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About bugbug

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    Scafell Pike
  • Birthday 01/21/1973

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  1. bugbug


    My experience when my daughter was born, son two ASD was he just kept his distance from her to be honest. He would create more when she cryed but nothing I hadn't handled before. Now I have found my son only started talking when my daughter did and they are on a good level with each other. I think it was the best thing ever having the pair of them as the just complement each other so well. I may have had a very withdrawn, slighty verbal boy if she hadn't come along but now I have a wonderfully happy, talkative lad who enjoys her company allot.
  2. Hiya My son does innapropriate touching constantly and the school and I seem to have made this number 1 issue at present to tackle. They are being very helpful although the other children don't help in the class as they sort of giggle etc when he does these things which is giving him a positive reaction. A no touch rule is the best way I think across the board for this type of touching. It's kissing also and stroking and he doesn't understand at all why he shouldn't do these things even when the person he is doing it to is telling him she doesn't like it. We shall have to wait and see if it works. The school have made a body board of a little girl with red areas representing where is naughty to touch. Don't know how well this will work but its just something else we will try. Just keep trying and good luck.
  3. It could be learnt behaviour. I had the same problems when my daughter was younger and you are overly aware of what your other children are doing when one is diagnosed but she's fine. She still hits herself in the face (not hard) though and giggles and lines up toys etc. Absolutely learnt behaviour with her though.
  4. my son talks to objects when alone but if he makes eye contact he completely stops the talking. I think its brilliant! Any talking he does without it being a response is progress.
  5. bugbug


    It takes time even if your expecting it. BIG HUGS to you all.
  6. my son is the same and always takes the same lunch to school every day he will not eat anything with bits in so its cream cheese sandwiches only. I have however managed to get him to eat the little pancakes you can buy as they are bitless. They are very filling but more a desert really but as long as he's getting some food.
  7. I'm now wondering how I'm going to sleep easy tonight
  8. according to google aswell its checker board not chess board
  9. this one was tough so I used google 7 sides to a fifty pence piece
  10. 6 wives of henry the eigth
  11. I would never stop my son flapping its a part of who he is and its harmless. He's usually somewhere else in his head when he does it in any case so if people were to look at him strangely he wouldn't associate it with flapping or even care. I must admit I hate the word stimming it sounds to me like something more serious than it actually is.
  12. Just a thought aswell. If you do claim carers allowance I received a form regarding pension contributions being greater or more beneficial to myself. Not sure of the details but it was beneficial to me in any case as I am not working other than careing for my son & daughter. Sorry can't elaborate on this. Will try to check up on the details.
  13. Hi My son has been to the GP regarding the same problems and I found the GP very dismissive the result being from him that his problem was emotional which is I suppose was right but I spoke to the Pead about the problems at our last visit and its got a name and happens during moments of great anxiety. My son is 5 now and its still on going. Personally I don't BOTHER the doctor now with any problems regarding my son I just ask the Pead as she actually listens and relates far better and I don't get the impression I'm wasting her time.
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