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Everything posted by Pippin

  1. Thanks all. I probably will find a treat for him instead, partly cos I'm a wimp when it comes to brazening out other Mums. It's at the local fish and chip restaurant and "apparently" there's not enough room for him. I just want to sweep us all away from all this and find a school and community which values ALL people................yeah! right!
  2. We've come to accept that P will not get invited to many birthday parties. Other parents just dont understand him. His twin sister, however, gets lots of invites. Usually we get over this as it Girly parties she gets invited to and he accepts that boys arent invited. Today, though, she got an invite from a BOY in their class......and P didnt!!!!! (they're both in the same class this year...year 6). She doesnt want to have to miss out just cos I'm mad at the boy in question for his thoughtlessness, but P is heartbroken. We've checked (subtly!!!) and is deliberate and not a mistake. I will also probably have to take P with me to drop her off. Why are people so horrid???
  3. Are you sure the teacher had the right child in mind when talking to you last year. A friend of ours ended up with a report on the wrong child at parents evening. Another always carries a photo when seeing teachers to ensure they're all meaning the same person.
  4. Pippin


    I'm not sure the rabbits will agree with you on that one!!!
  5. I'm another sufferer. I found this recently http://www.relieve-migraine-headache.com/m...-migraines.html and have been giving it a go (as we have tons of the stuff in anyway for P). I certainly think its reduced the frequency a bit for me.
  6. Pippin


    One rabbit now "done"!!! She's feeling a bit sore but eating and drinking well so she'll be back out with the others on Monday.
  7. Pippin


    Well, he's back in with the others now, looking slightly miffed but mostly OK. He's no idea how close he came to being much worse off. At least the vet hadnt wealded her scalpel yet!! He now has a bald ear so I can leave him be when I try again on Thursday!!
  8. Pippin


    A very sensible question!! Any female rabbit which has never had a litter has an 80% chance of getting uterine cancer so its safer to have them "done" even if there is no "available" male. We've not had her mum done cos she (obviously!!) had a litter. Mind you, that was accidental too cos we were assured our original 2 rabbits were both female!! My kids are getting quite a good sex education at present!! (appropriate icon!)
  9. Pippin


    I hope not, cos I did ask!!!
  10. Pippin


    Took the kids rabbit in this morning to have her neutered..............or, rather, took her dad in by mistake!!! Just had the vet on the phone complaining that our "female" rabbit looks like a castrated male!!! Poor little thing has now had a general anaesthetic for nothing. I've rebooked and asked the vet to shave his ear so I can tell him apart from his daughter!!!!! (cos I cant tell them apart) . Explaining this to the kids will be fun!!!!! I did ask them to check when I got there cos I wasnt sure I'd got the right one....and the vet nurse said it was a girl...so it's not all my fault.
  11. As she's left it 2 weeks before contacting the Police I should think they'll be well aware of what she's up to. Especially as she's already tried the SS route. Take some photos of the car and write down everything that was said by the car too. Remember that you have no need to be defensive as it was clearly a childhood accident but do be clear to the police that you are now a victim as she has become violent. Good luck, we'll all keep everything crossed it blows over quickly.
  12. Hi. they look like fun. We have a simpler method of just writing our mobile number on his arm in biro . He knows, if lost, to find a Mum with children and ask her to phone the number on his arm. When he starts refusing to do this then tattoos may be just the thing.
  13. "I'm going to need some support and ideas when he starts looking at real girls the way the looks at chocolate cake though." EEEEKKK!!!!! Hubby hasn't managed that one yet!!!. P had "the talk" at school the other week (along with his twin sister). The conversation in the car afterwards was mind-boggling.
  14. Yep, been there too!!! It really tears you up doesnt it. Dont forget you'll still be up and down with the little one too so emotions are even more raw. My middle one stuck posters all over her bedroom door telling us exactly how bad we were!! I did try to sell the kids on ebay but got no bidders!!!
  15. P was almost nonverbal until he was 4. He spent 3 years in a speech and language unit until he was 7. By that stage he was talking nonstop (only about his favourite subjects, of course!!) and was moved back to mainstream. Dont give up hope.
  16. For a change , this isn't to do with P (ASD) but with my youngest. He's in reception and is (alledgedly ) NT. Another little girl in his class uses a wheelchair and has a full time LSA for purely mobility reasons. Consequently, during lessons, the LSA is twiddling her thumbs a bit. So she's decided to appoint herself classroom monitor on parenting skills!!!!!!! She wont say things to my face but sends my other kids home with messages about my failings!!! Who the hell is she to tell me my son MUST have a snack at break. We deliberately dont give him one because he is refusing to eat proper meals at the moment and we'd like him good and hungry by lunchtime to eat the school meals we've paid for. Then he might also eat his breakfast!!! If other parents wish to send in snacks then they are welcome to do so but it's not compulsory!!! She's one of these women who thinks that having 4 children makes you a slack parent. Obviously her 2 (now grown) perfect little darlings never put a foot wrong. Oh, and her 3rd quite obviously doesnt beat up smaller kids at the comp, despite plenty of evidence to the contrary. I've just had enough of all the picky critisism. It's bad enough with P, though we've had a bit of a break from that this year as he has a really understanding teacher....... Another teacher tore a strip off my daughter in the corridor last week for not having her hair tied up.......correct you may think...except for the following.. 1. they were on their way to swimming and she had all her hair stuff in her bag for afterwards. Teacher was too busy yelling to listen to any explanations though. 2. Nearly all the other girls were just the same....but they didnt get told off. 3. It was only done cos my husband was standing with my daughter....which makes it just an excuse to have a go at him vicariously. 4. She's not even her class teacher. It's all so ###### sneaky, that's what gets to me. They wouldnt dare say it straight to our faces so they go through our kids. There!!! I feel better for that. Please feel free to ignore me!!
  17. Do let them know about how you feel before the appointment. They may be able to give you something to calm you down a bit, and maybe arrange it for a quieter time of the day....(I had mine in a evening and the place was like the marie celeste!!!).
  18. "Forgot to add Pippin, it's a very 'male' troop, physical, active, lots of doing less talking and woffling ( Not that Brownies woffe...)" .....you've not met my Brownies. They could turn woffling into an Olympic sport,!!!! P doesnt mind them being girls....in fact, I'm not sure he's noticed!!!! However our local scouts is VERY macho and I suspect his chances of fitting in are very small. Its not a well disciplined group....more like youth club than traditional scouts. The thing is....you have to give it a go don't you.
  19. We dont have cubs near us yet and P isnt old enough for scouts..........but I do have to take him to Brownies with me some weeks (I'm Brown Owl, for my sins!!!). He used to be a real pain and couldnt fit in, no matter how hard he tried. We finally found a solution where he sits in the book corner (we meet in his school) on his own and looks at books on rockets for an hour. It solves our problem but has taught me he will keep "not fitting in" as he gets older. We'll probably give scouts a try when he's 11 or so.....but I'm not hopeful.
  20. Neither you or this woman are RAF personnel, and neither are the children or their teachers!!!!!!! Dont let "them" frighten you into ignoring this......it's what the armed forces do well!!! (I spent 5 years in the navy!!!). The school are completely out of order.....the "Wife" is completely out of order. ....and you need to make it clear that you know this, and that you know they can't bully you or your family. There is only one group of people worse than forces officers....and that's their spouses!!!
  21. Hi Hedders, does your daughter have any issues with feeling pain?. If she's not hurt when hit she may well not call it bullying....and it must be very odd for another child to keep hitting and only get laughter as a response....maybe that's why she kept doing it, and why your daughter didnt respond as expected. Does that make any sense??
  22. If it were me I'd say "stuff the teacher" and not send him in on Thursday.....what are they going to do about it?? I always used to ignore my Mother too. Owning an Autie has toughened me up over the years!!!! I know what you mean though......."they" find it so difficult to understand why are kids cant just adapt to changes like the others can.
  23. EEEEEKKK!!! Just had a look at the online link. What a load of ***********!!! Looks like the sort of mag that should only be on sale alongside "crystals" on hippy market stalls. (no insult intended to any hippies present!!). I think the NAS should step back pretty smartish.
  24. Hi Tylers Mum. I found chapter 32 of the Ed act online if that's any help...just google it. Which authority are you in for the rest???
  25. P is still pretty small for his age so its not hard to find elasticated school trousers for him. I'm dreading the time when I cant get them in his size any more. Would the school accept jogging bottoms???
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