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Everything posted by llisa32

  1. So very very sorry Amanda <'> <'> <'> I shall light a candle for your son when we go to church to remember our lost loved ones And we shall watch DR Who thinking of you all <'> I hope you all find the strength to get through this - especially at this time of year Will be thinking of you all - take care <'>
  2. I'd definately let him try the scooter, my son took ages to get the hang of a bike, but got used to a scooter failrly quickly - and cos they can very easily stop, slow down etc it's way less scary. I agree it would also probably help confidence <'>
  3. llisa32

    Dead-ish Pigeon

    Hiya - If security is still in the halls I'd tell them, and they'll sort it out. Unfortunately I don't think there is much else you can do - bit of a hazard of life for pigeons
  4. llisa32

    WE WON!!

    Great News Mel Really pleased you got what you needed in the end! - must be a big relief <'>
  5. Morning all <'> Thanks for all your comments re the Ed Psch appointment, heres the ADOS update. I didn't post about it yesterday as although I came away thinking it went well - in terms of showing where J has difficulties etc, I was also a little bit surprised myself at how apparent it was if I was just listening and watching J as an 'observer'. They used Module 3 and I was allowed to remain in the room with J but not to interact with him/speak etc. Just 'observing' his interaction with no distractions was a real eye opener.. The Doc had to drag convs from him, there was no 'flow', he would answer a question and that was that. There was much literal interpretation, and when he tried to engage J in showing some feelings/empathy J just moved on to something else. When he was given some toys/gadgets just to pass time with whilst doc wrote up some notes (part of test I suspect), J asked me for his pokemon and had no intrest at all in what he'd been given - until doc told him he couldn't have his own things till we'd finished and he needed to play with what he'd been given. Eventually he played with a gadget....and then got fascinated with how it worked and wouldn't give it up! I asked doc for some feedback at the end, and he said 'well...clearly that highlighted some things', but he said they will not do a conclusive diagnosis until we get the speech and language report as they want to check on receptive and expressive language. I haven't got that appt yet, it should be Jan but waiting to find out. So I was bit fed up we've still got another piece of jigsaw to go, but on the other hand I'm pleased it's all being so thorougly looked at now, so I guess I should remember that patience is a virtue!! And J's done really well this week considering it;s the week before xmas so really proud of him!
  6. Hi All, Just thought I'd share that we had a really great Ed Psch appointment this morning. It was a home visit and the info she gauged about J in a couple of hours was spot on, and absolutely confirmed all my thoughts. She had loads of previous experience with kids on the spectrum and has worked with the NAS, as well as a teacher etc In a nutshell she thought J was on the spectrum and wait for it.....drumroll....NOT DYSLEXIC!! She is going to refer him to OT because she thought his spatial awareness and motor skills needed some assistance She's going into the school to see J in the new year and will speak with teachers then and in meantime give her feedback to the Camhs team so we head closer to a diagnosis. So...just ADOS to go tomorrow now!!
  7. Yey!!! Thats great news I hope he has a fantastic time <'>
  8. Thanks guys <'> I've been kicking myself because I know the stuff I didn't say was def relevant, and I have no idea why I didn't say it! I feel better now as I phoned the consultants secretary and have emailed him a letter outlining the things I know I didn't make clear yesterday. She has confirmed receipt, so least I know all the info is in right place now. We see the same consultant for the ADOS next week - so I'll check then he was fine with additional info So whatever the outcome at least I know now that I've said all I need to
  9. Thanks all for the thoughts. I'm back and I have run out of feeling! - it's the weirdest thing, I just feel numb. I'm also annoyed with myself because I know there is stuff I did not mention that is prob relevant, and that I had on my notes, but somehow still managed to miss out/forget. I'm going to post the psychiatrist my notes tomorrow just incase Before the assess started he said he would tally up the scores and give me an 'idea' at the end, but when we got to the end he didn't!! He did say his report would be taken in conjunction with other assessments coming up - does anyone know how much wieght is put on the disco??
  10. Thanks All for the replies, they've all helped <'> Dad no.1 (my ex) did review all the notes I'd made late Sunday night, and out of all the things I'd noted he only disagreed with 2, the rest he was fine with me stating - so that was a relief. Roll on this afternoon and get it over and done with! Thanks <'>
  11. HI, I wanted to know what you guys all thought please... I have J's DISCO appt on Tuesday (one where parents go) and J's dad has declined to attend. He hasn't given me a reason although I know its the sort of meeting he will hate (having to talk for a couple of hours) He still hasn't read anything I've given him (not that he will admit to anyway), and when I asked him if he would say if he strongly disagreed to getting J assessed whould he say so - he said 'yes' I would say. So....he hasn't said 'you shouldn't be getting him assessed' and I've sent him my notes that I'm taking with me on Tuesday so that he has a chance before then to either change/add anything. But...he won't be attending. He got really grumpy last night when I told him the Ed Psch strongly suspects Auditory processing issues (due to emergency call this week re school). So....J's dad is still really struggling I think with the fact that he and J are very similar, and I'm struggling with his unability to see past himself and just focus on J. I am trying very hard to be accomodating as the worst scenario for me would be that we end up with a full diagnosis in Jan and then dad refuses to accept. Hence why I am trying to keep him in the loop. I know he will acept professional opinion. But...back to Tuesday...should I just be honest you think and tell them how comes I have ended up going by myself, and that J's dad has agreed the notes I've taken with me? I'm worried they will make something off the fact it's just me going and start thinking it's only me that thinks J has AS We've also got ed psch assessment and ADOS this month.
  12. llisa32

    How Long?

    Hi J's mum - sending lots of hugs to you <'> <'> <'> <'> Sounds like you've had a really tiring (both emotional and physically) couple of weeks just lately and I'm not surprised you're feeling a bit down and worn out. You have my every sympathy - it must be really hard coping with it on your own. I for the first time in ages have had J more or less on my own the last 2 weeks due to dad no.1 being away and other family being poorly and we've had a really bad week at school. A a result J has been clinging onto me for dear life this week and not settling in the evenings at all - I am worn out after just one week, I can only imagine how u must be feeling Big for still coping and I have my fingers crossed that they sort their act out soon and get you the respite etc sorted out so you get a breather And more hugs for being a lovely mum <'> <'> <'> <'>
  13. Hi Mel - you have my sympathy <'> Quite a tricky one to get round - do you think he might want to 'grow some tadpoles' ready to go into the pond in spring? Just a thought as it kinda ties up doing something indoors but related to the pond Anything else you can build indoors to deposit in the pond?? If I can think up anything better I'll let you know - sorry not many ideas <'>
  14. llisa32

    my positive thread

    Blimey! do you think the other students knew something u didn't? or they've all gone down the pub! Well done for sticking it out Remember to tell your sup you deserve a 'most dedicated student of the week' award!
  15. Hi Caroline, on the coat issue I have exactly the same problem. J absolutely hates wearing a coat - whatever the weather is doing. The only jacket type thing he will wear at the moment is a very very fleecy soft hooded jacket from one of the well known chains. Hates his skool coats and we have arguments every mnorning the same - if it is pouring with rain he would rather share my brolly than put his coat on. From the state of his school jumpers at the moment it would seem he never wears a coat at school break either despite me leaving it there. He's said he doesn't like the 'restriction' and the 'feel' is also very important to him J also gets really hot really quickly and like Mumble will be sitting around with a t shirt on whilst I'm in 2 jumpers
  16. Hiya, glad you had a positive day before you came across the 'muppet'. <'> He was unfortunately just being a loud mouth idiot, and if you hadn't had your glasses on he most probably would have decided to pick on something else - just cos he felt like he could. It's nothing you've done, just one of 'those things' unfortunately. You did exactly the right thing by ignoring him and moving quickly on I once had a guy dispose of his ciggarette end by purposly chucking it in my direction as he walked past....all I was doing was walking to the bus stop. Unfortunately you get idiots like this everywhere, and it really makes no difference who you are. Hopefully this is a small consolation so you know it's not you personally....you just happened to be in an idiots eyeline. Tomorrow someone else will prob get the pleasure of meeting him
  17. llisa32

    Nativity Plays

    Good luck and I hope it goes well <'> I know how you feel, I've had similar concerns with J taking part in school plays. He's never voiced an opinion to say 'I don;t want to take part' but has tended to have tummy aches the night before and looked really umcomfy as he took part. Thankfully now he's moved into Yr 3 theres no 'compulsary' nativity - so one less thing for me to worry about at least! But just wanted you to know I understood, and wish you and yr dd luck <'>
  18. llisa32

    my positive thread

    Hurrah!!!!!!!!! Thats great Mumble! - and she might even clean the kitchen with you!!
  19. Hi Elun <'> , I've no idea what a 'looked after child' review is or what it entails but I can fully understand your being angry and upset. If the 'review' is just a check on how the respites going both in your opinion and if your children are happy with it, then they should definately have thought up a better name for it! I don't think you are over reacting, but maybe (I'm hoping) reading more into what a 'looked after child review' is than what it turns out to be - if that makes sense? The name of the review does make you think 'well hang on....I do the looking after, thanks!....so I really do understand you being angry and upset - I would be too in your shoes. Lets hope all it is is a bad name for a progress/status check <'> Hope it goes well <'>
  20. Hi, I've Pm'd you the hotel details that Mumble mentioned - it's got a great indoor pool!
  21. Hiya - yes it does make sense...and I did encourage him to learn his tables this way for say tables 1 - 5 But...he does get really frustrated with the extra time it seems to take to do the same with the tables over 5 and then he justs gets fed up and doens't bother trying either method.. He does seem to get quite quickly frustrated when he doesn't grasp things either quickly or'easily'
  22. Thanks Mel - at the moment school are placing a huge amount of emphasis on the writing element, and constantly reminding him and me that he 'needs' to write in full sentances, he needs t show what he can do - and they are really not using their imaginations to encourage him. Even learning times tables...school tell him to practise them by reading what has been put down on the page, when actually he does much better with that sort of task if he has to say ...draw a line from the sum to correct answer, or jiggle answers around on a pc screen etc. When it comes to times tables he trys to add in his head as he goes along - which with little numbers prob works okay But...cos they school say 'do it this way' when he comes home and I suggest an alternative way because he's not doing it he just gets cross cos it;s not the way school told him to do things
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