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Everything posted by hev

  1. hello puffin,yes the doctor at cahms said a lot of people get stressed at docs,hosp etc so there blood pressure does go up,ive stuck to buying fruit all the time and lower fat versions of food he likes,hes doing quite well lately,its a struggle though as he uses food as a comfort
  2. been waiting for taxi since 10 past 8 and ive phoned up taxi office and they say the driver doesnt have his radio on in the car so steves in his uniform,i8 dont drive,you know one of them days where you are counting the minutes till the taxi turns up,im so annoyed i could scream,im going to take deep breaths,either that or a bottle of vodka
  3. it took me years to get in touch with social services,its like you open your heart and nothing gets done,you are telling complete strangers things you dont even tell your family cos you think they are going to help and nothing oh they said to steven your mum loves you very much,patronisibg i found them,i dont want this to put anyone off contacting social services because it might differ from area to area but im very disapointed,oh well onwards and upwards!
  4. i think it went well!!they cant offer me respite in the holidays as hes not profoundly disabled((her words!)i think she meant not severe enough,it all feels severe to me,going to try a befriend scheme where someone comes in and takes him out but they dont think he fits the criteria not very good visit really,nothing sorted
  5. i asked for an assessment from social services and they are coming tomorrow,i just feel so nervous,they are bringing a woman from disabilities,the reason i got in touch with them was cos it was school holidays and me and steve was arguing,he kicked me so i pushed him and i felt i needed some respite as i felt awful for pushing him,im regretting telling them i pushed him now as im thinking will they want to take him off me,i know i worry all the time but i cant help it,i feel like people in authority can override me but my partner is going to be here and he is very good at speaking to people,me i get upset or it comes out aggresive,i do need respite in holidays etc though,do they come for an assessment then write a report to say if we can have respite,or tell me on the day?i know im panicking as im the one who asked for the appointment,any advice please
  6. hello annie,i just saw your post,hope chris is ok,i know it sounds silly but ive never told steven what to do if someone wants his phone,will tell him now to hand it straight over,hope you all ok love hev <'> <'>
  7. he makes more than my toes wiggle!!
  8. steve goes to a school for children with aspergers,as you know hes been suspended,how do your special schools discipline the kids when they are misbehaving?with steve first it was dinner time detention then evening now all day suspension,i was moaning last night about the school suspending him then i thought what else can they do,it just seems to me its a punishment he likes as hes very happy today
  9. im def going to listen to relaxing music on a walkman when steve gets stressed,he gets stressed then i get stressed,its a vicious circle,thanks nellie
  10. hev

    steve suspended

    phone call from school today,steve not to go in tomorrow as he kicked a teacher today,he is over the moon with this punishment so i cant see it really working to be honest,putting him to bed early tonight and he not sleeping at mums friday night now(my punishment i think )feels like the pattern of mainstream all over again,hes in special school for as children,feel like im back to square one,he was off for nearly 2 years while they found him a place,anyway had to have a rant,either that or pick on husband but i thought i would give him a break tonight
  12. hev


  13. hev

    Oh well

    hello clarkie,i hope things are better today and you managed to get some sleep,not a lot of advice really just to say your house sounds like mine(including husbands told you so face!) hang on in there,hopefully today will be better love hev
  14. no i agree with becky,how do you get your own one?im very bored with my love heart,i seldom feel loving to people lately!!
  15. hello lil me,ive dumped all the crisps,biccies etc,i feel more positive now,if the food not in the house he cant eat it
  16. took steve to cahms yesterday,his blood pressure was a bit high and he now weighs 14 stone and is 5ft 6,he is just 12,i know the pressure is due to his weight,im so upset its come to this,he is NEVER ever full up,my mum said to think of it like we have been given a warning,i am never buying a buiscuit or crisps again,if i can get his weight down i think it would help,i havent slept all night
  17. stevens been put on that today 25mcg,she said it would help with his ticks as they are bad lately,said it would take a while to work and if they did it wouldnt be obvious results,any more experiences of this tablet if youve any please
  18. i agree with suze when she says the mum will serve a life sentence without setting a foot in prison,how very sad
  19. hev


    bid i know how you feel,a lot of my family think there is nothing wrong with steven,i say if he had his leg in plaster they wouldnt question he had something wrong with his leg would they and i get the impression they think i am exaggerating about his condition(if only!)but i think if hes so easy to cope with why do they never offer to take him out for me then?they know i dont cope very well,ive decided the people who do not understand steven family or not can stay away from us cos i find life hard enough without the snide comments making me feel worse,ive got my good friends and my mum and dads support also my friends on here
  20. hev

    hes bullying me

    been a lot better since i posted about this,ive started saying no to things i dont want him to have or do but we have also had some nice times,i do think i was in a pattern of constantly moaning at him,we played a game of hide and seek tonight and he loved it,i also liked laughing with him for a change,i am just taking one day at a time now instead of keep constantly worrying which doesnt do my health any good,also when i say he has to go to bed earlier i stick to it now and i find it strange but hes better behaved with me when im firmer,im getting there,i feel positive today!!
  21. hev


    im halfway to being a demi-god!!what is a demi-god anyway,ive never heard of it?
  22. i was very surprised how nicely steven went back to school,he got up without me calling him,got ressed nicely and even gave me a kiss as he got in taxi it never normally happens like this and its made me feel so happy,i hope yours all got off to school okay,
  23. i know exactly what you mean,steve has been diagnosed with asp/adhd but my sister said yesterday hes as good as gold for her and theres nothing wrong with him!!as if i would make it up.she had him for a day,i was so annoyed,so yes i know EXACTLY what you mean!!
  24. i was at shops at 10 today,well i thought it was 10!!was waiting round for an hour,at least with the darker nights i can get away with putting kids to bed earlier,i havent told steve clocks have gone back,they are all at yesterday time still,wonder how long i can get away with that one!!
  25. just saw your post,you are amongst people who understand here,welcome to the forum love hev
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