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Everything posted by Mumble

  1. I think you'd have to be careful that anything used wasn't a suffocation risk. Could you move the mattress away from the wall? I have extra large/long pillows (I think they may be designed for a double bed?) along the head/wall by my bed as I have seizures during the night but I'm not sure they would be very durable if a child wanted to damage them.
  2. I take Chlordiazepoxide (10mg 3x day) on an as needed basis. In the past it's helped reduce my anxiety so I can engage with other non-medication based therapy. It also allows me to extend what I can cope with, and I find with events over a few days I can reduce the dose as I 'get used to' the new environment etc., so rather than masking all anxiety, it makes it manageable and allows me to use other strategies. Only side-effect is that is does make me sleepy.
  3. Mumble

    Hard Hats On!

    Anyone been hit by stray falling space junk yet? Anyone else slightly concerned given we're 4,600ish times more likely to be hit by bits of this satellite than win the Lotto Jackpot? That doesn't sound good to me...
  4. Any jokes involving giraffes, elephants and refrigerators...
  5. Mumble


    :lol: Yum. It's obvious how it got there - it was eating the cheese. You really shouldn't store cheese in your laundry basket you know. But you're right - hot washing the mouse should stop it smelling...
  6. Mumble

    logynon pill

    If you're really that worried about this side-effect, then perhaps the issue you're taking the medication to treat isn't as bad as you suggest? If you were genuinely having real difficulties, these side-effects would be the last worry on your mind.
  7. I did read it all. I thought with all the new posts there must be something interesting/controversial going on and I was intrigued. No-one can stop you two having a conversation here or anywhere; I just felt some of the contents of your discussion might be more appropriate to PMs - mainly because it seemed to be a discussion between the two of you rather than inviting other responses and also because you both reveal quite a lot of personal info. If I wanted to be one of those identity theft people there's quite a lot of useful info I could get from the discussion here and you do need to be careful about what you share in such a public space.
  8. Smarties. They're perfect for lunch and come ready-packed in easy to transport tubes.
  9. It's the battery for the Plip. The Plip is a swall Ewok-style hamster that lives in the Plip-box towards the bottom left of the engine - you can locate is by following the Plip-shaft from the Coolant downwards. You can check exactly where the Plip is using the Plip-stick - take it out, wipe it, shove it back in, and when you hear a squeak, you've hit the Plip. The Plip runs on the Plip-wheel (driving the Plip-shaft), ensuring everything runs smoothly. When the Plip's getting hungry, he needs feeding, hence the Plip-battery warning light flashing. Dropping hamster food into the Plip-shaft should clear this problem in no time. Alternatively, you can have a Plip-extraction (although the mechanics say the Plip is essential, it's a bit like an appendix and no-one notices once it's gone) - sending in a cat (they like warm engines best to work in) is the quickest way to remove a Plip permanently, although check the Plip-stick afterwards to check it isn't just festering at the bottom of the Plip-box and that it has actually run away, else you will encounter Plip-decomposition which is really not good for engines.
  10. Darkshire/Fourthdimension - as much as I've enjoyed trawling through two threads' worth of your discussion (that's irony/sarcasm for anyone who wishes to challenge me... ) collated in four days away to ensure I hadn't missed anything important, can I introduce the two of you to the PM system, perhaps?
  11. Too right, they're dangerous little ######. Sneak up on you when you're least expecting it - and if you get jabbed it comes a close second to the paper cut as the worst possible injury sustainable. I would expect at least 3 pages of risk assessment on your safety pins - for each size. Actually, shouldn't you be using tape or those special bandage clips anyway?
  12. Mumble


    Your story just doesn't add up. Dazwan said: To which you replied: which acknowledges that it was an NHS consultant / NHS GP, but then you go on to say: Well make up your mind!! Also, £160 is not the going rate for a private ASD dx. And not having family involved would also invalidate any dx as it is a requirement of dx that the clinician has evidence of the difficulties having been present across your lifespan.
  13. And the prize for OTT-ness goes to Baddad . "Calm down dear, calm down." Maybe the OP didn't express herself that well, but I think there's been rather a lot of streching/interpretation going on here! Recently when I've been to outdoor events I've noticed the option of getting a band put on your kiddie (autistic or not) so you can quickly be traced if they get misplaced. I think these are a great idea, though wasn't so happy at my sister's suggestion they put several on me... I suggested one round her neck... For now, if this child can't communicate it seems sensible - equally parents and the school could look into other options, but the advantage of a braclet until his understanding matures is that it's always on him, whereas tags in jumpers etc. are wherever the jumper is. Hmm. Have you seen official medic braclets. Yes there are plenty of companies selling fashion jewelry which they'll attach a medic bit to, but all the advice is not to use these and stick to the normal, official more easily identifiable SOS bracelet/necklace. These are the ones recognised by the emergency services and increasingly so by the public. It would be quite simple for the school to say only plain medical braclets can be worn which would make then unappealling (which I think is your arguement). Also, the sports one doesn't have any plastic/metal - it is a velcro strap with a waterproof insert.
  14. Just to take the topic way off topic how rule bound is your son? I worked with an autistic child (in mainstream) who was forever running away from school, and the solution was sooooo simple it still makes me thinking about it. We painted a single yellow line (just like the ones on the side of the road) across all exits from the school and told him he must not cross any of these yellow lines (emphasis the 'these' and take him to see them before the rule is generalised to the street!! ) without an adult. Worked a treat. Scarily so in fact.
  15. Check out her uni's student union webpages (or contact them). They often have some work avaliable which they advertise at the start of the year. When I was an u/grad I occasioanlly worked on the door of our campus bar when they had special events they charged for, collecting money - sounds horrendous but was actually great. Firstly we were a tiny campus so actually it wasn't a huge thing at all, secondly I got a yummy bouncer either side of me :wub: (my job was to collect payments - they wanted someone who could do quick mental maths), thirdly it was a perfect excuse not to attend these events as I had to be outside taking the money!
  16. Well said Kathryn I don't think anyone should be signing disclaimers on any side (other than perhaps the parent reassuring the school that if it got lost - as kiddies have a habit of doing with their possesions - the school wouldn't be asked to buy a new one). What came to my thoughts was the awful tragedy this week where a young child died falling off a school climbing frame - as far as I'm aware no one is to 'blame', as awful as it is, kids play on climbing frames and kids have accidents, but I think if we tried to have everyone accepting blame for everything in advance school experiences would be so dull as teachers would be too scared to do anything (we already see this with school trips and science experiments). I'm assuming this band was bought online - if you go to the website you got it they should have a section saying it's suitable for sports - print this off and give it to the school.
  17. Mumble

    Teachers lying

    No, they do it for the long holidays - everyone knows that!
  18. I wear a medic-alert. If you want him to wear one why not get him one that is safe for sport? I have a normal silver braclet style one which I wear most of the time as it goes better with the clothes I wear and I feel more comfortable wearing it as it just looks like a silver braclet, but I also have one on a strap which is sport-safe/water-proof that I wear for swimming. This would be fine to wear all the time (sometimes I do if I forget to change it) and so would solve your PE/not putting back on issue. You can also get ones that are like those charity bands which would do the same job.
  19. Two points: Is there a difference between mental health where it's been put and mental illness which people are discussing? As to un-dx-nessed ASD causing MH problems, I was very much the opposite. It was being dx'ed and learning how different I was and how I was coming across which I was totally unaware of before that caused me so many problems. I was rather too blissfully ignorant before. I am however very grateful that I've had the opportunity to have those issues identified and have been able to work on ways of working with them so I can be comfortable in myself (most of the time ).
  20. :clap: :clap: Don't forget to pack a 'comforts' box that's easily accessible - kettle (if not provided), cups, tea-bags, long-life milk, teddy, chocs. I hope she settles in really well and has a wonderful time. <'>
  21. Oooh, no, that would be great. We could even make it 3D and interactive. We could perhaps have one giant sphere that included almost everyone (let's for the sake of labelling call it 'Earth' ) and then everything else could float around inside it on giant bubbles/land masses of various sizes (have you seen those ones kids can play in to walk on water that I'm not at all agrieved that they won't let adults in... ). (Let's call the masses continents). These bubbles could then interact at times with some joining together and other spliting apart over millions of years and occasionally there could be a big uproar (let's call that a volcano) which turns what was once considered an insignificant hill into a mountain or a decision to loose some land masses altogether (let's call them earthquakes). I'm off to patent my model of geological autism before some big-wig gets his/her hands on it and tries to develop and push it and sell their pop up books on it on Amazon... Oh yes, and the advanced model does come with satelittes and additional planets for those who don't fit the giant sphere. p.s. do you think I should cut down on the and happy pills? :lol:
  22. Well how was I supposed to fathom that from your post? I have ASD you know, I don't understand what you write and what to think about it I've been wide-awake for the last 5 nights since you wrote that (even though I don't think you wrote it 5 nights ago and I only just read it... ) worrying intently about whether it included me and the possible negative ways I was being thought about if it didn't and the posible expectations I had to meet that couldn't possibly meet if it did include me... And then I started to worry about your 'know personally' comment, for what if you know or feel you know something about me that I dn't now you know or know myself? Okay, I'll stop now. My fingers are hurting - it's the ASD from the sensory impact of them on the keyboard.
  23. *Huh hum* *coughs louder* *points to self*
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