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Learner drivers and AS.

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Are anyone learning to drive, wonder how you got on with your lessons, and what did you struggle with, Im dyslexic and Im struggling with quite a few things like left/right, processing the information that at times no matter how much I filter it in, I dont still understand it, I can drive, and I am confident and I do enjoy my lessons but the theory is a nightmare, its soo boring and I just cant grasp it, ive failed two theory tests and Ive got every tool going to help me learn or get my brain to absorb the information, Im good at hazard perception always pass that, Im a keen cyclist so I have good know what that cars going to do radar...but still I cant pass, Im also a bit scared to actually pass my test as I understand there is a lot of mad people who take drugs and alcohol and drive, Im only really worried about what others do, have you seen the way some people exit roundabouts??/? I just dont get it.


is anyone finding it hard to learn the theory side, and if youve failed the test how many?


I dont understand it, family members older children have passed both their theory and practical and they breeze throw it.


should I just give up, I dont know if I could ever afford a car anyway, especially as the petrol is so expensive,



Edited by JsMum

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Hi JM :)


I was 31 and 7 months pregnant when I passed my driving test :o:o


I think I'm a pretty good driver as far as traffic sense, etc, is concerned...but I simply couldn't cope with a manual car, so I passed my test on an automatic.


For me, I found driving a manual so agitating that I couldn't concentrate on the traffic. I decided that what mattered was being mobile and independent, so I thought s*d it! and changed to an automatic and passed on my second attempt :thumbs:


Good luck!


Bid :)

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Hi J's mum,


It's well worth persevering with the theory test, lots and lots of practise;


there's a dvd which really helped me understand the hazard perception, and here's a link to the theory tests to practise- if you fill in the registration, there's a link to free practise tests...it's about four years ago since I took mine, so I can't remember where I got the dvd from, it might be the driving standards agency...





Edited by Sallya

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Hi, I only past my test last year and also found the theory really boring (but past first time) so I just kept practicing the tests online or on a disk I had and it helped to get the relevant info in my head. I use to struggle to remember which way the instructor said to go and go the other way but have the indicator flashing the way he said but then I learnt to just refresh my mind by looking at the flashing light :) (easy enough). I also really worried and still do about other drivers and roundabouts really use to (and still do sometimes) make me nervous. The best thing to remember is to stay calm and I think because we are aware of these drivers we make good drivers. Young drivers seem to past easier because they are less worried and have younger minds :) can you wear a ring or watch on one hand to remind you which hand it is?


Don't give up when I started my lessons I didn't feel like it was really for me but kept going and past and now I wouldn't be with out my car, but I still haven't been very far yet but have booked a holiday and plan to drive there in the summer. Positive thinking and good luck XXX

Edited by purplehaze

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Im dyslexic and Im struggling with quite a few things like left/right, processing the information that at times no matter how much I filter it in, I dont still understand it, I can drive, and I am confident and I do enjoy my lessons but the theory is a nightmare, its soo boring and I just cant grasp it, ive failed two theory tests and Ive got every tool going to help me learn or get my brain to absorb the information, Im good at hazard perception always pass that, Im a keen cyclist so I have good know what that cars going to do radar...but still I cant pass, Im also a bit scared to actually pass my test as I understand there is a lot of mad people who take drugs and alcohol and drive, Im only really worried about what others do, have you seen the way some people exit roundabouts??/? I just dont get it.



OK with left right you need an additional reference. for example the steering wheel is on RIGHT side of car. front passenger always sits on your left.


With the theory maybe try breaking it down into very short sessions say 5-10 mins several times a day. or make it a role play with someone asking you the questions.



Please dont panic about drug and drink drivers. the numbers on the roads mean you will likely never meet one on the roads. You cant control what others do, but you can "drive defensively" as your instructor would say! The problem with other drivers is a significant number either choose to ignore highway code or are ignorant of the highway code. Typical problems is people driving too close, not indicating at roundabouts. Business men in their flash BMW's and mercedes pulling out junctions etc etc etc. Most of them you can plan for by leaving a safe distance infront.


This thread may help you process things in a more mathematical way if you find it easier




With information filtering you need to break things down rather than take everything in at once. Sceintific analysis of how the eye works shows most drivers scan in horizontal lines when looking out the window in long distance, medium distance and short distance.


i break my driving down into routines. each type of driving has a different routine, motorway, town, country lane, race track etc.


Some routines are universal, such as pulling up my routine as i come to a halt is: apply handbrake, gearbox to nuetral, foot off clutch, scan mirrors (left to right), look forward, foot off brake. Ive learnt that routine and stick to it rigidly even to the point when i rolled a car into a ditch a few years ago i still applied the handbrake despite car being upside down :lol:


I also applied handbrake when i drove my automatic car off the end of a service ramp!! :lol: laugh at this to see why the handbrake was useless!!




That was what happened when i forgot my routine of putting car in nuetral :lol:

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Thankyou for your valuable help, I may actually look into automatic though I have got the hang of the machanics of the car its directions and processing information that I cant do, I must admit I havent been doing much studying lately since the move and Js injury, I will start again though.


Warren thankyou for the link I must of missed those posts as I moved at that time, but I will read throw it.


I dont do mathematics either, my worst subject and I soo do not get any working outs in sums, though I can budget very well, Its on my to do list for This years resolutions, to learn some maths.


I did litracey level 1 and 2 and some GNVQ in various subjects but maths I avioded, Surprisingly J excells at maths, when he does his sums he knows the answers before ive even looked at the first line, how can he be soo good, his dad was a bright spark, so gets it from him.


Well I wont be giving up, I might be on one of those tv shows that has the learner drivers on that have failed over 50 times and been learning for years!


Well I will keep reading and the information here has been brilliant thankyou, my little dream is to have a little campervan.



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It depends what you mean by successful. I have a driving license and I drive regularly without crashing. I passed on my second attempt, but many people fail on their first attempt. I did have an accident once, but it was caused by a puncture at high speed, rather than my own incompetence.


I lack confidence though, and am too hesitant when pulling out of turnings and onto roundabouts, etc. A few times I have ended up with a very impatient person hooting at me, which then makes me more nervous, which then makes me more hesitant . . . but I can't be certain whether it was because I was far too hesitant, or the person had a very short fuse. It's not something that happens often, so I try not to worry about upsetting people and just wait until I feel it is safe to go. I think this is something that will improve with practice, only it's looking like I cannot afford to run a car for much longer.


I feel nervous driving at speed, especially in heavy traffic. I occasionally pull in behind a lorry on the motorway if I feel particularly nervous. I find that concentrating on a long motorway drive leaves me very tired, so I always plan my journeys with time to nap at the end. Again this is something that will probably improve with practice, and I do do it when I need to.


I get nervous going to new places and like to prepare directions from a variety of sources before hand. But again, I do manage it.

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You have just described exactly JP's driving style Tally. Must admit I don't feel v relaxed when he's driving. However, most lads his age are boy racers, I know which I prefer.

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I lack confidence though, and am too hesitant when pulling out of turnings and onto roundabouts, etc. A few times I have ended up with a very impatient person hooting at me, which then makes me more nervous, which then makes me more hesitant . . Tally you descibe my driving here and I am NT..It took me 4 attempts to pass when I was 30 (10 years ago :crying: now )that was after I had abandoned driving lessons at 18. its my sons dream to be a taxi driver (ambitions eh) just so he can see his road signs (obsessions) look at maps (obsessions) etc but with his lack of cycling skills and coordination now simply because he gets side tracked and never looks forward. I just would live in fear that as an adult he would tackle roads.I feel so bad thinking so negative but my driving is bad enough for the roads to cope with up..without tempting fate my only accidents have been on my own drive parking a bit near the wall but never on road

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