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Everything posted by Deedee

  1. Hi Clare I was just going to say the same thing as Stella about Surreys statements..Hopefully where they have been pulled about it they will be really aware of this when they write Connors..We can live in hope can't we!! I found the thread Karen highlighted very useful when checking M's over. Re the Network meeting (think they call it a multi Agency here) it usually involves all the Professionals who deal with your child on a regular basis i.e EP,Salt etc. I also found PP very helpful when checking M's statement,our one actively encourages Parents to make them quantify hours/support she's great! Dee XX
  2. Deedee

    I am sooo angry

    <'> I'm so sorry to hear this Annea sounds like you've got a school like mine..our Head actually put it in writing "Mrs X seems to be of the opinion M has Autism although we have no evidence to actually suggest this..." boy did I waggle his DX under the Heads nose...*when I really could have stuck it somewhere completely different* I hope you have a bit more luck with the school today <'>
  3. Hope everything goes well today Flora at least it'll give you a much better idea of how the school is and if Bill would be happy there.Hopefully you'll have a chance to speak to the Head before the Tribunal tomorrow too <'> It'll be good if you can find out in advance what they'll be saying!
  4. Karen I have a friend who writes shorthand coming to take notes for me Attending are EP,CAMHS,LEA ,SALT,OT,TA,LSA,Teacher,SENCO,Borough ASD coordinator,Headteacher plus me and friend. PP couldn't make it as she's attending an appeal but is ringing in the afternoon (she's lovely, been through all the ups and many downs with us!) Hubby won't go to meetings anymore as he loses his rag...so he's better off not going as I have a pretty good relationship with most of M's profs,just terrified of the LEA one..last year she put the block on his move but she won't get away with it this time as even the school are desperate for him to go! Pumpkinpie I have the last 2 full assessments for him at 6 yrs and 9 years to compare and all his levels have fallen across the board.. His home/school diary has been kept up to date with all of the problems this year.I have written my own reviews for my notes of the possible schools the LEA will suggest I have visited them all nearly,last one tomorrow..Needless to say I have pointed out every single negative reason I can think of and his professionals also will support me in this *which is brilliant!* I have gone through his statement with a fine toothcomb and matched every bit up with the school/s that ARE acceptable to us so I think I have that bit covered.. (also pointed out why the others are NOT) Senco at present school is supporting us too as is the Head so she has a list also of why they cannot meet his needs as well as what they have done to try to.. Psych said she has never seen so much EVER put in place in a mainstream environment and EP says he is "unable to access the curriculum in a mainstream environment" . The old highlighter pen has been working overtime also on quotes from various sources about what level of support he needs,and also more importantly what sort of school."A small specialist school" etc so hopefully that will rule out the LEA's plan to try and possibly fobe me off with a base.. Thanks so much for your help,its much appreciated Dee XX
  5. Deedee

    ep and statement

    That's wonderful news I was told by our SENCO the EP's placement suggestions carry a hell of a lot of weight with the LEA glad she's on your side! Are there places available at the school you want?
  6. Hi Mumble I was a bit worried about that aspect of things as it does cover literally the whole spectrum from very HFA and AS right the way through...we too have always tried to give M a positive view of his 'little ways' as we call them! I don't want him to ever think his Autism will be a burden or something to be ashamed of... I like to think the sky's the limit and as long as he has a happy life who knows what he will achieve.Our little man surprises us every single day I think thats why I enjoy yours and others posts regarding how things may be when he gets older,it gives us hope and something to strive for. In some ways the book is way too advanced for his level of thinking *at present*, but in others its very good and I think the beauty of it is you don't just hand them the book and let them read it,its more um...well the first part explains how to get the best from it,how to use it etc..The worksheets are further on and theres also quite a lot of 'stuff' which I found interesting on the subject of the spectrum too.I guess its up to the parent/professional how they use it best?? It does suggest using it in school or in a setting such as CAMHS etc..but I think we'd probably know which part will suit him the best as and when the time comes.You also don't have to do it all in one go.I plan to use it as I say when he reaches a stage where it will be understood well enough by him so as not to give him any more worries. Dee XX
  7. Lisa my son also headpunches,I know how distressing it is to witness this.. He usually does it when stressed out but mainly when he can't understand what is being said.More recently he has said he does it 'cos my brains broke' I got him a load of fiddle toys which sometimes help and I use distraction i.e throw a ball or a soft toy at him so his hands are kept busy!!
  8. I'm sorry I have no advice to give llisa I'm still trying to work out how to approach it this end too! M is 9.5 and to be honest he really wouldn't grasp anything I said about it just yet.I did however buy a book in readiness called 'I am Special' which is actually really good. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Am-Special-Introdu...1323&sr=8-1 It has lots of worksheets in it so you can do things together and learn things like everyone is different on the inside,everyone is different on the outside and its ok to be different Very easy to understand and you can pick and choose which parts to use I got mine from Amazon and I think you can look inside it on there?? I'd love to know how you get on Dee XX
  9. Right I'm all geared up and wishing the days away...I have so far SEN Code of Practise My Borough's SEN policy The Education Act Houses of Parliament recommendations with regards to schooling for Autistic children Most recent reports/assessments and Statement Details of the only 3 schools we are prepared to take.. Our reasons for rejecting other placements that 'may' be offered (all professionals are supporting our reasons too) *valium and chocolate...* Anything else I've forgotten you think I'll need?? I'm so nervous about getting this right,dreading it but can't wait at the same time!!
  10. Thanks for the update Annea that helps me out too (I'm off to see one of their possibles on Thursday..I'll be taking notes!) Glad IPSEA was of help to you and I hope they'll represent you it might take some of the strain off <'>
  11. Thats wonderful news well done !!!
  12. I LOVE YOU <'> Thanks so much for this we have to get elasticated ones for DS2 or else his fall down due to his brace(and his superskinnyness!) Its a devil finding them above 11 years here Re velcro if he has sensory probs with clothing he may get the hump with how this feels when its sewn on as it tends to be quite thick.Have you tried the adjustable waist ones with the elastic bits that have buttons on? M its really neurotic about clothing but he wears these *thankfully*!! BHS do them up to 12 years if you can track them down and M&S allegedly go up to 13 years but finding them is another story
  13. DITTO You should be very proud of yourself as well as your lovely boy
  14. Deedee

    Flippin' LEA....

    Hi Smiley sounds like your LEA needs a kick up the butt...thats appalling,how can you agree or disagree with anything when they haven't even sent you a copy?? What sort of provision do you have at the moment and is the school actually doing it all? Reason I'm asking is last year my M was reassessed completely and although all his levels had fallen and he was clearly struggling at his present school he wasn't moved because *and I've only just found this out* apparently the LEA thought the school wasn't pulling their weight and doing all they should be doing for my boy...(you don't say...)so they left him there to make the school pull their socks up... Just wondering if this may be the reason?
  15. Its good to hear so many great reports on the priory schools..I still think we may have to move to get suitable schooling for M I've found a few near Goldalming and I know there's a Priory there too. Annea good luck with Ipsea tomorrow the lady I spoke to was lovely
  16. help please with regards to the school we want for M which is said to be 'full' the friend I know who's son has got a place there has had a letter confirming a vacant place for him now and he is starting in Sept... As M's placement is classed as an emergency would the full school be able to accomodate him now too,in the vacant place?? What sort of questions should I ask the LEA at the review with regards to this,any ideas? I'm wondering if they have been given money for an additional staff member (as they are full...) how many 'extras' can they now take on if this is the case???
  17. Baddad have you read the uncut version of The Stand? I managed to get it in a charity shop for 20p I find SK's style of writing really hard going but persevered with this one as its my favourite movie.I prefer James Herbert. I've just got Blood Money by Chris Collett but finished it in an evening so hunting for something else now..
  18. Go to the appeal and don't be afraid! We had to appeal for DS2 and we were let down by the CAB rep 2 days before the hearing... I took my son (on my own)with me and the panel were lovely. Totally different problems (he wears a body brace and leg brace due to twisted spine and other bits) but the same problem with the school letter...they wrote he played football!!!!!!! They neglected to say he sat on a chair and refereed.... Needless to say when I took him there and they saw what a state he was in it was unanimously agreed he should have MRC and LRMob which we were over the moon with. HTH Dee XX
  19. http://conventions.coe.int/Treaty/en/Treaties/Html/005.htm Here's the treaty and its part 8 which states Article 8 ? Right to respect for private and family life Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence. There shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right except such as is in accordance with the law and is necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others. I also got a whole load of stuff from a parliament study.It was done through the department of education and skills and many proffessionals submitted their memorandums about SEN...There are submissions from NAS,Treehouse,Autism Bedfordshire etc etc and I went through them all highlighting what they said about education for pupils with Autism..took me a while and I'm lucky I get printing ink cheap http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/c...478/478we01.htm
  20. Hi Annea I printed it off give me a bit of time and I'll find it its in my file *its just rather a BIG file lol*...I'm sure its got the whole quote in there.. Sounds like a nightmare you're going through too I'm so sorry <'> I'm wondering too what will happen if everywhere is full the LEA want..(with us I'm hoping that IS the case as we want independents too)I'm pretty sure they have to find somewhere?? Keeping my fingers crossed you are able to get the Priory School, theres one I got the info on and spoke to the head who sounded lovely!! M is hopeless at travelling and sadly its too far away for us to consider,but the way things are going we may even have to move to get him somewhere suitable..His main issues are the sensory stuff too and he's also being kept in at break etc.. Right I'll go and have a look now for that quote back soon!
  21. Hi Lisa I'm relieved that parts finally over for you I remember how hard it was..Remember to look after yourself too !!! Dee XX
  22. Cariad unless you'd be really upset to lose him I wouldn't worry what he says.. I'd just plead ignorance and say it's nothing to do with you and its out of your hands as its being dealt with by school etc.I don't blame you for being worried I would be if it was my boy <'>
  23. Oh Mumble thats a truly awful attitude that woman has...I hope you are ok and realise none of this is your fault. I cannot understand why if she has so much, *ahem I use the term loosely* experience (!!) of supporting adults on the spectrum, that she simply hasn't grasped the concept that Autism IS a vast spectrum with all people affected by it in differing ways.Therefore they need differing levels/ways of support! I'm soooo damn cross on your behalf!!
  24. So glad JP got home safe and sound and thoroughly enjoyed himself by the sound of things Thats wonderful news you must be so proud of him You deserve a huuuuuge pat on the back too for doing such a wonderful job
  25. Oh Mumble thats wonderful news I am so pleased for you (and well done sis!) It seems like you may have found a real friend there.I can't wait for the next instalment *this has made my day*
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