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Aplication for statutory assessment

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I rang the LEA today to check that they had received all the new info we have had since they turned down our aplication for a statutory assessment and they've decided to send our case back to panel on Thursday this week! I hope it's not a delaying tactic but as they didn't request any information back in February maybe now they've got something from 'professionals' they might see sense.

Edited by av16

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Good luck. I got SA started when I presented information to prove that the school were not meeting his needs, however, when it came to Tribunal, the school were wonderful :crying:


Keeping all my little stubby ones crossed for you. >:D<<'>



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Good luck, when we requested statutory assessment the LEA did not bother asking for advice from any experts (aprt from their own EP as they have to) they reused to assess,

we went to tribunal and won so we are about to start the assessment process now :huh:

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I not sure if it is to late to reply - this is my first time online.


We had a phone call from the inclusion and access team recently telling me that although they have declined our application for assessment, after looking at all the evidence and a further meeting with the school and myself they have changed their mind and will not challenge our appeal at tribunal. I have asked my local support group if this is a normal time stalling technique and they are looking into it.


I am completly puzzled how they can decline and then with no further evidence change their mind!!


I am hoping for a call tomorrow to tell me exactly what to expect so I will let you know.

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Hello Two Naughty Children, and welcome :) .


It appears that LEA's often play this kind of game with the statementing process. I'm glad you got good news about your assessment, let us know what happens.



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Meant to answer this yesterday, but one thing and another never got here.


Spoke to the SEN Tribunal chap yesterday, he went nuts about how the Inclusion and access team have messed us about.


The I&A person told me I had to withdraw my appeal before they could take the assessment any further, I fortunately told him no way not till I had everything in writing. When i told the SENt man he phone us I&A and told them not only were they giving out false information but they were past the dead line which was 3rd April and he would be taking the matter further if they didn't get it sorted by the end of the week.


The SENt man said they probably new all along that they would assess my daughter and he felt the whole process had been stalling tactics, in the hope that I would give up. No chance!!

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One of our parents applied a year ago for Statutory assessment. The LEA contacted her and said that they would come into school and give them clear guidance and orders on how to deal with her son. Mum said the meeting was fantastic. LEA asked her to withdraw her appeal to SENDIST and also to give it a year to see if there were any improvements.


We are now a year on and the school and the LEA didn't stick to their end of the bargain. LEA should have gone in in February to monitor. They are not going in till end of April. By the time mum appeals (if she does) it will be a Tribunal hearing in Sept-Oct. if it goes mum's way, she may be lucky and get a statement in a year from now!


Two years without appropriate support for this little lad and mum conned into accepting substandard provision.


Appeals to Tribunal can be withdrawn right up to the day before the hearing. Don't be tempted to withdraw any appeals.



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Just found out that they have changed their mind and are going for assessment! I'm really pleased. Thanks for everyone's advice about not giving up. Now I'm worried about the outcome. It seems there's always something more to worry about.

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When we applied for statutory assessment for our son it was turned down and that was with all the information we could get hold of at the time. As soon as we applied for tribunal and had made a couple of very concerned phone calls to the LEA we received an email the same day as we received a letter regarding the tribunal saying that we wasn't to worry and my son was after all to be assessed. I do strongly think that they are testing you at every turn, you just have to be prepared to put up a fight. OH, AND BE LUCKY ASWELL.


Hope it goes ok for you but if not, get straight back onto them again, I've got a brilliant, strong letter we sent to the tribunal and LEA. My sister helped me write it of course but I really do think it did the trick.





Edited by bugbug

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Just found out that they have changed their mind and are going for assessment! I'm really pleased. Thanks for everyone's advice about not giving up. Now I'm worried about the outcome. It seems there's always something more to worry about.


Fantastic news!! :thumbs:


You've got this far, try to relax and enjoy the Easter holidays with this mini battle over. You're right there's always something else up ahead to worry about, but time enough for that - save your energy for the moment.


K x

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So pleased for you.We had to threaten tribunal,too but they left him at the special school he was attending (for assessment)and looked again after 6 months.That suited us because he got to stay at the special school where he is still a pupil.xx

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