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Everything posted by ScienceGeek

  1. Unfortunately I don't have any advice, I do pretty much the same and have gained about 6 stone since leaving school
  2. Well when they diagnose IBS they are supposed to rule out other conditions such as coeliac or lactose intolerance. When I was diagnosed with IBS they didn't bother doing that, and IBS medication hasn't really done much for me. The IBS diagnosis was about 5 years ago, and GP thinks that other things should be ruled out first. I would get it checked out purple as if it is coeliac then it can have long term consequences, plus you would know what to do if that were the case.
  3. Well latest news is that she is coming around today and we have to fill in some forms, no idea what the forms are though as she didn't say.
  4. I found out today that I don't have to resit the other chemistry exam so am now free until September
  5. That's not too bad if you did well We have exams in Jan and May/June, so have to spend the hols revising
  6. Count me out, too poor to get to London
  7. Well we talked on the phone and have patched things up for now. I'm going to visit them soon probably in August, and we now have Tuesday evening as our phone call time
  8. Good idea Bid, then it would become part of my routine
  9. I know I could try harder with the phone calls, but as for visiting it takes a lot of arranging because he lives in Canterbury and I live in Bristol. I don't have very much money and public transport is really expensive. I will try to phone more often, and am trying to arrange to go visit sometime over the summer
  10. Every few months I phone them, they live on the other side of the country. He sees family as people who are in contact with each other all the time, I never know what to say on the phone if I do it any more often than that. It's all well and easy when you live close to each other. I live such an isolated life most of the time that I forget other people exist He is very extroverted and very very NT.
  11. I've had a lot of problems lately with several people sending me messages saying that I don't make enough effort keeping in contact with people (my dad, friends, family etc). I'm quite happy with very little attention, and find people who need constant attention quite hard work. It has been quite upsetting because they presume that I don't care, but I do. I never know how much contact is too much or too little. I just don't understand it It has been a complaint that people have made about me over the years and I still can't get the hang of it. I never knew people saw me as distant, aloof and cold The thing that concerns me the most is my dad seeing me that way and he takes everything to heart. Is there anything that I could send him about AS? Any recommendations?
  12. Whoot! Finally posted the damn thing today
  13. ScienceGeek

    Harry Potter!

    We went to see it this evening. I rather enjoyed it, but now I really really want to see the next one now! It will be interesting to see what they do with the funeral in the next film, seeing as it was such a big deal in the book I imagine it will be in the film. I can understand why they are doing 2 films from the last book as there was so much in it and they couldn't possibly cut all that much out without ruining the storyline really. I need to read the last book again now I think.
  14. After going to my GP about numerous complaints he said he is suspecting coeliac disease. I have excessive tiredness, long term bowl problems, anaemic, eczema and a whole bunch of other symptoms. I'm not looking forward to having to start eating gluten again on a regular basis as I get quite ill when I do Anyone been through the testing for coeliac?
  15. ScienceGeek

    Harry Potter!

    Am going to see it with Mum and Em tomorrow evening I can't wait! Re-read the book and watched all the other films again this week so am ready to go see it now.
  16. ScienceGeek


    I think the day of the week socks mistake is made by quite a few parents. I had some when I was younger Tuesday kept going missing.
  17. Anyone know what a carers assessment involves? The OT/Social worker I have said that we have to have one. I'm a little worried about it
  18. Still not finished it They put my renewal at 1 year because I was still awaiting dx appointments when I applied the first time.
  19. Well done Chris, that is great news
  20. The bbc link doesn't work and I can't do the remove me thing as it says service suspended.
  21. My uncle has never truly been independent as such, he still lives in the home that he grew up in. My aunt P does everything for him, she lives next door. Aunt S is a bully and is using the house as a hotel, it's her son who stole all the money etc. This isn't the first time that other family members have taken advantage of him, and it's really sad to see. He let them stay because they had nowhere else to go. For them to turn around and do this to him is cruel. I think my aunt P needs to intervene because he doesn't have it in him, either that or my mum.
  22. Welcome to the forum
  23. I wrote about my uncle several months ago, suspected ASD/illiterate and very vulnerable. He currently has my aunt and cousin staying in the house and it is even worse than my other cousins staying there! My cousin stole all his money, and has been taking out agreements in his name (broadband, digital and allsorts) and my uncle went to the police and is taking him to court for fraud and when the police phoned to confirm that he wanted to go ahead my cousin answered the phone and pretended to be my uncle to get the case thrown out!! My aunt P does everything for him, so if anything were to happen to her I don't know how he would cope. I know the thing that he should do is kick him out, but I know he wouldn't do it, he doesn't have it in him to turn away a family member "in need".
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