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Everything posted by westie

  1. Our sons DLA was due for renewal in July, and we got the forms in early Feb to reapply (he is 7). We sent them off at the end of february and have just got a note saying he has been awarded middle rate care and lower rate mobility (he is currently getting middle rate care only) for 3 yrs. Good luck to others who are applying (or reapplying)
  2. westie


    My son is currently getting middle rate care DLA (was awarded for 2yr period). We have recently reapplied for DLA as the 2yrs is up at end of july. Got a letter today which said that from end july he is entitled to Middle rate care AND lower rate mobility - this time for 3 years That is great news (glad the time period has been extended because the form takes so long to complete! ps wanted to add that we sent in a lot of supporting info such as doctors letters and annual review/ assessment forms that were filled in as part of his statement as these clearly stated the problems he has, and it backed up what I had put on the form. Also we asked the school teacher to fill in the page in the form for someone who knows the childs problems. This saved them having to write to the school. I would recommend this to anyone else who is applying, if it reflects what you are writing on your form. They do not always contact the people you want them to but sometimes write to your GP (for example) who may not have even seen your child and have no idea what their day to day problems are!
  3. Congratulations and well done
  4. Yes hope he enjoyed it, and that you all have a good evening
  5. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  6. Well I am not sure what to think really I do think that if guidelines for dealing with the behaviours for PDA are different, and do work better that following guidelines for ASD, then it may be a useful distinction. But equally it feels like you are excluded from a lot of services and from autism support groups (that is my feeling - not that I or my son have ever been banished from any autism support group or forum because of this diagnosis, its more that I feel like I do not 'fit in' ) I wonder if I could ask the NAS if I could attend their earlybird course?
  7. thats great! I loved being pregnant and feeling the baby move, and seeing them on the scan is fantastic isn't it
  8. try the PDA website www.pdacontact.org.uk for more information, and you can also get guidelines for handling and education of PDA children The PDA forum is good too
  9. I do not know where you live, but some people are very skeptical about this diagnsosis. The checklist fits my son 100% so there has to be something in it!
  10. Its fantastic Glad he is so happy and long may it continue! Kids can surprise even the most cynical of us - my son wants to do everything perfect first time, and he went roller skating with me a couple of years ago and I had to pull him off the rink after about 10 mins as he was getting so mad, but in Feb this year, he went ice skating with school and despite the fact he fell down about every 10 seconds at first he did not get mad or upset and just carried on regardles WHAT A STAR And we went again a couple of weeks ago to a party and he was exactly the same but he had got loads more confidence and therefore was making real progress. Its great when things go well for them isn't it??
  11. Pathological demand avoidance syndrome, does anyone know what it is? It is a pervasive disorder related to, but significantly different from Autism and Aspergers Syndrome according to Elizabeth Newson (the person who first noted that a group of children who had been diagnosed with ASD - non typical or with PDD NOS had a number of common behaviours/ traits and who discovered (some 20 years ago )PDA http://adc.bmjjournals.com/cgi/content/full/88/7/595 the national autistic society have a slightly different opinion:- http://www.nas.org.uk/nas/jsp/polopoly.jsp?d=306&a=3352 I am interested to hear others opinions on PDA Regards :bat: (these are from J, my son - he really likes choosing smilies!)
  12. levi's (can I put that or is it advertising? - use wizened if I cannot)
  14. Best wishes <'> Are you actually going to speak to the appeal panel? Hope you get the decision you have been fighting for, and please let us know how it went.
  15. My son is 7 and has diagnosis of PDA, he is statemented but the LEA work on a banding system which equates to a certain amount of funding to the school and anything above that the school has to provide from the funds the LEA supplies to school to support special needs. I am not expert so may be wrong but this is my understanding. The bandings are different for different needs (B for behaviour, A for autistic spectrum disorder for example, and there are different levels with 1 being the highest and 5 the lowest level of support (funding). If a child fits more than one band ie has ASD but has behaviour issues or learning disability issues then the 'band' they fit into will be the one which is causing them the most issues: if the child has ASD but who also has severe behaviour problems they would be banded on the 'B scale'. My son is on level B4 his statement has just been amended and school asked for B3 but they maintained his current level. The school have to find the funds for extra support if needed, i think that at the minute they are trying to set something up for after the easter hols.
  16. westie

    happy mothers day

    Well this post is a bit late, but better late than never! I got two handmade cards from James and he had cut shapes (hearts and flowers) by himself, and he wrote some lovely things round the edges of the heart shaped card he made for me, about me being his best friend and how much he loved me. I was very impressed as he struggles with writing and cutting etc.... His dad told me he fetched them home friday and hid them under the bed.!!He slept at his nannans on saturday night and when we dropped him off he told his dad to get me the cards, and then pinched his dads money to buy me some flowers And he bought 2 bunches as one was to me from his baby brother!!! He is always full of surprises!
  17. black (mmmmmm chocolate )
  18. Paula, Glad that things have calmed down a little bit now, and hope it stays that way I am sure we all feel like this sometimes, I cannot imagine what it is like to have teenagers in the house (a few more years and I will be experiencing this for myself!) I think you have chosen well to see your doctor, they are there to help and if you have a nice GP thats even better. Take care <'> Debbie
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