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Everything posted by Deedee

  1. We've been told to do this (open and pour powder into drink) by the Doc at Camhs so he'll be fine honest! <'> Thing is when you first use it it can be so weird them going straight off to sleep like that,you get no sleep at all still because you worry all night something's wrong cos they're sleeping...
  2. Thanks All <'> I was so exhausted last night I didn't get round to answering. I've spoken to CAMHS and they're ringing ASAP today with an appointment to see our Psych and the medication lady together. I must say I can't fault the school either...they are coping admirably.We have a new SENCO and Head who are fantastic and so supportive of him.It was them who arranged all the Emergency review etc and have put fulltime help in with bells on for him.All that can be done there is, its just the mainstream school environment is just not right for him anymore...he needs a special school.So until this is sorted out *hopefully* in the next couple of weeks our hands are effectively tied as to removing what is stressing him out..we just have to soldier on! I just can't believe we've got to go down the medication route so soon,and how things have gone form 'manageable' to catastrophic in such a short time I'm so grateful you're all here to moan to!!! thanks so much <'> Dee XX
  3. Things are getting worse here by the day We are still managing to get him in to school but they are really getting a hammering from him,to the point where I really don't think they should have to put up with his behaviour and I'm his mum!!! He's bitten his LSA,thrown a wobbler in every class and now refuses to even enter his classroom.He's drawing scary pictures of himself with axes and guns and a face like pumpkinhead really evil looking... I just don't know what to do..I know if I keep him home we'll never get him back into school but why should we put him and everyone else through this?? Does anyone have any advice on how they've dealt with this sort of thing?? We're on the waiting list at CAMHS to see about Resperidone as a temporary measure but what the hell do we do while we're waiting?? He's only 9 but he's scaring the hell out of me at the moment its like he's taken on a new evil personality of the likes we've never seen before...where has my lovely little boy gone...
  4. Cariad there are often funds that can be accessed through your employment. NAS is currently making people aware of help if you work in the banking sector but often other trades have a fund which can be used by current and past workers... For example my husband is a postman and they have a hardship fund for employees to help with just this sort of thing.Its often administered by a union but can be a trust fund set up by the companies.I did have a link somewhere which listed all the different ones and there's loads!!! Will try and dig it out for you Here you go http://www.joblinks.org.uk/
  5. Lisa I feel pretty much the same at the moment...like I live, breathe, eat and sleep it!! I think its probably down to all your meetings and appointments.We've had a lot too recently and it does all add to the stress of everyday life.At most of our appointments we have also had to be so negative about our son,something I find really hard but we MUST do it to get him the help he needs,which is probably exactly what you are having to do too and it does upset you,even if you know why you have to do it.. Hope you get his DX and some more help soon Dee XX
  6. Hev I've followed all your news and your many ups and downs with Steven and I just wanted to say I'm so pleased with how things are going for you all It must be a fantastic feeling to know he is safe and well looked after and most of all happy!! I hope with all my heart things continue to improve for you and your family after all you've been through... He's one truly lucky young man <'> Dee XX
  7. Deedee


    I normally get asked to just sign it after its done but I find they are usually pretty spot on as our school use all the advice and targets from SALT etc and add anything else in where needed.
  8. Deedee

    Flippin' LEA....

    Smiley keep at it you'll get there in the end its good to hear you getting back into fighting mode <'> I'm so sorry to hear they're still refusing to talk to you can you try asking your MP to mediate for you ?? *I'm already booked in to my MP's next surgery as a precaution for after our panel meeting*
  9. Blimey Flora I panicked when I read the title but was soooooooooooooo pleased to hear it was Good News I am absolutely delighted to read this and I hope you have a wonderful evening celebrating your hard won victory <'>
  10. Thanks Madme and Looby it helps to know others are using this too and have had positive results with it. M seems so tiny to be even considering having to use stuff like this...but I can understand why it's been suggested now though thanks very much for your help as always Dee XX
  11. Found out yesterday this is what is going to be suggested for M because of the problems he's been having recently.What symptoms are actually addressed by it,I mean is it an anxiety med or for behaviour/concentration ??? Haven't had our meeting yet to discuss the options and having so far managed to avoid the issue of medication its all getting a bit scary...
  12. Madme I would say check his back while you're at it.There's a very simple test called the Adams bend test you just literally get them to bend over in front of you and see if his back is straight.If there is a problem one side of the ribs is higher than the other,pics are available online to look at. Reason I say is because DS2 had the 'shoe thing' and it was only after we realised it was actually being caused by the curve in his spine! So just check this first. My boy who has the spinal probs also has hypermobile joints etc and has a leg brace now as the orthotic insoles haven't been enough to stop his foot twisting over.This has stopped him tripping over all the time as he tends to drag the foot as the joint is so loose. They can be used as a temporary thing and are lightweight plastic,an orthotist(hospital) will be able to advise on this. They can also do a gait test which films how they walk so the OT can devise exercises which may help.
  13. http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/c...478/478we01.htm This is the link for the info on schooling.It is a mine of useful info I used lots and I do mean LOTS of quotes from it all yesterday...I printed off every report then went through them all and highlighted useful phrases which were appropriate to our son's needs and referred constantly to the sort of provision that many of the reports suggested. The most useful I actually used in our parental report too.I feel it really helped our case. I got the LEA's special needs policy from our councils website.I also went on the National Autistic Societies site and printed off our boroughs response to the Every Child Matters Campaign. These also proved useful as I could quote from them how its supposed to work... The SEN Code of Practise was from teachernet and I googled for the Education Act I'll add the link on here when I switch the other PC on *its a windup one its so old lol so doesn't get used much!* I also took our Boroughs Education and Young Peoples plan which outlines the provision which is being planned and put in place over the next few years as it had figures in there of how much was being spent on out of borough placements due to lack of facilities here...I tied this in with highlighting the Councils acceptance, in their own words, that they are woefully short of placements for kids like M *smug mode* I'm meeting with the Head next week of the School we would like,seeing our 2nd choice tomorrow too so will be pre-armed with positives and negatives when the placemnt discussion comes... Funnily enough we wanted a different placement last year(mainstream with ASD base) which at the time was turned down but was bandied about as a possible place yesterday.Trouble is M has deteriorated so much now we actually have more in place at the current school than that placemnet could offer and also he is familiar with the current school,layout is better where he is etc etc.. This time last year we would have bit their arm off if they'd offered it,funny how things can change... Now have to get my thinking hat on to plan how to come across as an indispensable parent type that the Headmistress is desperate to have http://www.opsi.gov.uk/acts/acts1996/Ukpga_19960056_en_1 here's the link to the Education Act
  14. Evening just a quickie as I'm starving!!!! Only just got back from local support group and haven't eaten all day.. Wellllll I think we cracked it this morning all were quite pleasant but erm.....forceful with the poor LEA lady So we go to panel in 2 weeks regards to new school Hit a bit of a snag as to where as all agreed he doesn't really fit anywhere but likely our first choice is best so it hinges on a visit next week to beg the headteacher for a place They all agreed with our reasons for where not to place him so really now we'll only come unstuck if the independent we want has no space...here we go again...is full really full Tylers mum will post up all the links tomorrow for you my grub is beckoning!!
  15. Well I managed to actually get to sleep last night even though I was dreaming weird things all night...might have had something to do with the fact I watched 28 weeks later to relax before bed Tissues are packed along with a little piccie of M to remind me who this is all about Trying to keep calm but nervous as so much depends on this...Meeting's at 9.30 so will report back this evening.I can't be any more prepared than I am it's just in the lap of the gods *and the LEA* now...
  16. I really hope this goes well for you and everyone has a lovely time It'll probably be a wonderful experience for the other parents and children too as so many of our kids like you said have never experienced anything like this How about a little fairy cake each with a candle on that they can blow out with the parents help?
  17. Well done Flora I hope you're managing to relax a bit this evening <'> Hoping they won't keep you waiting too long,you've been through enough already..
  18. Deedee

    Flippin' LEA....

    I'm currently reading through so many documents I don't know which one I've just read it in but I'm sure it said if there were any ammendments to a statement then it can be appealed..Can anyone verify this? Might help Smiley out meanwhile I'll try and find where I read it.
  19. Wahey Mumble Wonderful news please keep us upto date on any further developments I love this thread <'>
  20. Deedee

    Flippin' LEA....

    Smiley I just don't even know where to begin to say how sorry I am..The only thing I can think of too is to go as high as you can go MP's and local councillors should help for starters. Dee XX
  21. Hi Liz my son was diagnosed with this first before all his other bits and I feel it is one of the things that holds him back the most at present. We were very fortunate that for 5 years we had the same SALT who worked tirelessly with him to help so fortunately he is now verbal...I found the APDUK website very helpful for info on this. Also google for CAPD (central auditory procc disorder) Now he is nearly 10 he has started to be more severely affected by it ,as his processing of language as well as the ability to seperate out noise and other conversations from each other is becoming more and more of a problem. In school it has now become untenable for him to stay in mainstream as he cannot process the language side of Maths ...Things like historical subjects are not understood and taken totally out of context and the wrong way round leading to meltdowns.. He is also really off the scale when it comes to being noise sensitive.This in turn has messed up his other sensory bits! His language is ok but he often uses the wrong words as he hasn't a huge vocabulary so he chooses any old word,which can lead to trouble when he can't make himself understood.His language is also very immature (around 5 years at present)
  22. Went to see the other Base which last year the LEA wouldn't offer as it wasn't suitable and to be honest I can now see why...so I have a list of reasons of my own for if they suddenly now think it is. The Base is in a MUCH larger mainstream school than M is in at the moment and because it actually isn't built yet (!)they are in a temporary home at present and will move (due to building works on site!!) twice more in the next 6 months until all the work is finished... Not really ideal for him at all. The good news is the base teacher was wonderful and the actual set up of the place was great so its good to see provision seems to be 'getting there' in our borough,even if its sadly going to be too late for M.I feel by the time everything is built and set up properly he'll have left! Had CAMHS yesterday and she seems really pleased everyone we need is going to be there,its actually our LEA ladies day off but she's coming due to the nature of the review. M is getting worse by the day and school are really struggling to cope now.I'm torn between sending him in to keep up the routine of going to school or keeping him off until a new placement is sorted out...I'll be asking this on Monday too. General feeling is that he'll be starting somewhere at Easter which doesn't leave us a lot of time to get the transition etc done but I just want him out now,he's had enough...
  23. <'> Sending all the positive vibes I can muster for you at the appeal today Flora <'> Hope all goes well,will be thinking of you Dee XX
  24. I'm sorry if my suggestion has upset everyone so much It was only intended to help
  25. madme lol I knew there was something missing TISSUES!!! I always well up when talking about him I'm useless!! At the moment with all this going on I'm worse than usual..I need to get myself into kickbutt mode instead I'm no good to him if I'm a mushy mess!! I'm going 'there' after the review as my 3 schools of choice only hold open days once a month or so.It's so the kids are not too disrupted which is fine by me it shows they actually care about their students!! Off to see the Lea's other base at 1.30 today and just got my Sandy Rowe book back off a friend this morning so will be re-reading that to see if there's anything I've missed! Spoke to LEA lady and she was actually quite pleasant..so thats helped settle me down a bit
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