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Everything posted by jomarie

  1. thanks all, I hope I'll get some rest but I'm not getting my hopes up just yet, we've had two meltdowns this week already, after the one yesterday I got a letter from him stating how much he hates me & how hes going to find an orphanage to live in til i can be a better mam Its lucky I don't take these things personally.. he was full of apologies 30 minutes later. Then another one this morning when trying to get him ready so we can go to the shops, 20 minutes of yelling & screaming, moaned all the way to the shops then proceeded to be the most helpful child ever for the rest of the trip... sigh..... never a dull moment..
  2. I'm really pleased to say I'm pregnant again!! & luckily M is thrilled, he came with us for the first scan yesterday & was delighted to see his new brother or sister on the screen. He keeps hugging me & kissing my belly He's also been chatting to his lil sister, getting her all excited too!!
  3. I wanted to take M to see the new film but he has point blank refused because he loves the Gene Wilder version so much!! So unfortunately me & my mam are going to have to go and see it without the kids...
  4. At the moment I feel very let down by Ed Psych, we've had our initial appt with the paed, had an appt with SALT (who've also been into school to assess him in his school enviroment) but still haven't heard a single thing from Ed Psych, I feel like myself, ds & the school have been left in limbo waiting to hear from them. Also feel really let down by my sons senco, when he was in year 2 (last year) his class teacher first brought up her thoughts that ds had as, when we had a meeting with the senco she thought he probably was as but that he didn't need to be assessed/diagnosed as 'he wasn't as bad as others'. After feeling traumatised for sometime & breaking down to my gp & hv they arranged for ds to be assessed (after the gp getting furious that a senco would stick a label on a child without an official diagnosis).
  5. jomarie


    Thats fabulous!! I so love hearing good news!! Well done Auriel
  6. well yesterday was such a bad day, I'm still feeling dazed & shell shocked today. M has been rundown & poorly for sometime now, he's always had a tendency to develop a high temperature for no apparent reason, but this year he's seemed really quite unwell. He had a perforated ear drum in February, (which after talking to others who've suffered this, made me realise just how high his pain threshold is) & since then he's been on antibiotics several times, for the infection flaring up again, then recently he's been suffering from persistant mouth ulcers & bad stomach aches. We saw the gp a few weeks ago & he said they needed a blood test to see whats going on, the first attempt at the gps treatment room the nurse didn't even speak to him, he just dug his heels in that he wasn't going to have it done. My mums a nurse & shes tried a few times to no avail. Yesterday morning my mum took him to work with her to try again, but yet again nothing, though this time they did manage to get the numbing cream on him. I rang the doctors & asked if I could bring him down & get the gp to see him & to try & they said yes. It took me 25 minutes to physically carry a fighting M into the car & then carry him into the health centre & up in the lift. It was horrible with him yelling at me, & other people just staring & giving me filthy looks. When I got to the treatment room the nurse just said that they were closed now, & when I asked her to get the gp she refused, (even though he'd walked past me in the corridor & said NOTHING while I was struggling with M). While trying to sort it all out, M made a bid for freedom & I had to chase after him, up a stairwell right to the top of the building, with everyone just watching & no-one even attempting to help me, nearing the top & after shouting for him to stop (my voice breaking the whole time) I lost it completely, & just sat on a step crying hysterically, only then did M realise I was upset. When we got downstairs again, my mum had arrived with the lil un & we went to the reception where they just said that the doc had decided not to bother getting a blood sample after all!!!!! After all that!!!!! We arranged an appointment to see the gp that evening, & as sson as he'd examined M he just said that he was referring him to the paeds team instead!!! AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHH needless to say I've been in a terrible state ever since, I spoke to my hv straight after it all happened & on the bright side he's going to get on to the ed psychs & let them know that M's behaviour is escalating & he needs to be seen asap. But now I've got it into my head that maybe M isn't as, maybe I'm just a useless mum so frustrated
  7. while shopping for some new clothes at one of those out of town outlet places, M came into the changing room while I was trying something on (& struggling due to gaining weight) for him to declare, "don't worry mam, just go on a diet" very loud so that the entire shop could hear!! than when i met my mum outside & told her what he said, all I heard was a voice next to me say, "diet schmiet mam" And waiting in the queue at Subway last week, the person in front of us was buying a foot long sandwich, & there was the loud voice again, "Mam, thats incredibly greedy you know!"
  8. When I had a meeting with the deputy head of M's school, she said that they were setting up a gifted & talented programme in the school from this coming September & she said that M definitely would be one of the children who would be included in it.
  9. jomarie


    I've always had problems with M regarding homework, his self esteem is so low that he thinks he can't do anything properly & the perfectionist in him turns the whole affair into such an ordeal it often ends up with a meltdown. its not helped by the fact that the teachers tend to act like its MY fault the homework isn't done. I've tried explaining that entire evenings have been ruined because of all the fuss!! If I try to take away his computer privildges (sp) then that just makes it worse.
  10. Hiya, I'm another of the tyne & wear mums, I'm in Washington. The school ds is at seems pretty helpful, though time will tell how good they'll be when we have a final dx! Jo
  11. jomarie


    hi all, I'm Jo, I live with my partner & my two kids in washington, tyne & wear. My son Morgan is 8 & my daughter Alice is 19 months. We had an initial diagnosis with a paediatrician last week who thinks that Morgan has mild aspergers. This is a shock & a relief all at the same time, Morgan was described as naughty at his old school, it was only last april when we moved & he changed school that we made a breakthrough. The school he's attending now is an inclusive school & the teachers there noticed his symptoms within 4 weeks of him starting. We are now on that long road of getting a final diagnosis & working with school to get what is best for him, I'm feeling pretty lost, none of my friends have children, let alone children who are special so I don't really have anyone to talk to, I'm hoping to get some support from here Jo
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