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stressed out

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I feel so stressed out at the moment and i dont know how to get myself out of it. I have know for over a year that my son most probably had ASD and i had loads of patience with him and coped really well ( i am generally a happy person anyway not a lot gets me down), in November we got the diagnosis that he had ASD and other than the normal reaction of feeling like i had been hit over the head with a sledgehammer i had been ok :hypno: , But for the last month or so i am snappy, impatient, stressed out, and feel really down, my son and husband and daughter are all getting the brunt of it and i dont know how to stop feeling so miserable. Our son at the moment has gone really fearful of being left in any room on his own for even 5 secs and he screams and the top of his voice if he cant see any of us and with husband working late at mo and daughter studying for exams the main time he spends is with me and i am struggling to get anything done as he needs me with him all the time. I work all week so housework and washing tend to be done on weekends and he is hanging of my top all the time that i am doing this and he weights a ton as he is nearly 6 year old, so it could be this that has got me down but i have never felt like this before and i have definitely had worse months then this, just wondering if anyone else felt like this. :tearful:

Jayne x

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oH HUN I have felt the overwhelming cloud of been having to be there all the time, but you really do sound like you maybe need some support and are you recieving any from outside agencies, it is very hard work working all the time with children with special requirements and attention, but it is also essential to get some time for yourself, so I am wondering if you get any respite or support.






Kids club

School Drop in


Are all the services I use and I wouldnt be able to cope alone, J is similair and is a little shadow but J is a very anxious child and is like my little shadow.


J feels frettened when he cant see me, he knows he will struggle to let me know his needs so we have slowly worked on those and gradually worked out how we can get him to cope when he isnt in the same room, first all the lights have to be on, all sounds be familiar and he needs a clear instruction to what is happening, and that you are getting a drink of water or putting on the washer mashine....


Nas have courses for parents who have had their children diagnosed with ASD could you see if that would be any benifit if you could access one for yourself, also a support group for parents.


I know that there is many services that maybe able to offer your son some activities and give you a bit of a breather.


J attends a kids club and this has been very benificial.


I hope that things get sorted and that the services might come support for you too, I think you are doing a marvoulas job and you are doing your best, the stress and emotional bearing is starting to show so I really erge you to get some support.



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Hi Jayne


Yeh, can totally relate to you. Life is like a roller coaster - ups and downs. I fequently shout at my kids just out of tiredness and anxiety...............


Always remember you are doing a good job.


Sending you lots of hugs >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'> >:D<<'>




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Hi jayjay


Yes can completely sympathise, with what you have explained (emotions) is exactely how i feel at the moment. The thing i find is helping is having a bit of 'you' time to yourself everyday, even if it's for 1/2 hr. I tend to have mine when my fiance arrives home from work. He sorts the kids out for bed while i potter about clearing up the dishes ect. Albeit it's only washing up, but it's my own company knowing the kids don't have to have any attention from me.


Sending a big >:D<<'> . hope things pick up soon.


Love tmf

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Hi Jayne, >:D<<'>


I can relate to this too, last week was a very draining week and I was under a very dark cloud, I was

soooo tired and felt like I was just existing, my ASD son was displaying worrying behaviours.

Last few days though we seem to be clawing our way back, I feel so much better today.


I think the times we are feeling rundown ourselves, are the times when we are less able to cope, and in

the end the slightest little thing sets us off, when we have the days that we feel more able to cope, then

the previous things that would upset us have little affect. This also has a knock on affect with our kids,

as somedays when I'm feeling on top, the screaming doesn't get to me, but the days when I'm

feeling drained then the screaming does me in, but my son wouldn't know how I'm feeling on any given

day, so he is getting very mixed responses that doesn't help him. (have I made sense. :unsure: )

I suppose what I mean is, if I'm feeling on top then the screaming etc... washes over me, if I'm a bit

down then I become snappy, so in the end he doesn't know where he stands. :huh:


My son also wont stay in a room on his own, but he normally coaxes his little brother to stay in the room

with him.


I hope you start to feel better soon, I'm sure you will. >:D<<'> >:D<<'>


Take it easy. >:D<<'>



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