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Everything posted by Enid

  1. Enid

    Aaarrgghh cat wee!!

    Think I have done it, were away for a few days and before I went I scrubbed it again with white wine vinegar and then tipped a whole pot of bicarb on and rubbed it in! on return I could hardly smell it, and then I hoovered it up and then washed area again, cant smell a thing now, just as well as have another house viewing in the morning, think the smell put last lot off! Enid
  2. Tell them he is your son and you know best!! What he does out of school is up to you!!! <'> Enid
  3. Dont know why schools do this Donna, but what you have to do is get a firm diagnosis, that`ll shut em up! welcome to the forum, its kept me sane many a night. Enid
  4. Enid

    Simple Pleasures

    The feeling, like now, when they are all asleep and its me time, and am half way down first glass of red, watching junk on tv and catching up on the forum. Its the little things in life that make you happy! Enid
  5. Enid

    Simple Pleasures

    Oooh yes, with a nice biscuit to dip in. bliss
  6. And ME!!! Last year my son was endlessly ringing them!! he was 12, You cant lock the phone against emergency calls, even when I hid them, he used to run out and do it from a call box, hopefully it will be just a phase, mine lasted a few months though! sorry. Enid
  7. Perhaps she is, my DS`s worst time used to be about 6pm, someone suggested giving him a drink and a banana at 5.30, it seemed to work really well, but like anything not for long! perhaps I should have given him a spud instead! worth a try though. <'> Enid
  8. Its not easy is it?, sometimes when we are in the middle of it it seems like it will go on for ever, the only advice I have is day at a time, sometimes hour or minute at a time!!! dont think too far ahead, its too scary! and this forum, use it to off load and moan, even if we have no answers, at least we all understand, it kept me sane last year when I went through a terrible time with my lad, this time last year I was in despair, a year later we have just been on a holiday to a well know campsite, really busy, he was wonderful, but what kept me sane through the worst of it was others on this site, especially those who had boys of a similar age, and hearing that they had been through it and survived really helped, as I say, no answers just sympathy and support, keep strong, day at a time. Enid
  9. robbie (rotten in Lazy town)
  10. Enid

    Aaarrgghh cat wee!!

    where do you get it though Tally? Off to buy that carpet foam to mask smell for house viewing! Enid
  11. Enid

    Bad News

    Glad to hear she is home, makes you think about the speep limit dosnt it? My older son has used one of the plaster covers, they are brill.
  12. Enid


    wow. look forward to that, <'> Enid
  13. Enid

    Aaarrgghh cat wee!!

    2 nights ago my elderly cat weed on the bedroom carpet, she has never done this before, I have tried, bicarb, vinegar, loads of warm water and washing up liquid etc, etc etc. it is truly awful, I couldnt even sleep in there last night! the smell in the house is overpowering, and its on the market and we have a viewing at the weekend. HELP PLEASE. Enid
  14. freddy, I so feel for you, your pain is obvious, you are letting her know you are there for her, thats all you can do for now, like all teenagers she is selfish and can only see things from her point of view, things will change, day at a time, keep being there for her, she will remember it one day. thinking of you, keep strong. <'> Enid
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