOOD LUCK for tonight and, well....for always with Mrs TN i hope you two can put this whole thing behind you and move on, Dogs are fabby by the way. I have a cocker spaniel, bit hyper but great if you want to take it out on a run! (not that i do...) Take care, Kirstie.
  7. Hi TN <'> <'> I'm really sorry you are going through this! it sucks, been there!! It is good you are talking though and i hope you continue to do so. I also admire you greatly for voicing your opinions on parenthood, you're right it isn't for everyone. Maybe your wifes biological clock is ticking but hey, emotional blackmail is no way to get things back on track. I'm sorry maybe that sounds harsh, compromise is good but you must also be true to yourself. As for the thought maybe she went with that guy because she thought he would give her a baby, who knows but in truth if he was prepared to do this behind his partners back and young baby (am i right in that??) then that was never going to happen. I hope you carry on running and making pasta and .........on second thoughts stuff the hoovering!! Property ladder though, i love it. The Bean (good name ) has had some dodgy hairdo's of late but i think she is fab and they NEVER take her advice, dunno why she knows her stuff. Oh, she has two children by the way. Anyway i hope you get some sleep and don't worry you're never alone here, look after yourself because we all do really care. <'> <'> Kirstie.
  8. I have read both books and they are definatley worth a read. My son has sensory integration dysfunction alongside his AS (as so many of our kids do) and when his OT suggested i read them i bought them from amazon at a good price and it made everything a lot easier to understand.
  9. Helen, <'> <'> never feel you need to have the stiff upper lip here you offload whenever you like. It sounds like a stressful situation and your right he needs to make plans, but maybe it's a bit much on your shoulders if you have to give him a helping hand in that direction, third party sounds sensible to me too, not always easy i know to talk with someone from the 'outside' but sometimes it's the best option. Hope you get things sorted out soon one way or another, Thinking of you, Kirstie.
  10. <'> <'> Caroline, i know these 'down' situations only too well where everything seem to hit you at once.It will gt better i promise. Do you get mail from SNIP (special needs information point) because i had their bulletin in the post (their recent one) saying about childcare for children with special needs and inclusion in childcare for them. There are two catagories ages 0-5 and then 5 upwards i'm sure if you were to phone them you'd get a list of after school clubs, child minders who include kids like ours so worth giving thema bell! And for what it's worth i have been looked down on and frowned upon for NOT working while i raise my family so you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. We can't win but i can understand you need your job for YOU, boy do i ever know what you mean now!!
  11. Yeh i agree it will all still be there for another day so take it easy. I'm glad you and the baby are ok !
  12. Och aye the noo, it's a braw moonlicht nicht the nicht!! It's great up here and very scenic. Which part of scotland are you going to ? Tis a bit chillier up here though so pack those thermals!Hope you have a great time!
  13. i have noticed a recent trend with the girls at the moment and thats wearing mini skirt demnim types with black (footless) leggings underneath, you know the type the dancers wear very tight i'm not sure what age your daughter is or if it would be appropriate for her but it would be quite a good trend if you liked that sort of clothing.
  14. Hi all, I know i haven't been around in a while but i have been really busy organising my wedding and honeymoon and seeing to the kids that ijust don't know where the time went.. Anyway the Wedding was fantastic, it was the perfect day and we had a great time. The honeymoon (with all 3 boys in tow) was great too. The only problems we had were the baby cut a tooth and then developed acute tonsilitis and then was allergic to his medicine, but if thats the worst thatwent wrong i really can't complain. Lewis was fantastic, he hadan absoloute ball. He made friends and joined in with some of the kids (had time on his own too) in fact i can easily say he was the best behaved out of the three (i know i know Aiden is only 11 months but you know what i mean!!) My eldest who turned 14 while we were there , whined and nagged the whole time " Csn i have?" and "Why not?" where his constant demands he drove me nuts and i swore never again........ I'd take Lew any day though! I met a SEN teacher (her wording) while i was there, but hey thats a whole new topic - nasty, lets just sayi'm glad my son doesn't go to her school! Hope you are all well and i'll read my way through what i've missed, feel free to update me on any major goss!! Oh, how did the meet up go?? Takecare, Kirstie D
  15. Hi Caroline, just back from honeymoon and i've been reading up on these posts. First of all i'm so sorry you're having such a crappy time of it. Try not to make yourself ill over it . Secondly, you're HT sounds like she's gunning for Robert and has pretty much made up her mind on him however i don't think she reckoned on being challenged about it so good on you DO NOT let her treat either of you like it! The Spectrum challenging behaviour guys are fab and did so much hard work with Lewis as he was very much the same what your HT needs is a stark reminder that there is ALWAYS a reason for these behaviours and it's a matter of getting to the bottom of what is causing his distress, it is NOT his fault (or yours) and they need to know it. How knowledgable is she on ASD's?? does she attend any training days or comnferences on how to best help a child on the spectrum if no i reckon she needs a crash course SOON. These behaviours are just Robert reacting to his surroundings at the moment by the sounds of what the Spectrum guys said when they witnessed a very anxious little boy who didn't know what was expected of him it sounds to me very much like he needs more structure there and explicit instructions as towhat he should be doing and warnings beforehand too so he's not just dragged into something unexpectedly, such things can cause major upset and distress for our kids. If he knows from the off what he should be doing and where he should be (and also what he should not be doing. ie leaving the classroom without permission) then things will settle down but any strategies must be put in place now so that this can be a successful transition for him. Spectrum will help put all of that in place but it also depends greatly on how the teching staff implement these strategies and eventually IEP's. He is still very young and thats great because the earlier the intervention the better and you have fantastic support by way of Spectrum. You know how much input i had from them and have always sung their praises because Lewis was classed as 'unteachable' 'a danger to himself and others' i was threatened exclusion from Nursery and life was damned hard, but they helped turn his unacceptable behaviours around and i have a much calmer little boy who is thriving at school, i do believe that is down to his school setting too as the language unit versus the mainstream will win for me every time, mainstream was not for Lew, we tried it at nursery for 3 years and he couldn't cope, by the time they put any strategies in place it was too late for him there tht is why Roberts school have to get it right straightaway in terms of how they deal with any arising behaviours. This PAG group also includes Roberts consultant, did you know? and she will back you every time should you choose to go down that route, as you know she is a heavyweight in her field and i think we are both very lucky to have her on side, she cares very much about the kids she sees, and remember you can phone her anytime she will phone you back if she's not around and try and point you in the right direction and tell you where various supports lie, ans she should know about the education department as she's married to the head of it!!! (who also sits on the PAG) interesting dinner conversations thay must have methinks!! (they can overrule each other and disagree on placements for the special schools on these PAG meetings!!) anywayi digress.......... I think you're being very brave and strong in what you believe in and are willing to fight tooth and nail for Robert, i also think you are being very realistic in terms of the length of time you're prepared to give mainstream. But things Can and hopefully will get better as the term goes on so hang in there hon, you know where i am if you want a chat. infact i might give you a buzz during the week if that's OK? Takr care and try and get some sleep!! <'> <'> Kirstie.
  16. Lewis has often done the same thing with his remote and he finds foreign languages hysterically funny! A little boy in his nursery was chinese and he would go into raptures when he heard him speak, and he would try and speak like him too! At the moment my Son is talking with a very distinct Glasweigan accent. His Dad has a new girlfriend who is from Glasgow and it's driving me nuts!!!! (not the girlfriend, the accent ) Although he does an excellent american accent too!
  17. Hi Caroline, Lewis is the same as Robert. At nursery he would fixate on one little girl and follow her around and try to kiss her! He had to be told no kissing and only hugs if the little girl wants to. I got a wee bit concerned for a while but now he's at School theres only one girl in his class and apparently all of the boys in the two language classes are like this over her. She remains blissfully unaware. It got to the stage where lewis would become very protective and aggressive if anone else sat beside her so they have done a social story for him saying he can sit next to her on a Monday. He has accepted this and is fine with it although he does tell me often he loves her
  18. That's fab news lou-lou! It might take a wee bit of time to put the place right but it'll be worth it. I'm really pleased for you both <'>
  19. kirstie

    To my forum family

    <'> Hi Hailey, How did it go hon? Well i hope! Let us know.
  20. I agree with Paula. After all don't we all say it about our kids, they are who they are.......... same goes for anyone. Tattoos or no tattoos.
  21. Thanks Elouise, That link was really helpful. I think with Lewis it is most definatley stress induced migraines. Like you say, mt son will never drop off to sleep on the floor and when he's ill you really know it because he's quiet! Also after he's hada sleep or been sick he gets his colour back and stops shaking and he's perfectly fine! But because he had 2 of these episodes in the space of a week his Consultant is going to give hima full medical just to rule certain things out. It sounds like your son has it bad, and you! <'> Justamom, go with your gut feeling (pardon the pun!) and have her seen by someone. It could well be something (cow supply teacher!) is really stressing her out! worth mentioning i think!
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