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Everything posted by ceecee

  1. Hubby has got me one of these.Originally picked up one in supermarket the same supermarket for 40 pounds.Then we saw this guy with one in his trolley.Hubbie asked how much.When he hear he put the other one back like lightening.apparently there is very little difference between the two.Bargain or what.
  2. Jill I feel for you.Have some of these <'> <'> <'> Your son is very young and it maybe he is higher up the spectrum than people may think now.As your son gets older he may change a lot.I am not saying he wont be on the spectrum somewhere but later on the diagnosis may be changed because he may alter.So it might be he could be high functioning autistic or Aspergers.It's too soon in the day to tell. I have mild A.S. and I don't need help or support.I lead a normal life I go to work am happily married and have two children. No one knows what the future holds and i know the future is playing on your mind.But all I could advise would be to take one day at a time and carry on being a great mum to him.You sound like a loving caring mum and it's only natural you should worry but one step at a time. Take Care Have a lovely christmas.
  3. Lisa What a lovely post.You sound like a genuinally nice person.I too am a real chatterbox.I talk really fast and all my life I have been told to 'slow down or pause for breath'.I am guilty of quizzing people to death to find out every detail so it can be stored in my memory bank!I have a fantastic memory for detail. I know this sounds odd but people seem to quite like me what I mean is they always want to be my friend more than I want to be theirs.I know that sounds horrible and I love chatting to mums at the school or at my daughter's dancing etc.In fact you can't shut me up!!But that is enough for me.I hate social gatherings but like you I do go but i can't always think of something to say, then I don't always understand the joke and take what people are saying literally.Then I worry because i don't always realise what is offensive and what is not I worry i may have upset someone. I am lucky in that I have no problems with eye contact I don't have short term memory problems and I don't have any obsessions as such.i would suspect I have either mild A.S. or A.S. tendancies.I also have ocd which is known to run alongside a.S. I also find it a job to follow conversations when more than one person is speaking at once, I kind of miss bits.i can't process it all in.Apparently I'm really repeatative as well(another sign of A>S>)The other night my husband complained I'd said the same thing five times We've learnt to laugh about it. I also have a job knowing when to talk within a conversation so I often end up talking over the top of people. My husband also says I have a problem with displaying emotion.Apparently i am either over emotional at times or completely unemotional when you would expect i would show emotion. I have re read this post and I have had to see the funny side.I bet everyone's thinking poor husband get out of there quick!!! I have to say luckily my husband tells me he loves me for me and wouldn't want me to be any different.I too have been accused of havinf verbal diohorrea(I've spelt it wrong as well!)I also love routine. Have you spoke to your husband about what you suspect?Would he be supportive.? I believe a.s. is very hereditary from things I have read on here.I am lucky my two children are not on the spectrum but my daughter suffered from autistic encephalitus after her mmr booster fortunately after 6 months she recovered. I must admit you do sound quite like me.Perhaps you may have A.S. tendancies. All I can say is you sound like a friendly genuinally nice person. Best Wishes Ceecee
  4. Mossgrove Thanks for explaining so well the difference between an obsession and an interest.i would never have been able to put it so clearly. I don't think although I am not entirely sure that I personally have any obsessions but i could have and not realise.I think mine are more interests.I certainly wouldn't start talking about them if they had no relevance to the conversation. Ionly hope that hidden Gem's interest in wether I have A.S. is because of genuine love and care
  5. I have no wish to get caught up in any discussion over what I have or haven't got or what Lucas might have. I would say if I had some kind of social phobia then I would not go out at all which is not the case.I also have slight problems with emotions and comunication which would lead me to suspect i have A.S> tendancies and not anything else.I also have o.c.d. which very often runs alongside A.S. As for what is an obsession and what is an interest there is a difference.i think I know the difference.I believe this has been discussed on here before.Maybe it would be a good idea to start a new thread on it rather than it get caught up in this one. Hidden Gem and Lucas I'll leave you to it.The stage is all yours
  6. To explain a little more. For example if I had to chose between staying at home or going to a party where I didn't know anyone(even if my husband was going with me)If it was my personal choice and I was entirely honest I would chose to stay at home but I make myself do it because I know it's not fair on my husband.So I go and make polite conversation but always glad when it's time to go home. It worries me that i am not going to have anything to say or I might not understand what someone is saying or I might offend someone etc.It's easier not to go.Fortunately two children often provide the perfect excuse not to go!!! However if I know everone there and it's a meal or something I actually almost look forward to going provided i don't think about it too much beforhand. Oh the joys of A.S.
  7. Me too.Let me know if yours have been received.Thanks.I presumed mine hadnt gone anywhere and ended up saying a restricted version of what i wanted to say straight onto the forum!
  8. Flutter Thanks so much.I feel stupid now.I still haven't worked out how to use the quote thing yet!!!
  9. I would kind of guess the computer!! Just to add also when my daughter was ill a lady befriended me who had a son with Aspergers.His obsession was trains amongst other things and unless she said they would go to the railway station he refused to leave the house.All he wanted to do was stay in and look at his train books so she had to kind of feed the obsession to get him out of the house. No I'm not as bad as this. I believe this topic has been discussed before on the forum. So all these things are why i know this.Hope this clears things up.Tried to pm you but it doesnt appear to be working.
  10. I know that because my husband often moans at me for not wanting to go out more often prefering to do other things.So now I make more of an effort.Also many thing I have read state exactly that.I have read quite a lot of articles etc.I have mild aspergers so that is how i know because i know myself.
  11. I think it is fairly common for people with A.S. to find it easy to converse with people on forums than in real life, social situations are quite difficult for them. I would say many people with A.S. find it difficult to form relationships with people and on a forum they can control how much time and contact is taken up etc.I think that is why many people with A.S. spend a lot of time on computers.(including myself!) On another note I think I heard that this website now it has changed provider is setting up achatroom. Perhaps someone can confirm or deny this
  12. Just a quick question and it's probably me. We used to be able to click on someone's user name and it would tell us how many posts and then you could click on read all posts by that users.I actually found this feature helpful if I couldn't remember all the persons history.Is this feature no longer available or am I going mad
  13. I'll have a cranberry bacardi breezer please.Is there still some booze left? Merry Christmas everyone.
  14. I know it doen't help much but it is fairly common for people with A.S. to want to stay at home pursuing their obsessions.It also must be really frustrating when your son keeps asking to go home all the time when you have finally managed to get him out. What about feeding one of his obsessions in some way there by getting him out of the house? E.g. buying him a new game for his playstation? I know you can't do this all the time but it may be worth it so you can get out. <'> <'> <'> Here's sending you some of these.
  15. ceecee


    Hi and welcome This is a great forum very supportive and knowledgable as well as being well moderated.Welcome back.
  16. It is very normal for people with A.S. to have problems with emotions in some way.They either find it hard to show their feelings or they will be over emotional.or it maybe that they find it difficult when someone shows them emotion and react in a very negative way. People with A.S. find it hard to control their emotions as well which explains partly why some people with A.S. have explosive outbursts of temper or they may have outburts of happyness. Hope this helps.
  17. I would say that perhaps you will never have the same need to interract as someone else.Do you like your own company?If you do then so what as long as your happy.I would though for your own sakes try to work out a way of interracting to a point should the need occasion arise.Don't worry about being different from other people.Your you there is nothing wrong with not being the same as everyone else. <'> <'> <'>
  18. I think you will find as someone else said people with a.s. do find it extremely difficult to switch off and with everything kicking off for xmas it makes it worst.If i wake up at 5.00 one more time this week I am going to go mad.
  19. Well done India I've played this game for many months with my son as well
  20. ceecee


    Hi David Welcome to the forum.There are all sorts of people affected by A.S. on here.Take your time to browse through.It is a very welcoming and supportive forum with a wealth of knowledge. Like you I too have ocd and also mild aspergers.My daughter had autistic encephalitus after an mmr vaccination but fortunately made a full recovery. I have only just realised I have A.S. well in the last six months so am still learning new things all the time.take care
  21. ceecee


    Just sending you some of these.You sound at the end of your teather <'> <'> <'> <'> I think it helps to try to understand A.S. and why he might be doing these things.A.S. can be managed but not cured. Is he aware of how he behaves or is he totally oblivious.I have mild A.S. and am very aware of where my difficulties lie.My husband and I work through things together and look for solutions.i would say I have a happy and strong marriage but A.S. has caused problems in the past. It is a plus in lots of ways that your husband is obsessed with your son becayse many times people with A.S. can go the other way and ignore people.There often doesn't appear to be any middle ground. Does your husband realise he might have A.S>? does he realise what you suspect? Hope things get better for you soon.You have come to the right place here.There are many knowledgable people here and this forum is a wealth of information. Aspergers can be totally heartbreaking but it does have positives too.Take care. :
  22. Suze My heart goes out to you.You seem to be really going through it at the moment. Your sons night mares and hallucinations are like you say part of his A.S. I think people with A.S. the more stress they are under the more the nighmares and hallucinations increase.So I agree with what has been said all ready.You need to somehow find ways of destressing him. <'> <'> <'> <'> For you
  23. Motherinneed Many people with A.S. have a poor short term memory which explains why your A.S. son often cant remember doing things therefore says he hasn't done them. People with A.s. ofen have brilliant long term memories though but it is their short term memory that is affected. I am lucky in that atlthough i have a.s. it appears very mild so I have a really good long term and short term memory.i thought I'd be greedy It said in one of the papers that the fact he had A.S. wasnt used in his defence case but not sure if this is true or not
  24. Thanks.I really felt it was only me that still reacted like this five years later.I was sort of saying to myself what's wrong with you get over it.But then My husband was saying''Look how much better you are how far you've come.But then on days like that you feel like your back to square one. I just feel so guilty for the parent of the child because I do understand what it is like and the last thing they need is that kind of reaction.My husband was saying you think everyone realises your having a panic attack but in all probability because we kind of hurried past hopefullt the parent in question didn't notice. I just hope one day i will be able to deal with it completely and give something back in some way. Thanks all once again
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