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Everything posted by mrs.ddh

  1. Hiya Mumble, I just wanted to say that I read your post with great interest and found you to be a very insightful and articulate person. I have an AS son (who I adore btw) and what you had written has helped me to understand him more and I thank you for that. I wish you all the best in Greenwich! As for hiding in the shadows, someone has to be there to keep an eye on those who choose to stand in the full glare of the sun. ddh
  2. Hello Selkie and glad to have another person on board - it's people power! But as far as my power goes - I must be slow or stupid - but it took me ages to work out what JD was!
  3. I am so tired of being a good girl and only doing good things that I am at the point of wanting to be led astray...
  4. Soft drinks are fine, but what is wrong with being led astray? he he he, just being silly, hev. ddh
  5. mrs dhh found the emotions on the left hand side of add reply page, click 'Show All' wait to they show up on the screen if not check the bar at the bottom of the screen for 'Emotions' and click to open. Hope this works for U. Wishingwell Hey, found them! (Thanks to your advice... ) Who would have thought to ask the emoticon buttom to show all?
  6. I know how that goes shortcake - my son can often reduce me to tears with his tantrums. But I havent tried to kill him with blue tack yet...lol Hang in there, hon, I am always late for everything - that is if I can even get my son out the door. ddh
  7. Or a good cabernet, or merlot, or any other red/white-coloured necessary alcoholic substance.... I dont ordinarily drink during the week as I never know when my son is going to kick up about going to school, but by heck, the weekends would not be weekends without that bottle of wine... And wishingwell, where did you get your adorable emoticons? That one drinking the wine is great. That's me! Jumping in and draining the glass, yippee! Okay, now I am talking myself right into having a glass mid-week... ddh
  8. mrs.ddh

    Name that tune.

    Okay, I did not get a single lyric, does this mean I need to get out more? Or am I over the hill? I cannot remember the last time I listened to music - my son hates any music I play! Next time I am going to cheat and get my daughter to play it for me, lol. ddh
  9. Hiya Shortcake, I am a new member too, as of yesterday, and already I am addicted. What a great place! And did someone mention wine? Make mine a red wine, but I am not fussy, white will do and wishingwell I love your emoticons, adorable. Cheers and bottoms up. ddh
  10. What if you need to vote twice? The poll doesnt allow that! I have a son who is autistic, and I am no doubt as well but have only been self-diagnosed, and my son and husband both think I am, lol... And, I dont know how to set up a poll, but I have always wondered what the ratio is of people with an ASD and mixed parentage? That is parents from different countries, not necessarily race, if you know what I mean. My own little world has shown that three people I know are of mixed parentage: British/French and British/American. Can someone set up a poll for me to establish this? Please? ddh
  11. mrs.ddh

    OMG OMG!!

    I am so pleased for you and your son! It is good fun sharing your good news! Brilliant, fantastic and wonderful! Have a good old celebration! ddh
  12. I was looking over the times of the posts, and ladies, you are up late. Is that the best time to come online, lol? As for crying and walking around with a face like a slapped you-know-what, my son cannot stand it when I do either - it drives him spare as he cannot understand sadness. Bless him. But yet, when he actually cries (which is rare indeed) my heart splits in two because he doesnt cry cry if that makes any sense. No tears come, but this awful gut-wrenching sound emits from him, like agony pouring straight from his heart. Do your kids do that? Glad to hear you are feeling better, Hev. It is always the same I think with kids - when they are with you you often wish for a break, but when you get the break you miss them like mad and feel guilty and worry about them. Being a mother/father/carer is the hardest occupation of them all. ddh
  13. mrs.ddh


    Thanks for the welcome! Hope to be a regular contributor - kids withstanding.... ddh
  14. Hiya Stella and Soraya, I have a son around the same age (14) with autism, and he also takes things from school and thinks there is nothing wrong with this. I made him take the things back, which he did, but he did not see that what he had done was wrong and will no doubt do it again. I also have felt like giving up, still do. lol! It seems as if things will never get better, that this is how our lives will be forever and how do you cope with that? Sick as this may sound, I actually felt better having read your posts! Misery loves company? But I didnt know other people were going through exactly what we were or felt as we do - so this forum is already helping me, and you have helped me with your honesty and willingness to share your grief and frustration. Thanks for making my day that little bit brighter and I hope yours will be too! ddh
  15. Hiya llisa, We were told a year ago that our son was autistic (he is 14!) and I still have not managed to get my husband to read Tony Atwood's or any other book on autism for that matter. And yes, the mother-in-law constantly says unhelpful things, whereupon I leave the room, go into the garden, light a fag, and curse her name under my breath until I calm down. It is bad enough putting up with the incredulous stares in the supermarket, town, etc. when my son decides to dance and shout or squeal at the drop of a hat, and I try to understand that these people are just unaware of how an autistic adolescent can be - but family? Come on, they of all people should make the effort to educate themselves about ASD. Hang in there! ddh
  16. Sorry to hear your news, Kathryn. It is heartbreaking to lose a pet. We had to have our dog put to sleep the day before Christmas Eve last year and we all miss her still so very much (she was part of our lives for fifteen years). Our cat seems to miss her too. My heart goes out to you. ddh
  17. mrs.ddh


    Hi, My son was diagnosed with high-functioning autism a year ago at the age of thirteen. We are now appealing the LEA's decision not to do a statement for our son (a full-time occupation). In the meantime, it has already been a great help to come onto this site and find others in the same boat as us - so necessary right now Hope I can be of help to the forum too! mrs. ddh
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