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Last night I was eating some poppadoms and my cat was pestering me. I decided to let him have a sniff, so he would find that I was not eating meat, and leave me alone. Instead though, he started eating the poppadoms! Does anyone else's cat eat weird things?

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She's not a cat but Mrs Wills (one of my guinea pigs) is very keen on jam and bread :huh:


I discovered this a couple of years ago when she was pestering me assuming that I had food for her (as all food is for GPs) so I figured 'what the hell' and offered it to her. How was I supposed to know that she'd sniff it and then start taking bites? Now I have to tear a bit off just to shut her up :shame:

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We had a rescue cat that had belonged to a couple of very young Americans.

He came to us having lived on pizza, burgers with onions, and chili, which we had to wean him off slowly as his health was dire. he like jalopeno peppers too.

We accidently found out that he liked coca cola, which was also a no no!

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i had two cats rufus my ginger loved cheese and onion crisp and olga loved prawn crackers :clap:


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The only thing my dog wont eat is celery.......... :rolleyes:. She is a doggy-bin. Quicker than the hoover.. :)

good dog i hate celery as well the texture yukkkkkkkkk :P


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Have a pome!

Greedy Dog

This dog will eat anything
Apple cores and bacon fat,
Milk you poured out for the cat.
He likes the string that ties the roast,
And relishes hot buttered toast.
Hide your chocolates! He's a thief,
He'll even eat your handkerchief.
And if you don't like sudden shocks,
Carefully conceal your socks.
Leave some soup without the lid,
And you'll wish you never did.
When you think he must be full,
You find him gobbling bits of wool,
Orange peel or paper bags,
Dusters and old cleaning rags.
This dog will eat anything.
Except for mushrooms and cucumber.
Now what are wrong with those I wonder?

James Hurley

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Hi Tally

Your cat isn't the only one who likes popadoms! Our cat (who is the grand age of 15) LOVES popadoms. She also likes Doritos and any other corn or tortillas. Her fav "treat" is sponge cake - she goes mental for a bit, especially if it's home-made. Last week she even ate some carrot cake.

My parent's late cat loved curry and pepperamis so another one with odd tastes there!

Ohh and when I was little we had some sheep and one of them liked toffees - she was one of the oldest and didn't have all her teeth so how she ate them I don't know!

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She gummed 'em to death!!

Our dog loves carrot tops-not the carrot itself, just the bit you cut off.


And compost. :huh:

I found him, snout shoved deep into our bag o' compost, snaffling it as quick as he could.....he leapt back in guilt when I called him (rather crossly, I will admit....I had visions of composty dog barf!!) and he had great snarls of it caught in his 'tache.....it was rather funny, atch! Only now, he's taken to unearthing pots when he can...not so amusing when we're at the OH's rather-keen-gardeners-Folks........ :wub:


Esther x

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Our cat used to like crisps - especially salt and vinegar. I expect it was the salt she was after, really.


I used to have a dog who would finish off my boiled eggs (I didn't like the white). He had strong jaws, but he would delicately hold the shell and scoop out the egg white completely without breaking it. I never figured out how he did it!


K x

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Our little rescue cat laikes: strong mature cheddar, dry roasted peanuts, marmite, salt and vinegar crisps.


I think it's the really strong taste she laikes, 'cos she won't touch mild cheddar or plain crisps!


So far the new kitten has eaten (with great relish): sock fluff, the dusty fluff from under the welsh dresser in the kitchen, paper, the edges of the bin liner, a spider, the other cat's sick!! :sick:


Boho :dance:

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